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Pandora dO Nov 2012
Even though Fall is beautiful
and the world is decorated
with crimson and golden,
I cannot help but feel disheartened
as I see Earth's cycle near its end.

Then, when the temperature lowers
and Earth freezes over,
nothing is there to prevent me
from getting the Winter Blues,
as Life seems to whither away.
© 2012
Pandora dO Nov 2012
It is quite strange
how an entire day,
which passed so beautifully,
can be ruined

by only one,
Pandora dO Nov 2012
The paint on my paintbrush
may have already dried,

but remember, I did not leave you,
even though I died.
© 2012
A fictional piece, where painting is a metaphor for what is accomplished in life.
These are four of my favourite lines.
Pandora dO Nov 2012
The birds are flying happily,
round and round in the tree.
From branch to branch they hop
or to the ground they drop.

They spied the food hanging there,
only they weren't aware
of the cat slowly crawling near,
if so, they'd be trembling in fear.

For where there are birds dining,
the cat finds its next meal by diving
onto a poor unsuspecting bird.
Such an awful ball of fur.

But, don't fret, birds use their wings
to fly away fast while they sing.
The cat's angry but it was impend
that the birds should have a happy end.
© 2012
We hung up bird food in the yard,
too bad the many neigbours' cats
now have more reason to visit us.
Pandora dO Nov 2012
I'm wiggling my toes like mad
and my eyes continuously move
around the room nervously.
I wave my arms like I'm crazy
and I keep asking myself, why?
There's no way I can sit still
for the entire eternity of an hour...
A freaking hour for each layer.
Oh, ****, why was I so stupid,
why did I want to paint my nails?
© 2012
I'm bored but thank Heaven for my touch screen phone.
Pandora dO Nov 2012
Returning after a school trip,
you're excited to be home again.
Can't wait to walk up the path,
glad to see the familiar terrain.

You open the front door and
take a deep breath through your nose,
expecting to smell the familiar scent
of that which you hold so close.

You stop dead in your tracks,
so very short no one notices it,
it's something you never expected
and something you'd never admit.

Something in the air changed,
the air that fills this place.
You used to regard it as home,
yet now it feels like outer space.

The thought keeps returning,
it doesn't smell like home...
and then you ask yourself,
oh, where has the time gone?
© 2012
Pandora dO Nov 2012
She lies in bed late at night
and listens to the pouring rain.
The falling drops are comforting,
but it doesn't numb the pain.

She hides beneath her blanket,
the wind outside howling sadly.
The noise isn't able to keep out
the pain she hates so badly.

She puts her head beneath the pillow
to try and block all the sounds
of the anger and emotion
that off walls and ceiling bounds.

The storms of family fighting
rushes through the house like hurricanes.
Yet even though it hurts her heart,
from crying she always refrains.

She pretends she's deep asleep
as someone knocks on her door.
'Please, just leave, go away,
I can't take this anymore.'

She lies in bed late at night
and wishes for better days.
Though she knows it's futile,
she waits for the sun's shining rays.
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