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337 · Oct 2020
A boy in uniform
Julie Berners Oct 2020
There's this boy who wears a uniform
Every Monday
Every Wednesday

There's this boy who wears a uniform
Who can't show PDA
But still tries to hug me at the start of the day

There's this boy who wears a uniform
Who makes me smile when I don't want to

He wakes me up in the morning
And is my sunshine when the rain is pouring

I never knew I could love
A boy in uniform..
Yeah and if that boy in uniform ever found this I would die lol
112 · Nov 2020
Coffee In The Morning
Julie Berners Nov 2020
6:15 alarm goes off
6:17 you start the day
6:18 our first fight
6:18 you compare me to my siblings, saying that they do better than me
6:19 I make you coffee

7:47 you leave for work
7:48 i walk into my room and cry

11:46 i fight with your youngest child

4:07 you call home and tell me to start dinner
4:15 i start dinner

6:08 you get home
6:10 our second fight
6:12 you stop yelling and walk off

7:13 dinner
7:22 me and your oldest child get into a fight
7:25 me and you get into a fight

7:34 i go to my room. not to come back out until you want coffee in the morning..
a vicious cycle.
110 · Oct 2020
Julie Berners Oct 2020
Sunflowers look to the sun
They yearn for the sweet glow
But once they are lost the turn to the side
And point toward their best bro
104 · Nov 2020
Julie Berners Nov 2020
Freezing rain
Things started to SHINE with ice


The  f r e e z i n g  rain kept coming.
GLISTENED like glass
And then b r o k e like glass.

Most animals were safe.
Not the pheasants
Their eyes  f r o z e  shut.

The pheasants.



In the roadside ditches
With ice.
Adapted from a passage read in school
101 · Nov 2020
Him or Her
Julie Berners Nov 2020
His eyes
Her smile
Both light up my world

His laugh
Her giggle
Both make my sides tickle

How he cares about me
How she cares for me
It's all so confusing

I don't know anymore

Which one?

100 · Oct 2020
A happy ending..
Julie Berners Oct 2020
Fairy tales have happy endings
Love is found, villains defeated
But my story has no love
And my faith is depleted
94 · Aug 2020
Julie Berners Aug 2020
Tears fall.
Not tears of sadness
Or joy
Tears of the pain you caused
You inflicted this never-ending downpour of emotion
93 · Aug 2020
He says She says
Julie Berners Aug 2020
He says it's okay
She says it isn't
He changes his mind.

He says I accept you
She says she doesn't
He changes his mind.

He says
She says
He needs to say what's on his mind.
91 · Aug 2020
Julie Berners Aug 2020
You find out
I explain
You don't accept it
I can't be me
84 · Oct 2020
Julie Berners Oct 2020
The first tears fell
When I entered the bright cold room
Doctors handed me to my mother

Tears fell again
When I entered the bright cold room
To say goodbye to her
The one I knew, loved, and cherished

Tears fell once more
When we put her in the ground
The dirt smelled of rain
And our eyes full of pain
This poem is meant to be in the POV of my father. He lost his mother last month and November 3rd is her birthday <3
Julie Berners Oct 2020
This is not another poem about love
More, about when time froze
The loss of the ones we cherished
The ones that we would hold close

Not another poem about love
But, one about pain
I sit here and expect
My life to have gain

But once I did feel love
Once there was no pain
Once I had a grandma
To wipe the tears away

But now she sits in heaven
With silk as white as dove
Waiting for when we get to hug again
And write a poem about love
RIP Bonnie. 9-20-20. Forever loved, forever cherished, forever missed.
75 · Oct 2020
Granny's years
Julie Berners Oct 2020
In all of granny's years
There were quite a few tears
Two husbands, seven children
Six girls, but one son

From dinner rolls, to crochet holes
She has taught me all
And when I fell and scraped my knee
She always cushioned the fall

In all of granny's years
There were quite a few tears
Especially in the last few moments
When all that's left are the tokens
71 · Aug 2020
Julie Berners Aug 2020
This world needs to evolve
These problems need to solve
With everything that's wrong
There needs to be a better song.
Hopefully one day my mind won't rot
Hopefully one day these problems will solve
Hopefully one day this world will evolve.
67 · Oct 2020
Julie Berners Oct 2020
There’s always going to be someone better
And she’s going to own your sweater
She knows you better
The light is Heather

Outside it’s getting colder
And inside we’re getting older
You let her cry on your shoulder
I should be bolder

I watch your eyes as she walks by
Her smile brighter than the blue sky
And you leave me hanging dry
I should be quicker with replies
66 · Aug 2020
Julie Berners Aug 2020
Home is where the heart is, they say.
Home is where the hurt is.
Home is where the best memories are, they say.
Home is where I remember his face.
Home is where the heart is, they say.

— The End —