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PK Wakefield Apr 2014
Cool. it makes me feel
(the ocean when)
words do not the lightening
of the long sky,

in undrab Spring(a body is proposed)

of flowerets and garland roses
(green at the knees
between the hips
stoking         )in profusion

their broke
(the fur stroke

                  singing  )
PK Wakefield Apr 2014
stop enjoying the beautiful things other people make.

start making the beautiful things other people enjoy.
PK Wakefield Apr 2014

                                                    the ****



her **** the i
PK Wakefield Apr 2014
suddenly light
(which inexplicable mountains have torn)

                         Your fist
                         is prettiest

it opens
PK Wakefield Apr 2014
icanfeelsome cold
(hard birds between)
in Portland
there is a red brick building
building between
the hard cold
and some birds

(      i  can  feel   )
PK Wakefield Apr 2014
the ******* are i love the way it's.
the and it
the does way
(forked dolllike riven).

                                                                                                     ?suppose ouy od

                             why not some let's the?


                           (and maybe even harder)
PK Wakefield Apr 2014
turn me off(in your body there is a switch
ignites the pale frame of flowers

                                     To bloom,
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