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Patricia Drake Feb 2014
That I write in faith
That I bear light
Patricia Drake Feb 2014
please delete me
if you leave
please delete all
Patricia Drake Feb 2014
My heart leaps
every time you pack your bags
to leave
it leaps in hope
of a safe return
Patricia Drake Feb 2014
he spoke of exits
of rooms being tight
and the world outside too chaotic
only dreams
and dreamlike escapes
could make him calm

he wrote his visions
in verse with rhythm like a pulse
poetry like visions
of journeys
into calm
non existence

I feared his silence
the double absence of his words
and what it meant

I just pray
because I know
where the exit is
Patricia Drake Feb 2014
Amidst the noise
I know
I must find you, Linus
if you are lost
I must go
into your darkness, Linus
seek the flow
amidst the noise
I must bring you back
Patricia Drake Feb 2014
a removal of
a woman's hair
always seems
so serious
Patricia Drake Feb 2014
I stopped writing
because of the sun
I could not see the dark
and my letters
became invisible
so I stopped
and waited for clouds

And darkness crept in
through the cracks
of a fake smile hiding
the real
painful enlightenment
that truly blocked
the sun

But in the dark there were letters
like keys
to boxes of treasured light
that did not sting
or burn out
like the sun
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