. o
gs: ma
ny doin
g, thing
s human
are more n
eatly couth i
n Into-Dust co
ats of polite var
nish and their ha
ats hang at precise
their teeth ivory and
the smell of their colo
gne catches back at the
throat wearing finest silk
s (but time, time looks bru
tally through their and prim
shoes and trousers. knees sag
eyes hang instantly
languor w
ears them like cheap perfume and
laughter unsuddenly from nowhere
crisps the cheeks of everywaiting sou
l creeks with soon to be dirt bones and
amongst them sprouts something gener
ous. Less close to nearly dead, and has (l
ike a frond has) demure sturdy waifish. its
timber is clothed in blonde lips and eyes lik
e waking almost never(no like daffodils; yes l
ike more them) only daffodils, they are not so b
right, nor as agile, i think but who knows i was o
nly a boy who, from across the street noticed, a girl
pressed between death,
laughing like a *****