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Pandora dO Jan 2013
Go on, go on...

Don't stop but
keep going on,
'cause we need to
keep working
all the day long.

Money doesn't come
to you by itself,
you need to work
and need to earn it.
Otherwise, too bad,
no food and no nothing.

But have you ever stopped?


And listened?
Have you listened
to what your body says?

Have you ever stopped?


And felt?
Have you felt
what your body needs?

Sitting still
and doing nothing,
it might be difficult
but take your time
and take your rest
when you need it.

As when it's too late,
when your body is spent,
when the burnout is close,
what will you do then
besides doing nothing?

No, nothing.
Pandora dO Jan 2013
It feeds,
it heals,
it sustains,
it grows,
it thrives.

It is everything
and everyone.
It never dies,
it's always around.

Without it,
there would be nothing.
Not you, not me,
no life at all.
Let's treasure it.
© 2013
Pandora dO Jan 2013
To have some more focus
would truly be a blessing..

Distracted way too easily,
as per usual.
© 2013
Pandora dO Jan 2013
Mind is still turned off,
body is half asleep.
Touches seem to linger
for an eternity.

Your lips press on my cheeks,
one time for each.
I can still feel your kisses
minutes after you've left.

Your hand moves through
the hair on my sleepy head.
I can still feel your fingers
tenderly moving away.

I know I could come with you,
go downstairs, have breakfast,
hold your hand, hug you
and then see you off.

Yet I don't want to come,
it's selfish, I know.
I'd much rather feel this,
I want to feel your goodbye.
Pandora dO Jan 2013
It's that time
of the year again.
Can you feel the difference?
A fire burning
in the hearth,
cozy candles burning

We're all cuddled up
on the couch,
covered in a warm blanket.
Drinking hot tea,
savouring the heat,
thankful for the beverage.

Wearing two pairs
of pajama pants,
'cause otherwise it's too frisky.
The weather's cold'n'wet
but inside we are,
warm, dry and cozy.

Sitting together
while talking softly,
now and again
exchanging a kiss.
Seasons of rain and snow
brings us even closer.
© 2012
- I like finding lost papers with words on it... you too?
Pandora dO Dec 2012
The time turned to 0:00AM,
on the first day of the new year,
for the first time in Australia
and her first time zone.

Since that moment a gigantic wave
of the most colourful fireworks
has been travelling across the planet.
© December 31st 2012
- Happy New Year x
Pandora dO Dec 2012
I wonder why that one half
of my still sleeping mind
has the audacity to say to my bladder:

"You're acting silly, there's no need
to find this bathroom of yours,
we all should just keep sleeping.
No, there's no need to hurry,
you're acting like a child.
You shouldn't seek attention like this.
Just go back to sleep,"

while I just,
really really really badly,
need to take a ***.
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