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Patricia Drake Feb 2014
They are

a labyrinth

of low hanging

******* clothed lights


a clustered chaos

at the entrance

with seeming

velcroed circumference

of colour shapes



abstract tentacles

to obstruct paths

and invite


games like

seeking patterns

in viral coloured



and play

among the fragile

futuristic forms
Notes upon visiting the arts exhibition "Colour Me In" at Esbjerg Museum of Contemporary Art
Patricia Drake Feb 2014
I keep strawberry plants in my garden
for they give good yield with little toil
and the sweetness of self produce is greater
than something bought

I keep strawberry plants in my garden
and one in particular seems promising
it's not big in size, but it has many flowers
the promise of summer fruit

I keep strawberry plants in my garden
I watch over them from my window
and I dream of what they'll bring
especially that unseeming one in the corner

I keep strawberry plants in my garden
I water them in the absence of rain
and I **** out grass and other alien plants
so they may grow unhindered

I keep strawberry plants in my garden
and they are starting to show signs of fruit
but one of them is dying
suddenly, it just turned brown

I had a strawberry plant
it was my favourite
it bore such promises
it died and I care not for the rest
Patricia Drake Feb 2014
is home
deliberately cluttered
and comfortable
so unlike mother's
Patricia Drake Feb 2014
Some words
like music
allow us
to touch
and caress
each other's

some words
in rhythmic flows
with rhymes
like brainwaves
soothing the soul
allow us
to enter each other
in a communal state
of euphoria

Some words
just connect
and form
not just some
but all things
Patricia Drake Feb 2014
I sought
I am
still searching
I am lost
for pieces
for words
puzzle pieces
the puzzle
I collect pieces
to a game
of puzzles
I am game
but I am puzzled
My puzzle begun
in the garden
for I had a garden
and in it a tree
I had a tree
and it bore apples
last year it bore none
but something arose
from nothing
became many things
were created
became tales
inside words was creation
and it bloomed
in the garden
it puzzled me
puzzled and frightened
and excited me
into creating more
from words
words created worlds
as I created more words
inside the garden
and outside
but mostly inside
and now
I am searching again
I seek
to find space
space inside
and between words
space for images
a special image
outside my garden
outside me
Patricia Drake Feb 2014
When all butterflies are frozen too deep
Lifeless and brittle in the snow
The touch of summer you gave me to keep
Still thaws and brings life like spring,  you know
written for a Valentine's competition. The prompt was simply to write a romantic 4-liner.
Patricia Drake Feb 2014
We smoke happiness
they say
we are happy
and we smoke more
than others
it seems
we die a different kind
of happy
this way
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