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Feb 2014 · 276
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
let's say begin me the you way

more slightly
the closed fist of my petals,

than opens me the light fingers
of in may Spring. than

the rain does,
in autumn when
dies the trees to neatly wonderful,

(and i come into their black bodies
the sliver of my mute flesh;
stopping on brief immutable desolation
my awe to wander enormously)

the dew is fast and quietly begins me
when: like that you

are like you are

like my to unfist (and with bright colours

                gold, suddenly,

Feb 2014 · 761
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
does up what seems a little clumsily down snow?

White and
White and
White and

everywhere, perhaps?seems snow

seems no

edge or fay

where might Spring's lewd fingers fit?
lewd fingers fit fat
lewd fingers find fickle fair frayed a bit fay
where its fingers can fit?

(the sun)
whose thick fingers
between the quick thighs of night

       can. fit in)just Spring
Feb 2014 · 267
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
not matter does whatever this world thinks(i

will go by flights of angels

their breath

i will go by florid gasping of soundless immutable
waters into

              waters of. i

will pass my little ship its sails may bend
i will go o'

i will go shall not by the whatever the world thinks

despite angels (on whose breath shall carry me

Feb 2014 · 317
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
through what body of flowers does your kiss move,
its muscles softly more

where palm tightens against neck
titanically blossoms

your breath
in leaping heaps of strenuous hurt.

hurt that loves
come against me
the forking of its river, its

wideness of thigh, and the plying
of my open fist

to splay the dirt

and plant amongst your dying earth
the heat of





            ­                              ,


Feb 2014 · 545
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
as if to seems by (hung the little world

          the eyes noose

                                   ). Perhaps or

the soul more?

the could be hands loose
,the pinkset ear, whorl'd?

(between who where is who
makes or unmakes the rain)?

hands and unhands alike
tremble to fill:
the crooked barrel
o' flower's stemm'd pain.

(the ridiculous i.

                                the absurd you.)
Feb 2014 · 933
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
forget not words, body
thy soul is


hair            fantastically        ;   more unsquare

than an angle

measurable.         Not


                                   pE  divisble

or an exact
adding of some subtracted
arithmetical wholeless
singular substitution.         (your




                                                destroying colour

                                             of infinite flower
Feb 2014 · 258
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
it's dark a cat shifts
springing the sheets
stir you the cat
and a branch outside
the window taps taps
taps the window outside
a branch it's dark the cat
stirs the sheets spring
and it's dark you roll
over and somewhere
a dog is barking
Feb 2014 · 249
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
quietly mysterious and far away i love you
i love you the big and small unnearness
of your imagined hands i wonder which
on your body's wrists (and the head upon
clothed in shortness) are skinny so nice
and never to be known by my hands you
are so unloud will not ever close and

                         (i will love you always even though you will never know)
Feb 2014 · 575
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
open me your hands
fists cruelly which
their tightness conceal

   ­                                            Slender
            ­                                         spring


             ­                                                heat.

                      (a cut distinctly of certain cuteness bleeding)A

dolllike limpness
of stiff
cherry breaking.

                                 a branch of sometimes petal bearing stems.

                                                  (a kiss and roughness)

            Open me them
                            a span
                      lewd innocence.

a strip of easy with parting rain which sometimes in April feels like dying
feels like pusshing apart of lips, hot redness, and ***** of steep fuzz.
Feb 2014 · 202
PK Wakefield Feb 2014


                                      "Did you ever really love me?"

                                      "I don't know."


Feb 2014 · 120
PK Wakefield Feb 2014

                                "I miss you. How are you doing today?"


Feb 2014 · 129
PK Wakefield Feb 2014

                                                  Let's dance.
                                                  (And **** everything else)
Feb 2014 · 248
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
i have loved.
the crust of life
the o how divine reeling
of its casual thrill. and

the stern parting of flowers to break
against each heap of striding leg
their sinuously lurching scent.

     (i have

         and oh god how i have

                  loved the demure ***
                             of stopping day

                    ;and where it has splayed most lustfully

                                                      have i

                                                                     )the music of my


                                         and the chanson of lilies.

God, and sweat oh
how i have loved thee the
swiftly naked among unnaked things.

(as a juniper, caroused with poppies,
and my neat hand curled upon a glass perspired(

the driving through late nights
and the sudden stopping at the end i have gone miles into twilight and how many i do not know to find girls in sleeping bodies i have gone miles into twilight to find them and press apart their sleeping bulbs they might suddenly alight)

but does not my fingers' itching
to meet with some things tight,

or day begin,

or the last futile gasp of easily purring Summer

match by cruel luck
the urge of life to sin?

i do not know.

i only know that i have loved,
(let us see if that's enough).
Feb 2014 · 146
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
i like
to press you. your

body and

the skin beneath me please

i would like to

                                   press you.
Feb 2014 · 166
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
what's a poem?some numbers
(after all)howmanydoyougot

got oh how many let's count

you think
you'll get as many?i'll

like yers if ya likes mine
let's like em

a word without reading

         what's a poem?

Just some numbers, after all.
Feb 2014 · 159
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
a   little bit,

starrily snowing,

sky so

(a rook between
       a   n

         g               by

Feb 2014 · 235
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
my knees hurt-- praying in your church


25 minutes of writhing

i pray

my mouth runneth over
with your cup and

my knees hurt

n y
our church
Feb 2014 · 270
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
which have felt.

the night sleepily in white dressing gown

and grinning

with the **** sliver of its moon a bit
wide luminous and softly(                        .

a dream that teeters
briefly with infinite stupid self

I) the ridiculous me
that with five fingers says some wan curling;

there is a fan blowing, i can just hear it vaguely

its rapid cheeks somewhere; silverly.

And) can anyone describe
why laying is pleasant when dying is to lay forever?

(i think
and i don't
and it's so cold outside winter the trees are creaking but inside it's so warm i pull the covers over my head and begin some divine fantasy of girls.   .      .

Unfeeling girls
Feb 2014 · 204
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
it was cold your heel hurt and i'm sorry because we were walking to get some food i was thinking about how you are so nice to kiss and "this is magic" the world and your eyes and the easy body of your silence between the houses "this moment" and my hands full of box with scones i couldn't wait to see you smile

"I know it's ridiculous,

                                                but I'm serious."
Feb 2014 · 519
PK Wakefield Feb 2014
heart, it's
by you the

     such does:

rainfingerskissingsunlight.     the

**** gentle,

and the winsome easy.

(heart) i
have climbed
by the steep winter
of your ribs,

into the crisp tumult
of cringing heat

my hands to make
(in your nakedness


)a coo

to halt the quivering of your stomach
at my entering sound. (that

**** baby

i want to
fill you, and

please       not

to hurt you when,


i love you
and because (he( u )art)
i don't want to i'll

stave the eagerness
of rain


Feb 2014 · 243
PK Wakefield Feb 2014

(do you suppose)?raintime morning with





                      hands as

soft can be? the inching,

and deeply?
Jan 2014 · 787
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
o how easily your lips become me,
the burning crimp
of urging kiss,

to depart myself
and wander amongst
thy body holy and vile ridiculous winsome trivial spectacular,

(arm and thigh)
whose sweep and gait is love
made ready for tongue
to impart slowly tenacious,

whose comely hair is course tender difficulty splendrous,

whose moments are singeing exactly innumerably few
(and never enough)

who i have longed for in deepest valleys of untouching cruelty
(to cup thy whole mouth
in my mouth,
to carry it forward
thy kiss a burning standard

into inkset darkest darkness of night

that i might walk without stumbling;

that i might see           )
Jan 2014 · 778
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
life, i cannot begin you to describe beyond my dreaming self your how divine moments of simple nothing.

your body is not, and i love it the how it is not. it is

and not it's

some muscles firing with hurt
seething to ache
so horribly
wondrous. it's driving

to the beach

too early in morning and you're heads not clear the sky is so wide and the sun is barely. it is

the uncurling of your fingers between
and the winsome triteness
of the caving instant of your breath
caching in your throat
as you realize the dying
of your frail self,

clutching furiously the mundane heady song
of a coffee cup

(and in perfect silence emitting
the most enormous roar
of surging electric stillness)                                .    Life

you are half terribly
painful to. and life, you
are half splendorous to ****

sweating in the heap of your
car behind

the creeping sweep
of raging vein. Life

you are perhaps nothing. But lifE

you are the most,

and nothing hurriedly to slowly
take between the unutterably tiny *******
of snowgirls

their coldest song of closing lips,

and speak something hot

(something big).
Jan 2014 · 392
PK Wakefield Jan 2014


     "You might be a vegan, but I swear your skin is milk poured into the careful shape of your body."


Jan 2014 · 355
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
it is the dawn which
(skillfully erected)
light hands improbable



with barely strength

lift and lift

the sinuous lid of night

)peeling vigorously
the closed earth

Jan 2014 · 1.4k
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
.                                                                ­            WNTR, o
                                                                ­  the     earth

                                                                ­  is how long

                                     ­                                                      )in you?

                                                           ­       crisply perhaps

                                                        ­          stiffmuscling die erected
                                                         ­         foal trees. Barely skinned

                                                        ­                       ,

                                                              ­                    .

                                          ­                                           '

                                                              ­                     .

                                                              ­                 ,

                                                              ­                      .

                                        ­                                                 '

                                                             ­                       .
                                        ­                                           H
                                                               ­                  e   A
                                                               ­                     V
                                          ­                                       y with
                                                            ­                 light dying
                                                           ­                of    shadows
                                                   ­                  )between

                                                       ­                             o
                                  ­                                             WNTR
                                                            ­              i skip a penny
                                                           ­                    across
                                                          ­          Bu
                                                    ­              g e
                                                               ­  yed june

                                                           ­                        (Ag
                                                             ­                        irl inn

                                                            ­                      ot enough
                                                          ­                   clothing

                                                      ,cuz it was june o lord it was so hot i could feel my sweat across the

                                                       palm of each hand go slick like oil across the cool common pinch
                                                       of the fuzzed in ***** tinter grass.

                                                       i o and uncurling stiffly went like the shoots off of roses: topaz
                                                       i went red like the bitten ******
                                                       of girl tingling
                                                      ­ snowless hips
                                                       )without WNTR which
                                                        sof­t of hard
                                                        and hard of itch
                                                        and     ­                     itch
                                       ­                (in WNTR to please
                                                        re­move me my health
                                                        an­d barely skin me
                                                        a foal tree

                                                           ­                      untwitching
Jan 2014 · 308
PK Wakefield Jan 2014

                                                                 your unclosing was so tight. it
                                                                 tasted like the ocean, brine and
                                                                 went so fast my knees hurt
                                                                 splitting its tense flower.

Jan 2014 · 664
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
i love you and i'm sorry because.
i do not love you the way
you are perfect(andyouare),
i love you the way you are not perfect. i love


the way

you are. i love you

the way you have felt sharpness
(between certain dark things).

And i love you the way
you are uncertain darkness
(between sharp things).

and i love you the way your strength is pain.

(and i love you the way i am sorry because).

And i'm sorry.

and i love you.
Jan 2014 · 352
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
hello i love you the way
you are not.

i love the way you(let's)
become painful
to touch.

to fingers,
fold beneath
like the edges
of a knife are to fold

into my flesh
and welling of(roses).
Jan 2014 · 414
PK Wakefield Jan 2014

                                              "I just want you to know, I care about you a lot, ok?"

Jan 2014 · 727
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
shout, i know it's dark you might
hear they
(into darkness)
the fullness of your throat to make
a sound of such irrevocable self,
will part on its smoldering blade all darkness
will fold 'pon itself
fold upon itself and it will
tremble apart the walls of creaking death

(And you will ride it something brightly of destroying light into terse nightness of body
A colour splendid to feel as flowers,
You will on it fly
And your throat might crack to waiver slightly its beating,
But O heart you will
By fleet improbable wings of music
Fill the voice
And fling through dying
Rills of love so blinding

Even darkness cannot be seen.  )
Jan 2014 · 421
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
i think you are beautiful
(and why not?) the sea
is beautiful

(as like your eyes(
where between they reach:

(somewhere dark)

somewhere wet.
Jan 2014 · 487
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
I need the softness of some small moment to open me.
Jan 2014 · 548
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
miles away(go)

clicktrain by

     clacktrain or

bybusby or


miles away(go)
where between
a city of roses grows

One thornless rose)its
hurts to feel fingers
Jan 2014 · 562
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
inside bed
groans i can
hear the rain outside
painfully wintering and
the shifts covers her (the hands between)
sighing erupt palefully spiders incandescent
the notmoon doesn't its light and outside i can hear
the rain(painfully)

i can hear

(and outside)

painfully it's rain

(and wintering)

i can hear.
Jan 2014 · 656
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
who amongst dirt
suddenly moments

steeply through drunk summer

rain upon lips
(fluttering dismissively):

memory to imp
(by blind words)

such wings, heart


become. (my dear that i have loved beyond poems to say)
Jan 2014 · 567
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
hurt: he's
a boy

waiting. A boy waiting and

rib and lung(wilting). He's
a boy sometimes

a boy)

between rib and lung(








Jan 2014 · 267
PK Wakefield Jan 2014

                                                       Your body is a word that I am mad to say.

Jan 2014 · 312
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
i love you how one time you were the ocean i could feel sleeping amongst whose waves a girl.
Jan 2014 · 772
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
think: what muscles
(the heart's
are stronger) often

they coil in distinct
perfume of girlness; soften

(fiber upon)

and weakness easily

Jan 2014 · 684
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
.                                                                ­                         Q
                                                               ­                        u
                                                               ­                             i
                                  ­                                                              e
 ­                                                                 ­                          t

                                    ­                                                        O,

     ­                                                                 ­                       though
                                                          ­                             woh
                                                             ­                                little
                                                          ­                          ylgnis
                                ­                                                             you
                                                             ­                            era

                                                            ­                                :
                               ­                                                   soft and crisp;

                                                         ­                    won't you enter me

                                                             ­                 the gentleness (your unsound)?

                                                                ­                             I
                                                               ­                                 n
                              ­                                                                 ­    c
                                                               ­                            r
                                                               ­                         e
                                      ­                                               a
                                                               ­                             S
                                  ­                                                           i
                                                               ­                             n
                                  ­                                                          g

    ­                                                                 ­      by voice and unvoice
                                                         ­                  the white song: living?

                                                 O Quiet and you are so i think you are beautiful
                                                       ­  in your shoulders and in your neck i think
                                                           ­      you are increasingly beautifuler
                                                     ­                      than doused in night
                                                           ­                     and stars earth.
Jan 2014 · 477
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
o to breathe
how it is i love you:
your little quiet which
do not your lips betray
the slightest music.

o and quiet
how it is i love you:
the mute pressing of your body;
without words which
for saying nothing

is louder than all the world to speak.
Jan 2014 · 499
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
Jan 2014 · 357
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
her sitting through such drunk din poked quietly from between the pages of a book (a little in hand which)"what's it about?"not shyly"post-war France."
Dec 2013 · 620
PK Wakefield Dec 2013
your heart is
(so way).

the way it is, so.

it is to part blood
(the filling of my lips)
with your lips.

and its body is so clean.

it is the to pierce
by beating madly
tattoo of carry me forward.

(through darkness carry me forward)
and lurch upon the flowering of its heat
(my heat)

to tumble steeply up
in comely gouts of daftness:

my heart.
Dec 2013 · 249
PK Wakefield Dec 2013
there's some

            (destroying) inside you that


                                l   o



                                 i ' m


                      to have inside me

Dec 2013 · 373
PK Wakefield Dec 2013
There's some sense of things, how do I say, I don't know--I feel it uniquely. As when I have been my self, alone in a car, watching streetlights wash over my hands. As when I a have been amongst the stark folds of almost winter nights. As when I have been pressed suddenly from unkissed, into, kissed.

And how do I describe it? Maybe I don't need to. Maybe you already know.

Who knows, perhaps.
Dec 2013 · 744
PK Wakefield Dec 2013
immortal is to die
it is
when arrives


out of jerking
lances of
mysterious night

kisses gargantuanly slender

(as the petals of a poppy are slender)

meet furiously with knowing
and becomes unknowing

(faster than a lips become
nothings easily)

eeking from brief impossible slumber
the crisp whiteness of its noose

to hang by all men
instantly into dying forever
Dec 2013 · 400
PK Wakefield Dec 2013
Spring is tight between her thighs
((with DoeAndStag)

                  leaping           ).

Winter's nice her fingers deep
'round comely sickle
slowly reaping.

)Summer's **** her mouth is sleeping(
open ******;
swallow all.

(But nice is neat,
and **** is sweet,
)when all the trees are rapt with Fall.
Dec 2013 · 307
PK Wakefield Dec 2013
"that christ was a good ol' boy
he was a good ol' boy with his arms hanging
with his arms hanging hung he was a good ol' boy.

he cured lepers and he
went like mad to kiss
their bodies rotting he
went like god's supposed to go
--right up to them--
and he hung his arms about them
and he cured those lepers he

died on a cross
somewhere i don't
remember he was
a good ol' boy

that christ."
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