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Sep 2012 · 1.3k
PK Wakefield Sep 2012
walking briskly
clutched purse
brown slick
leather gold
dangles chain
boot to hip
(*** in jeans)
tighter pliantly
addresses earth
beautifully crushed
rouge brunette
hair lips
ivory between
flashes parting
eden A
serpent and,
"excuse me"
Sep 2012 · 320
PK Wakefield Sep 2012
i've some blade in me lightly
awe full it




a hot star drips from

and out my fingers

Aug 2012 · 491
city, i have not
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
city, i have not
for summer been in you,
as snared by
sleeping careful ivy

the surge
and hush of pairing
day emitted

a long opaque
thats cough is a
dark blossom
holding dim
studs of barest neon

something more than infinitely lovelier

for though summer
i have not been in you


as snared by ivy
sleeping carefully
Aug 2012 · 646
for though burning
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
for though burning

turn face

wide open












                  lids half

             mouth full




              clear sticky

                  more sweeter


Aug 2012 · 637
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
i have been most alive
when my hands extend
beyond extension, crawl
leaping the air to clutch
in them the moon fairies,
dust magic,

                           and music

o music usually that eats
its no thing and has breath
like a nubile thigh: young
hard hot breath that creeps

o music sometimes the or
loud curving rush of your
mystery it curls in my ears
it sounds like girls laughing

it has legs weak that tremble
for between them digging
fingers, a sound like piercing
emits                                   it

is softer

beyond softer it clings in
fairy moons, magic dust
and a whole muss of
shuddering envelopes its

rushing curve

and hands leaping


beyond extension
Aug 2012 · 368
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
oh don't dream

lift my mouth to kiss
every various coiled fantasy
in you sleeping

i have or will you

whisper a single immortal thought of nothing

fair skinned with a slight corona to each iris

drooping clothed in slumber

and i will( if you should let me)bring
more nice than dreams
into your head
each night, but oh don't dream
Aug 2012 · 779
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
there is i have said pouring full of mountains


full and mountains

in the east of my heart they are

in the west of my heart you are

and between them soares nothing is
flat  for though rain

which falls and nurses barren dirt
a seed each drop
flutters into bloom
and love between
pouring mountains rains

Aug 2012 · 362
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
come into my hands
they are for you

more unclosed

petals bulbs fingers palms

they are for laughing

the scent of the ocean

the feel of your shoulders

the quiet of midnight

sleep in them your fine
ribs, the night was magic

and you said, "I felt safe in your arms. Thanks for that."
Aug 2012 · 544
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
something girl though fragile likes

     (like i like to)

PK Wakefield Aug 2012
baby, someday you will be dead
you'll needlessly of nothing lustful

              bodyheart or

******* hardly be (notbe, infact)
the loving stupor of thy fragrant zone
or the unchaste familiar kissing *******
not sore, not felt (save for rushing of
wormsdirtroots) not beguilers, food
instead be you'll, baby: crush of soil
or finely whitish powder scattered to
mingle in puckish breezes sweeping
the grass in your onceexquisite piercing
waist(so notdead, baby, i wonder if your
green stem supple might slightly acute
chafed of thorn, baby might like my
hands rushing


unfleece you, and in your livid youthful
hipsspilll them full of
Aug 2012 · 612
earth come: please ugly
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
earth come: please ugly

dirt             please

earth, mud




dark rich smelling

of wetDryingAsphalt fragrant

threaded moments


your sighs

is ****** a FLOWER
whose pollen
is sticky
has gotten thickly
coated my tongue
and the only cleaning
is to


Aug 2012 · 2.4k
platinum your blonde is hair
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
platinum your blonde is hair bristling 'neath
fingers you're perched
bob is

              head, baby

your mouth full is and throat

                 climbs into


Aug 2012 · 630
you remind me fingers deep
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
you remind me fingers deep(wetly plunging
kindler sparks







softly meets, firmly, parting



in briefly blushing. cheeks perhaps thighs, or)
fingers: your reminder
sets pale tinder
electric tender
Aug 2012 · 369
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
say not rightly(withme)the name of everything
i won't say it not the way said it to say by everyone
nor will i

                   nor will i

                                        nor will i, so
                                        say it not right
                                        with me
                                        the name of everything
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
i think to starlight i am not strange
(but to men, maybe

the day's wife, night, is richly
a girl who wears a colour that
is not a colour but is better
because it has fast hair that
is so with sheen and it is
pearlescent its body is furred
in a trillion minute zeniths
on which i stack my feet
climbing into her mouth my
body becomes 1 of only
an infinite and though i
die i shall again be in her
not strange (a star)

                             but to men, maybe
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
fall i into perhaps september

              maybe autumn


arrive in hot flowers from
the summer unclosed windows
inviting crisply

                              the wind

into a general elegance
ruffling the attenuating
hour of heatish bruting

                        shall collapse

into a million colours that,
etched in trees, shall say

                 to us dying:

                     is also beautiful
Aug 2012 · 497
lay in me your heart
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
lay in me your heart and
i will lay in yours mine i
will take yours and part
the petite strain of your
song and put in it the
sound of my finite kiss
i will carry you in my
kiss and i will imp
its fluttering cure to
your slender back i'll
put under your wings
the hot breath of my
heart will lift with each
pulse it will raise you
up to my mouth and i
will coddle the blithe
splendor of your wan
tousled comely fragrance

(you are like forest in Spring
you are full of magic and
you are young new fragile
between a Saturday and a
Sunday you laid sleeping
and you laid in my heart

Aug 2012 · 439
i like words and you are 1
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
i like words and you are 1,
you are a word that has
pristine calves, marble thighs,
and **** like arrows

your word is slight, it has
cheeks peppered in crimson
'gainst my palm, your word
fits nicely in my lips

it is a little bit tan, and grins
when i fumble over it my
mouth trying to say your

PK Wakefield Aug 2012
you're short unbridled hair is lady
fleeced in muscles downy soft with
wide hips and baby,

your skin is a pale house over me
arcing head back, your tongue is
nimble and it feels like hot wet
with my tongue,

your wrists are thin and your
door is tight and your eyes
flash with needing for my

you want the charged release
of my love fist unfurls in the quaint
chamber of your pale house is
sick with me,

and i like how you're a valkyrie
that's short hair unbridled lady
head is arcing back and the
strenuous filament of your arm
strums electric the downy soft
with wide hips

                               and baby,




Aug 2012 · 646
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
dear i came 1 hour north
you were waiting in blond
skin you had pale eyes
caramel and you tasted like

         sugar *** magic

the lithe dish of your face
caught my face drank my
lips in your soft and tiny
supple waist, from where
lust is sloping eagerly
shaven pink and paired
by 1 (hour north you wait
eyes hips waist hands caramel
Aug 2012 · 655
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
come pretty quickly out of air incised
precisely with your hips skinny waist:

PK Wakefield Aug 2012
being a girl, who for the first time 18
gave 22 (and bruised) a throat supple
patinaed for the first time in sweat
and breaking gave 22, for the first
time 18, inimitable painful redness(
didn't even notice till the end and
)black nails scraping the tender
mess of crimson giving pulled me
out and asked for the first time 18,
"again, pleasE?"
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
"oof," i said,"what are you?" got nice

****                                             gotnice

calves backsofknees and       got nice

eyes "i bet" said i said eyes

i bet you taste real good

(between winter) and spring

i bet wet

petals split by wet petals split

you taste good

like salt and rain

next to the ocean(betweenWinterandSpring)
Aug 2012 · 510
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
i was driving the other day there was a short stop and a face was quickly past in an instant face
Was young blithe pastoral
imped with with the pleasant razor
of a grin face
was girl
With tiny darkly cropped few her
had twin splotches of
fat rouge her
was lips
Aug 2012 · 601
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
it was november it was raining just a little bit
of rain was powder fine glisten soaking
the frail pale length of the forest long dark
sleepily crisp in gnarled and in limbs
crooked elegent
the way was streaming(bent with treees)over
and a sprig of magic sharply
in my nape first creeping
through loam(worms)
my chest
worn of heart broken, i
through gnarled lengths of long sleeping trees
freshly said life
in the nicely dead forest
my heart(worms)creeping
through loam
Aug 2012 · 527
PK Wakefield Aug 2012


Aug 2012 · 953
your new short arriving
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
your new short arriving
lustrous clinging body
;musk snugly arousing
quartered in filaments
pale, sallow rush with
instantly finger tips
linger and brush the
wane of day tenderly
)star(you're pert lozenge
is sugar thick minute
dreamfull bursting with
whispers electric; fall so
quietly, into the parted
mystery of night your
spangled nonsense and
two wrists'
2 hands
to palms flicker
with white fire infinitely
, which doesn't burn
yields to my touch   ,         and

                                                          whom i fill dripping
                                                          with my illuminate
Aug 2012 · 1.4k
life is untidy fragile dirty
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
life is untidy fragile *****

escaping gradually
in instant beginning

life stings curiously small
timid vastly

                                           open flutters



life abruptly coiled
in the precisely fragrant mess
of each young thing

nice, tall beautifully muscles

deft unclean

that struck by sunlight shake
loose shimmering deeply
like serious approachable foil)

and though for straightening endlessly

still curls

(half small languorous )

'gainst the mortal stuff

swaggering with tight comely

                                                  L     I             F                     e
Aug 2012 · 645
i am sitting hot
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
i am sitting hot

gladly sweating i see

a centillion

of shimmering

dash off the bodies

of cars marching distantly further i am

(hear) the muzzled snort of
some angry guys
who are wont to go but i am

smelling the disgruntled curiosity
of heads


their windows downup looking at i
taste the blush of blundering eve vastly
squatting slowly

its haunches on the hunched roar of a
"shitload" of yelping aluminum throats (iam)

tasting the shavings of eyes

that peer looking up the long line laying
shimmering with a centillianth
of summer  

they gawk hard up the
road to where there is neat lights blinking lights (neatly

up the road there is the hot blab of summer and the ***** of a

PK Wakefield Aug 2012
a more particularly dreaming fatally clings
to my head, of your dramatically stupid
love, i uncarefully plummet into and



climb up the dust
of your sternly remembered ***

and the ******
of your healthy florid stroking, the

homely distinct razor of your kiss
and the limpid flavor of your hips



up my thigh
strangling me in the faintly
distilled miracle

of your frailly killing idea
Aug 2012 · 756
because, "fuck you?"
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
because, "*******?" a black eyed
two tonguer
with: from svelte stoic lips
an ember(glowly softer)
on the ultimate
cigarette's girl
behind face stood

a pair of **** squirming
minutely gorgeous, their
body was "maybe," and, "in about an hour."
Aug 2012 · 693
i have(foot brutally)
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
i have(foot brutally)

               in grass newly wet


the lick of



greeness('tween toes particularly futile blushed)at
beads of damson
                                slung eve,




            R into earth SWELLS
glassy summer night
crisply etched in sleeping trees

               FLOWERS!at whose

gentler fullness

                            the jagged suddenly


                             whispered the errant
                             predictable mountain
Aug 2012 · 591
wherefore are you mover
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
wherefore are you mover    ?       (into unbriefest silence

and crisp eyes




                                   , because

                           strike gold 'tween each
                           finger paired over the
                           fragile morn'
                           ,                             a lot

                                                         is sick
                                         has night colour
                                                from its untimid

so why Stealer


           from kissing


take immediately into notsavored

                  could you say perhaps

                            why struck from

                        raw untidy




                                the pollen of young flowers
                                and the agile stem
Aug 2012 · 814
little throttle
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
little throttle, the impulsed danger of
your noose is slung my neck 'round
tighter firmly, the string is bound
hungry: i slobber at liquorice glove

tangy sweet, its dew, fragrant shoves
blue jeans through luscious seep
its serious caffeine on which unsleeps
i, sup at pink split cotton white as dove

feverish the kitten wet shudders love
shaken flutter, it's fur shortly cropped
exactly few my cheeks roughly slop
pressed hurting, skin flakes removed of

still i(andpressharderdo)my face eagerly trips

            their between open wanting

little throttle's impulsed dangerous hurter
Aug 2012 · 580
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
brittle day,
the singular flake
of your naked
obtuse ******* are
fine, "what dandies,
thick, toppled in
golden and tipped
in lightest, pink skin,"
conquers men and
flesh divine; the radiant
twin prongs of your
chest are rich, swollen,
and my fingers laid 'tween
them wreak of mint, lavender,
and they taste like warm blood
that i can barely fit inside (but
you like like it and drag me into
snarling night
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
knees go weak summer very smile



over: two legs, skinny hips, a mile
of stomach, daintily *******, neck
and a chin(also)above sprouts a                nose

nice how it flush face with
saliently bursts ivory white 'neath
limpid fissures of greenly sharp roundness

(eyes)that flutter, held by cheeks as
smooth and innocently as driven
snow sparkles just a bit in the summer
between the **** hillocks of my
thighs a mouth pristinely admits

Jul 2012 · 757
7 days for 1nce a month
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
7 days for 1nce a month you're vermillion

taste like in the middle of copper thighs

2 lips magneticly parted

by 2 lips 1 tongue

and weeks a year you're like iron
and salt and copper reddish between
hunks of femurs pours a 12 times

dear, the crawling vapid sweet acidity
of 7 mouthfuls of queer drink surge
delightfully opaque crimson gallons of


          r clefted

      love h



      the best kind of drowned
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
i have heard sleepness confer with night:


what a boy might, like a boy who works
hard at them, like girls.

                                         A BOY

with tall muscles, who works hard at them,
and would like to glide unvicarious
rills of longingfingers up thighs into
bunches of parting cotton,
Jul 2012 · 1.7k
it: spring, Tokyo you
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
it: spring, Tokyo you, by my hip flowered
briefly a thousand, pink petals, slippery
beneath sole the exact strange neon of
lights bore swiftly under darkness our
bodies lightly, into each others, wiggle
heavy lips, and between they(pinkpetals
Jul 2012 · 289
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
to seriously know, to consider keenly: my father
dreaming father, lie in my dreams yours, father
lay your fears on me (each timber yoke, to my
shoulders father) each limber fantasy, father
bind to me they all and sleep father; lie in
me your hope, your heart, father place in me
by hand worn, the distinct immediate light
of strength, father, pass into one long night
Jul 2012 · 467
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
so leapness, the body healthness, deeply blue
a white cool draught of unearthly peculiar
that staggers up July, doe and fawn
beleaguered nothing(stroked with sunlight)
striped of shadow litheness jumping
frivolously jaunt streams of gold
through a barely cupped hand(fingers splayed
'pon tawny break: night and day)

those strong youths die never
live always

unarrested, surging, tendon
the ripeness of your figure is

                   a fullness

                           a fleetness

Jul 2012 · 392
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
in a
in a
a hand
Jul 2012 · 279
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
love's not mine






i not loved

to speak love, say love, deftly

Jul 2012 · 523
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
i got like 1 heart(red,electric,stupid)
pulse many till sleep long one dark
infinity, till then pulse 1 heart
red, electric, stupid hotly at the
arcuate hip, the comely mile
of a vermillion smile, the
fling of girl face bright
young perfectly
finite that into
dust tumbles
Jul 2012 · 609
i think: come(unthink)music
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
i think: come(unthink)music
carelessmusic softly lilting the
swept downy fiber, falling, flakes
come steeply, arrive on comely ears,
the nuisance of thy waft gentle exactly
and the bodies


met of muscles many in sweetness
honey one, long strain of thy cords
envelopes the snug sound of your


as a raspberry pursed between
lips, fruitmouth,

your fragrant
hand is the most articulate violence

           the most unthink


the most ear full cringe of lewdness
(dear, the smart vastness of your
naked sigh is a murdering song
comes from paired lips, and single throat

         annihilator sound



Jul 2012 · 387
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
you look at nice at body baby not mind dear but you look like fast in lacey nothing baby you have eyes like you've seen ******* you but and baby i like might also to see in you me dear your straight short creaseless hips skinny broken are whole angels of nouns where i'd like to put a comma
Jul 2012 · 533
wind?(do you complete
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
wind?(do you complete      
                                          the night strangely
     ylteews come sreferp  
                                          hairlipped blue eyes and satin
     gawking dellips hair          
                                          with downy sable
                ruf  wired  dna          


                                            A ****** parenthesis(waiting to be filled
Jul 2012 · 1.2k
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
***** summer(deeply1st)on edge
season, bonny, svelte and croons
with wide cheek rouge splashed
damson thick eve: muscled up
thick little back splayed fitness
invites sin(2ndnever)body the
white heather, comely fragranced,
dew weeping lilies are hushed
coolly at petals crush, the stem
carries 'pon winsome morn
                the faintly murdered, caving rush
Jul 2012 · 692
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
the defined of nothing of chaste finite summer,
you of primrose heat
you of whitely stroked youth
you of pale and freckled dumb beauty
you of faultless poppied fields, sick with colour

you, Summer, neat of hands, sticky of lip
blunder sweetness: candied sighs of limp fragrant
earth, Summer, the deepest languor of thy supple
thighs, eat. laugh. die.
Jul 2012 · 661
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
terrible. O fleck, downy gusseted
sharpness keenly hidden, cruel
barbed softness coddled sweet
blade of permitting lips, allowed
hurtness of ivory shoulders,
                                                                                        : you wanted (you didn't) didn't you?)
                                                                                          my roughness, Dear, my words
                                                                                          hard(handharder,)Dear: snownecked
                                                                                          doe(white)the neatness of your
                                                                                          body wrecked?the pen dipped?ink
                                                                                          blot spreading?Dear for pain, you



                                                                                                                                               ,want me


                                                                                                            hurt?said you,

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