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Pandora dO Dec 2012
Music plays throughout the world,
an intriguing composition filled
with millions of different parts
spread all around the orchestral planet.
Pandora dO Dec 2012
Our dog was the best,
full of joy and so sweet.
It's too bad that you and him
can no longer meet.

He passed away recently,
it's been almost half a year,
but still I can't help crying
all these new tears.

He already had health problems
for quite a long time,
yet he kept going strong
as if he was in his prime.

Three months before his death,
in our lives a pair of ladies entered.
He didn't like them at first,
but eventually he surrendered.

He knew we'd be guarded
even after he'd gone.
That's when he gave in
and when the illness won.

The girls will stand guard
as our Ollie once would,
but holding him close again,
is what I wish I could.
Oh, how I miss him :')
Pandora dO Nov 2012
Far above the barren land
and the bare, grey trees,
the sun rises and paints
warm colours on the sky.
Pandora dO Nov 2012
He is the one who calms my mind
every single day of the week.
His touch is the one thing
which ceases all my thoughts.
With him near, there’s nothing
inside my mind to worry about.

Every single day of the week
he's able to help me relax.
When his arms embrace me,
a warm calmness surrounds me.
With him near, there’s nothing
that can take away the peace.

He’s able to help me relax
by just being there for support.
His hand in mine makes me strong,
he’s always there to pull me along.
With him near, there’s nothing
in the world that I can’t do.

By just being there for support,
he does so much for me.
With a smile he makes my day
and with his jokes he cheers me up.
Without him there’s nothing,
nothing at all, in my life.

He does so much for me
and I can’t thank him enough
for being part of my life.
© 2012
Pandora dO Nov 2012
Leaves     rustling       in             the                 wind
rustling    makes        quiet        noise             ominously
in              quiet           motion    they're           moving
the            noise           they're    making's        everywhere
wind        ominously  movi­ng  everywhere   possible
© 2012
Pandora dO Nov 2012
When my youngest brother was born,
I was angry at him before he'd uttered a word.
I was as furious as a little six year old could be,
because he turned out to not be a girl.
Pandora dO Nov 2012
.                                         tweet tweet tweet
                                     tweet tweet tweet tweet
                                tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet
                            tweet tweet  EYE   tweet tweet
                           tweet tweet  tweet  tweet tweet tweet
                      beak beak  tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet
             beak beak beak   tweet tweet  tweet  tweet tweet
  beak  beak  beak  beak  tweet tweet  tweet tweet tweet
          beak  beak  beak   tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet
                  beak beak  tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet
                               tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet
                                  tweet tweet tweet tweet
                                    neck neck neck neck
                                       neck  neck  neck
                                        neck neck neck
                                        neck neck neck
© 2012 - giving this a try...
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