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Jul 2014 · 614
ac Jul 2014
I've always wanted to experience,  for once in my lifetime, to truly understand what it feels like to be crying but with joy instead of sadness.

- a.c
Jul 2014 · 722
ac Jul 2014
We aren't family anymore. We never were.
We are just strangers living together.
In this broken house, with broken souls.

- a.c
Feelings today. Sorry for not making a poem for awhile.
Jul 2014 · 411
ac Jul 2014
Everything really ***** right now, my eyes are burning like hell and my heart is in a million pieces on the floor. I don't know what to do anymore, my life is quickly tumbling downhill so fast. I just want it all to end.

- a.c
For a friend of mine that I love dearly
Jun 2014 · 390
ac Jun 2014
She is my world.
So I have to be careful holding her.
I don't want her to slip through the cracks of my fingers.
- Travis Charles (The Nerd Project)
I just love this so much I had to share it
Jun 2014 · 490
suicide letter.
ac Jun 2014
Sometimes, life isn't for everyone.

- a.c
Jun 2014 · 446
ac Jun 2014
I always stay up all night no matter what to help a friend that is going through a hard time but when it comes down to me.

I have no one.
Jun 2014 · 2.4k
ac Jun 2014
I'm always the strong one,
The positive one,
The funny one.
But strong ones don't mark their skin is secret,
Positive ones don't think about suicide everytime they close their eyes,
And funny ones don't lock themselves in the bathroom and cry to the point where they can't breathe.

So do not call me those labels, because it is simply not true.
I tried.
Jun 2014 · 854
I'm Fine.
ac Jun 2014
I love others so much more than I love myself; it kind of disheartens me at how much I would give to others than I would ever to myself.
I wouldn't be able to stand it knowing that someone else is in pain or is hurting but when it comes down to me.

I'm fine.
- a.c
Jun 2014 · 602
ac Jun 2014
i love you,
you love her,
out of all the things in the world
why does love have to be the most complicated?
- a.c
Jun 2014 · 560
ac Jun 2014
they are mutiplying each day inside of me.
inside my brain, inside my viens, inside my heart.
they're trying to break free.
they want out of me.
so they are telling me to grab the newest piece of metal,
and set them free.
- a.c
I dont know whats happening to me anymore.
May 2014 · 384
ac May 2014
i'm slipping
slowly but surely
and it feels like i'm not going to be able to come back up anytime soon.
- a.c
May 2014 · 445
ac May 2014
someone said to me today;
i can tell by the way you look at him dear, you f^cking love him. your eyes sparkle every time he smiles at you and you seem to just light up just by hearing his name.
you are in love with him.
you are in love with his personailty,
with his quirks
the faces he makes as he laughs
with his cheesy freaking jokes
with the way he writes
even when he is serious.
you are in love with him.
and their is no way denying it.

- by this girl
just saying, i cried a little when she said this.
May 2014 · 434
message to him.
ac May 2014
i swear to god, you are out to get me.
every time you smile; it boils me to the point
where i have to look away because it's so frickin' beautiful
that it starts to hurt my heart.
- a.c
frack you my beautiful flower
May 2014 · 289
ac May 2014
i really want to hug,
and cuddle,
and laugh together
and just kiss you to the point where i won't be able to breath
but you are in love with another girl who is perfect in your eyes
and i'm just here, waiting for you to love me too.
but i'm done; done waiting for you to tell me when it's time.
i still love you, i do.
but i'm done.
- a.c
May 2014 · 382
ac May 2014
it's not like i love you,
but you taste so good,
and you make me so **** happy.
you almost make me want to.
- a.c
i tried with this poem lord.
May 2014 · 629
ac May 2014
if somehow, i forgot who i was;
do not remind me.
if i cannot swallow down my food;
do not tell me that it is because of the weeks i have starved myself.
if i feel this sudden guilt but do not remember why;
do not tell me why, say that it'll pass soon.
if i cannot fall asleep;
do not tell me i have insomnia, kiss my forehead and lay next to me to soothe my soul,
because i do not want to remember who my past self was.
i wanted to forget.
and i did
so do not tell me who i was, let me re-live.
2:38 AM
May 2014 · 879
ac May 2014
the kisses you once gave me on my collarbones and wrists are fading away
and you're not here to put them back on.
- a.c
May 2014 · 385
ac May 2014
if there was one thing i could always talk about,
it would be his eyes.
the way the edges of them crinkle when i tease or joke with him;
makes me melt with what you call love.

they say the eyes are the gateway to the soul and all i see in them,
is me.
- a.c
May 2014 · 1.4k
ac May 2014
i have this one friend
that wishes she was beautiful,
that wishes she was skinny,
that wishes she was funny.
she always wants to be her or her or her
and i just want to shake her shoulders and scream
that i'd much rather her be herself.
because it's the best her their is.
- a.c

— The End —