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May 29 · 63
just a phase, right?
Påłpëbŕå May 29
i always thought those books that i read
in lover's conflicts and wars they dealt
meant something beyond these images in my head
meant more than mere novels, something the poets felt
but oh boy, was i terribly wrong
i made my own suffering prolong,
i ain't the "forever" material or ****,
simply a means to an end is what fits,
i will never be nobody's moon or stars
because i am adorned with scars
given by life, it's people and it's maker
all through these 22 years of being a waker
rejected, dejected and an outcast at it's best
i ain't special but simply different from the rest
a fool i have been all along, believing it was my superpower
oh good lord, i was simpy never on anybody radar
the unlikable, unwanted and unlovable soul
who had no poise, passion or a gritty goal
i have been loitering in delusion, hallucinating the impossible
all the while i have done nothing but been an imbecile
i maybe good but never great
in the world of curves, a definite straight
being humble was my only shot at becoming better
but in the end, it got me to this point where i am typing this letter by letter
all i am is a wishful thinker who lives in the world of imagination
a dull, boring kid trapped in an adult's body and adaptation
a stupid girl who is the easiest of all
an ugly-hearted, too trusting of a call
i am pathetic, the dumbest being to ever grace this planet
as useless and replaceable as the middle of a magnet
May 22 · 79
breaking up
Påłpëbŕå May 22
maybe my pull isn't that strong
because you seem to deviate, always
from the path we've walked on for so long
that it's been a lifetime and not mere days
are my body and soul not enough?
or are the times too tough?
that you choose the easier option
and leave me without any caution
for i have been here for you, always
but mabe you don't want me anyways
so i wish you luck and so much more
and hope we can still be okay, like before
i don't have it in me to fight, i am tired
and maybe a bit too differently wired
for the likes of you and everybody else
but this time it ain't my fault i can tell
and it's for the better, i can feel it
because we're those pieces of a puzzle that will never fit
i feel better, relieved and not on the verge of crying myself to death
i am not enough, i got that clear
Apr 30 · 216
The Vehement Warrior
Påłpëbŕå Apr 30
Stood I staring at the building I once called- "My school"
With a heart so pure, I was too easy to befool.
All these years went by and yet the memories stayed,
Every night I cried, for the horrors to desipate- I prayed.

Yet every detail of that 'incident' clung to my bones like Ivy,
Making me curse myself for harbouring all the naivety.

Often wondered I- "Did I bring this upon myself?
Or maybe if I'd yelled a little louder that day, someone would've finally helped?
Was it my outgoing nature that made them think that I "wanted it"
Or was it the fact that I liked one of them is what "lured" him in?
In places where I didn't want to be touched or pried,
They took and took until I was destroyed and dead eyed;
Bleeding from every pore, torn from the inside,
I laid on the cold floor waiting for someone to stride,
And stop the two demons who's faces I still have registered in my brain,
The two humans who lost their humanity with evil flowing in their veins.

But nothing happened and no knight in shining armour came,
I was left there with my battered body and shattered soul, in vain.
It was only after hours of darkness that saw I some light,
That made me squint because it was too bright.
I got up- burning and tripped in the pool of my own blood,
That ripped a scream out of my lungs and made tears flood.
I rose again and again until I finally limped my way out,
Leaving behind the ashes of my former self- covered in a shroud.

I decided that I won't be a victim of what happened to me,
Rather believed that justice will be served and they shall see,
How I chose to not succumb to death and thus, had a rebirth,
And like the Phoenix- I came, I saw, I conquered my dearth.

So today, standing in front of the structure that housed my fears for so long, I ponder-
"What didn't **** me, has definitely made me stronger"
But I'm not a mere survivor who went on with her life like before,
Rather, I'm a warrior who slayed her fears and settled the score;
Suffering is my nectar, the energy source on which I run,
- A product of pain, an Angel, even though a fallen one.

So what if an example was set at the cost of me losing my innocence,
It made thousands of people stand up against the grave offence;
Striving each day to make this place safer for the entire human race,
And this, dear reader, will be enough for me to finally rest my case.
Apr 1 · 198
you remind of fresh forests and setting of the sun
and maybe that's why, realised i
the moment i laid eyes on you, you're my only one
Mar 27 · 118
Påłpëbŕå Mar 27
somedays i hate people around me
and somedays i hate myself be
am i the problem or is it the world i see
suffocating people pretending to set them free
what is it? this thought keeps me awake
in my turbulent turmoil do i shake
because loving him isn't getting me anywhere
but putting a lock on my emotions isn't fair
since i want to be different, a good human
great and perfect who's too busy to have fun,
is working hard to become successful and no. 1
a product of pain who chose to become better like the sun
but i fail everydamnday, everydamnway
by expecting too much from my battered body, which isn't ohkay
i think too much, act too little
fracturing my feelings, my heart so brittle
it's not good to be this person that i am
breathing in order to make everything work a/c to my meticulous plan
but **** if i know what's right or wrong anymore
i am exhausted to my very core
the sad part is that i'm nowhere closer to what i want
and this doesn't let me sleep, every night this haunts
yet i lay in my bed, wasting away day after day
and i have no words left to say
i can't die but i ain't living either
i am pathetic, i know thats what you think reader
my past holds on to me so strongly that i play it on loop
the future makes me anxious, so in my eyes do i stoop
be the same old dumb ****** that i have always been
my potential dying before it could ever be seen
just crossing out dates on my phone's ******* calendar
wrong profession, wrong attitude, wrong is my ******* gender
if i were a guy would have i been better? would things at home been better? or am i just an ungrateful brat who is wasting away her life because she's too lazy to pick herself up or am i actually dumb and maybe i don't want to accept it and so i don't really work hard because this excuse has always worked for me that it's ohkay, if i would have worked for it, i would have gotten it but i suppose what i am is really scared of not getting what i want even after i give my best and the relationship well i don't know it's just that i feel like i am too **** desperate, as i have always been i hate it but i do nothing about it, i just keep on living in my imaginary world where in the coming years i am going to live out one of the fantasy novels story, it's disgusting
Feb 28 · 95
the way you look at me
Påłpëbŕå Feb 28
you look at me like you want me
but you never say a word, simply see
your eyes do a tour but never dip too low
very gentlemanly of you or is it just for show?
because i have heard your tales, your reputation precedes
the list of your conquests is what that impedes
me from obsessing over your veiny arms and full lips
making me crave your body, from toes to finger tips
because i know where your hands have been
who warmed your bed and how you left her cold
girl after girl has exited your door, i have seen
and yet, you think it's your face that i want to hold?
i might have episodes of self-destruction but i have more than two brain cells
i know that you aren't an angel who fell
you're a devil who seems to want a piece of me now
but letting a man take me for granted is something i can't allow
so what that your piercing gaze makes me wet
it's not a good enough reason for me to let
you touch me there where i ache for your expertise
i am self-sufficient to make myself relieved
but somedays it's a little difficult to get you out of my head
because it's your soul that i see instead
of a guy who simply wants to blow his load
but you're a risky bet that i can't afford
so stop looking at me like you want something from me
because honestly, i am pretty weak
i will succumb to my ***** demons soon
~you're a bane so why are you pretending to be my boon?
Feb 28 · 68
fuck me
Påłpëbŕå Feb 28
i know nothing of how the world works
checking my pockets, i've zero *****
how did a soul so pure get tarnished?
how did my heart so loyal get banished?
what did i do, huh?
where did i go wrong?
this suffering i thought was ending
but inside me it still prolongs
and wander i door to door in search of peace
broken body, my trust torn from piece to piece
yet nobody answers with honesty and i unleash my monstrosity
or so do i think because in a blink
i tune out my demon's voice
eliminating the bad choice
and get ready to be walked all over again
a glutton for punishment and pain
Feb 23 · 82
Påłpëbŕå Feb 23
you're everywhere i go,
your presence does flow
why is it that it's your face i see
wide awake or in my dreams?
your hair so distinct, i want to feel them
your eyes so piercing, i want to touch them
how you look at me is what makes my heart stop
how bizzare is this that your voice makes everything else crop
you become the centre of my attention, my universe
and thinking of things i wish to do to you makes me perverse
but our timing has never been right
against our situations we can't fight
so all we do is stare at each other's soul
because being with each other will take a toll
on my already beautifully bruised heart
oh baby, we've been cursed from the very start
i never understood why did they happen
Påłpëbŕå Feb 21
i looked at him because he was my solace
my sanity in this world of chaos and craze
he wiped my tears and made me laugh
fixing people was his favourite craft
a broken doll did he choose to repair
helped her collect her pieces with care
he healed her slowly, layer by layer
and she longed for him, her heart so fragile
that today it's his ghost for which she smiles
if love had to end then why did it begin
how can losing somebody be a win
because now her demons have left but so has he
she wishes to go back in time and broken forever be
because she believes that she cursed him with her presence
and with this thought she's living her days in repentance
Jan 14 · 81
to be or not to be
Påłpëbŕå Jan 14
i wish to remove this piece of clothing and show off my skin
unblemished yet scarred i lay in my bed wanting to commit sin
the temptation to **** my morals off and become an ******* is so strong
that i wish to be bad and feel good when i do something wrong
i am tired of being this version of myself- weak, virtuous, wise, vulnerable
that in my years of living fairy tales i am making ******' folks and fables
guys out there have never really looked at me
in me they find nothing good enough to see
a grandma wrapped in loose clothes and a tight bun
is so **** dull to touch or have a substantial amout of fun
i have a gift of pushing people away and putting them off
always ******' smiling or crying in corners, i am a laughing stock
i can be the hottest and sexiest woman in my head
but in reality i am ******' lame to my bones, that said-
i can neither become a nerd properly nor live recklessly,
this is chaining my soul to a place i don't belong, honestly
at this point i don't even know what do i need
stuffing my face with bulshit, these pretty little lies do i feed
the road i take takes me to places i don't fit in
and this happens because i ain't comfortable in my own skin
all these years, i wonder where has my confidence been
longing for someone to match my wavelength, my flames' twin
i have wasted my breaths on things that don't matter
in the silence of my suffering i have become immune to chatter
so speak i out about my problem and affairs
thinking that they who listen honestly do care
maybe they do and maybe they don't give two *****
about me aiming for stars or my self-esteem taking hits
why can't i be a private person and stay shut?
to live, why do i need the pain of a bleeding cut
why am i not normal but being normal is not what i want
this confusion, dichotomy and paradox is what haunts
*"to be or not to be"...................................
or be blind and pretend to nerve see
Dec 2023 · 99
past present future tense
Påłpëbŕå Dec 2023
dreaming of a future i still sleep in the past
no thoughts of the present shall ever last
because in my masochism all i deeply crave
is to build my house on a ******' grave
i miss who i was and yet don't want to be her
why isn't life ever clear but a burdening blur
everything i believed in no longer exists
changes too bold, is what life insists
but i ain't ready to move forward yet
or am i? but still do i fearfully fret
how did i talk to strangers for hours?
listening to their tales of scars and stars
i am back to that time when pressed i
hearts on people's stories for no reason why
but don't know if i want to be that person again
desperate for affection and easy prey to pain
i have a beautiful human around me
who sees me and still loves me infinitely
yet i feel this way and it is beyond my comprehension
-what is future if not the past's present extension?
Påłpëbŕå Dec 2023
stood i in a corner away from you
trying to keep my distant view
of the finest specimen had i ever seen
never in such proximity had i been
for you were my nemesis, sworn in blood
yet the very sight of you turned me into a dud
because my brain cells shortcircuited
making me look at you on their own accord
and every moment our eyes connected, i regretted
because that made you someone i allured
so with every contact between our eyes
filled i myself with even more despise
because your mere presence derailed me
pushed me off my balanced sadly
and all that was left of silly me
was a puddle of shame and lost integrity
i didn't know that a simple stare would be enough
to put these inappropriate images of us
in the head that once plotted your demise
how did i get here, is a ******' surprise
so should i let this attraction make me do stuff
that'd be irreversible and testing my luck that's tough
maybe ******* you out of my system will let me be
my old self that hated you on the highest degree
or control these impulses and more
since with time, i will go back to before
why suddenly it's my wild blood pumping vigorously
begging to be tamed by your touch oh not so gently?
Nov 2023 · 161
expectation vs reality
Påłpëbŕå Nov 2023
when i imagined experienced guys
it always meant in the physical way
sharing body was ohkay, i don't know why
but emotional connection, i can't say
i could take it if he'd put the same hands, the same lips
on someone else's neck, chest, legs and hips
but looking at her how he looks at me
isn't something i imagined freely
he has loved, kissed, made love, hooked up
in the choices for relationship goals, he ticks all of the above
he's even gotten his heart broken and cried for another girl
lost his temper and tons of abuses has he hurled
he's gone through everything that i'm feeling for the first time
so yes, i am the immature one taking responsibility for this crime
i wish he could be a little more possessive
say stuff sober and be more expressive
but that would be greedy of me, right?
for these trivial matters i shouldn't pick up fights
yet feel i lonely on days like today when
nothing really big did happen
he's a great boyfriend, just very real and not rare
but that doesn't give me a reason to not care
for everything he does for me and more
i should be grateful for all this from the core
and to be honest, i am because i am a problem child
chaotic and messy, too stubborn and willfully wild
he tames my urges and makes me see sense
with him i wish to attain perfection without pretense
but at the end of the day when i lie down on my bed
this calmness travelling through my head
wonder i will this be enough? his sanity to my madness
he's safe, selectively thrilling but doesn't make my blood pump in wilderness
Nov 2023 · 118
a piece of cake
Påłpëbŕå Nov 2023
oh dear heart, your nerves did he hit
with those abs on display, did it feign a fit?
for my braincells couldn't stop me
from looking at this gorgeous-gorgeous being
with hair that curl in my hands
and eyes that travel upto foreign lands,
for when you look at me
i turn a little breathy,
you **** all the sense right out my body
doing this to girls, isn't this your hobby?
i have heard stories of your sexcapades
a "God" in bed, you think you're an ace of spades
so even if i desire you, your hands, your lips, your tongue
in your ocean of wilderness, i shall never plunge
because i ain't like one of your ****** or groupies
i have a ****** backbone, which i know, that you fancy
so i won't be another notch up your bedpost,
another one of your score that you'd like to boast
i am more, i am better and shall never fall for a bad boy
i have too much life to ever become your ******* toy,
but i can't help this stupid beating *****
that makes me think of you quite often
of all the things that i shouldn't do
-it's your name in CAPS, it's always you
for i have had one taste
even though it was chaste,
and now?
i can't stop myself from calling you tonight
because you're a piece of cake and i'd like a bite
your hotness gives me a fever
your coldness gives me a rush
your sweetness gives me diabetes
but it's your heart covered behind all those hard exterior layers that gives me hope
Oct 2023 · 177
Påłpëbŕå Oct 2023
i don't HATE anyone ACTIVELY
but there's also
no PASSIVE LOVE left in me
indifference is nirvana
Oct 2023 · 124
Påłpëbŕå Oct 2023
after reading thousands of pages dipped in love
words formed from bleeding ink yet it isn't enough
for me to formulate something of my own
all these fearsome feelings i wish to set in stone
the rise in my pulse on seeing him, the smile that touches my lips
the way he looks at me from far, his hand in mine- grazing my fingers tips
i wish i could tell you how this is making my mind churn
the want i feel for him and how this desire makes me burn
but i belive the hopeless romantic in me took it's last breath
and i killed it while it laid on it's death bed
so i stay with it's memories and corpse
suffering day and night with my writer's block
nothing inspires me anymore
maybe filling in the blanks satisfies the core?
so i believe that the best poems spring from the worst heartbreaks
beacuse being in love isn't what that makes
me pick my pen up and write my heart down
to make my poetry the talk of the town!
Oct 2023 · 121
Påłpëbŕå Oct 2023
everything hurts, from my heart to my head
for all these years the lies that i had been fed
are now showing their true colour of shades
blue to black with dust of gray in spades
i feel like a ***** in the oxymoron that this life is
where temporary pleasures feel like a permanent bliss
i am scared to my death as i exhale fear with every breath
because all that i knew was a mirage in this desolate desert
and now my personalities react after being **** inert
i want one thing but need the other
i think one thing but do the other
there's chaos running through my veins
unstable are my senses and mad is my brain
anxious is what i am all day long
and so all this forever feels wrong
i have done something i wasn't supposed to
and the what if scenario has now come true
i have let down people and disappointed their hopes
the very thought of betraying them doesn't help me cope
i wish i could turn back time do things right
but wonder i what would be my insight?
if allowed to go back would i change a thing?
or would i choose the same ****** song to sing???
Sep 2023 · 136
Påłpëbŕå Sep 2023
it's funny how once could i write
long long paragraphs about a feeling
with nothing just loneliness in site
could i think about falling and healing
but now nothing great comes to my head
just these plain old lines whisper
leaving me desolate and doubtful instead
my pen full of ink and papers being crisper
yet struggle i to put two words in a sentence
everyone and everything is more or less a pretence
was i born to be this person that i am today?
was there this much potential in me all the way?
then why as a child did i dare to dream big,
wanting to grow a fruitful tree from a twig
yet my life's been an unending autumn
floating now, i remember rock bottom
because when i had nothing i had all my words,
and this moment when i ain't empty, inside me breathe two worlds-
one is about contentment and satisfaction
but the other, puts me in this torturous traction
to do more, be more and become more
if nothing special, but better than before
and all day i live in this conflict
two ends tugging at me, the pain they inflict
i don't know what this ******* process is,
merely morning stress or a **** metamorphosis?
Sep 2023 · 119
a yelp for help
Påłpëbŕå Sep 2023
often wonder i how would it feel
when my cut open wrists would bleed
saving me from taking the next breath,
i happily choose the easiest of death!
because living is a chore i cannot do
everything's black, devoid of a hue!

yet a part of me wishes to be found
hearing me out when i suffer without a sound

helping me come back from this dark deep hole
and make me acquainted with my spirited soul

for i know there's a part of me that wants to survive
a beating heart and bruised body still wanting to thrive

a little push to pull me from the edge
a shoulder to lean on is all i fetch

somebody, anybody to shake some sane sense into me
when the noose around my neck constricts tightly

i wish i could just speak whatever is bottled within
and maybe that could save me from committing this sin

but who? how? when? and what? could help this failing will
a person, a parent, a sign or a shrink would help me before i ****?
or is there one another being who'll be there?
-the one standing behind the mirror with a sanguine stare
Sep 2023 · 123
sol V
Påłpëbŕå Sep 2023
i always thought that i'd be the light of your life
like all other fairy tales i'd end up as your wife
but neither do i glow and nor do i show
the traits of being a soft-spoken docile woman
that would be best suited for you, my fav human
i am deranged and dark waiting for a spark
to light me up from within and more
and make me happy to the core
i am like earth in this system of yours
pining over you for so long because
i like the idea of having your sole attention on me
being the centre of your universe maybe
but that's an unhealthy obssession say i
and like the moth, i'm chasing a new high
only that i've hated loving you all along
manifesting by your side i belong
but we couldn't be any different know i this
and that's why i can't even imagine our kiss
because you're too sacred for a demon per say
and i understand your distance anyway, always
yet you're my unwanted muse that i can't not write about
even though i wish to stop and silently shout
it's frustrating to write and yet never be acknowledged
but maybe this anonymity makes me feel privileged
as i write these sentences for you to read
without you actually paying much heed
that you inspire a deep devilish part in me
and become the muse of my petty poetry
i hope this is the last one
i don't understand why i am writing this, but i can't stop myself

to the muse who lives in ignorance
Aug 2023 · 113
sol III
Påłpëbŕå Aug 2023
you want me to write for you
bleed away my soul impromptu
be your slave and serve you well
give up myself to dwell in your hell
do you want me?
or is it my attention that you crave
i know you love to see
my dead heart twisting in its grave
for you want me to be obsessed like the earth
who gives herself up for all it's worth
it wakes up and sleeps, smiles and weeps
in the hopes of a destined promise to keep
for all i want is for you to acknowledge my existence
and maybe only then will i give up on my persistence
but who am i fooling
your mere name has me drooling
in daydreams and in nightmarish screams
it's your name to which my heart beats
it's your name on my lips that i repeat

i admire you from a safe distance not because i am afraid of getting burned
a monster like me isn't worth your time
is something the hard way i learned
WhatsUp Brain?
why would you take me there, eh?
Påłpëbŕå Aug 2023
and when there's silence inside your head
you choose to be at peace instead
because all your words that remain unsaid
are meant to be unheard instead
Aug 2023 · 73
no words
Påłpëbŕå Aug 2023
it's funny how now when i pick my pen up
only for it to drain no drop of ink
not letting all this chaos out of the envelope
is now taking away my ability to think
for all these words stay jumbled in my head
creating pictures of unreal imagination
of daydreams and those moments i bled
i wish to write down this clotting confusion
yet fail i to form simple sentences
filling my bones with apprehensive
and all the while my anxiety eats me alive
i wonder without poetry how shall i survive
because without this i am fully empty
like a starving soul amongst the plenty

thoughts thought everywhere
but not a single word to write,
oh dear reader i feel i don't have long-
what a pity it is to have my plight?
Jul 2023 · 142
sol II
Påłpëbŕå Jul 2023
i had this dream last night
you and me and a long bus ride
huddled together in a seat for 2
leaving behind our town's view
we talked for a while
and passed a few smiles
only to let the silence embrace us
keeping away from topics of trust

but i could feel your mind churning
and deep down hoped for a desire burning
for something that i'd craved for far too long
knowing ****** well that it was wrong

and then dozed off me
into yet another fantasy
of a reality pretty far from mine
with our hands intertwined
and our faces mere inches apart
and booooom, i woke up with a start
only too see that your hand had moved
and was now gently touching my fingers
with looks that weren't appropriate to linger

i was hyperventilating, wasn't i?
my face up in ashes like the sunset sky
and your gaze pierced my soul
as if i were a diamond amongst the coal
you whispered my name and said-
"i wish we'd taken my car instead.......
and Oh My God i convulsed there and then,
wondering how did this ever happen?

because even in my dreams know i this
that i am not a part of you that you miss
to your calmness i am chaotic and careless
to your perfection i shall remain a mess
and you will soar high and shall always rise
whereas i will be a broken little girl who cries

because you're the sun that shines too bright
and i am a moth drawn to your darkest light
to the muse who shall never know that i wrote this for him
Påłpëbŕå Jul 2023
you look at me like you want something from me
but wonder i, what possibly could it be
for i have nothing to offer you
neither a sentence nor words a few
then why do your eyes burn holes into mine
searching for what lies deep inside
i cannot fathom the depths of your obsession
burning so bright with an everlasting passion
you're my poison, you will be the death of me
and so wonder i, why do you look at me like you want a broken piece like me
Jul 2023 · 117
Påłpëbŕå Jul 2023
without words i am just another aimless cloud
floating my way through this warm warm life
trying to get lost while yearning to be found
i feel dark and desolate starving to survive
all this pent up negativity is waiting to burst out
maybe lashing out will lighten the burden i carry
but all day everyday when i humbly thunder
of myself become i a wee bit wary
what have i become and what am i supposed to be
keeps on conflicting inside this fully empty head of mine
i should've lined myself silver as i stopped the heat be
but all i did was become heavy with my wasteful whine
destruction i harbour and damage is what i do
in all the bright shades i myself choose to be in blue
thus i spend my days loitering around
without making a single sound
and only at night do i let myself dwell
residing in the heaven i am nothing but a harbinger of hell
Påłpëbŕå Jul 2023
i thought i'd date a poet
who'd sing me ballads and sonnets
of love, life and the glitters
of universe that showers comets

i thought i'd fall for a bad boy
who'd make me lose my balance
for whom i'd do stuff
that would put me off my semblance

i thought i'd love a stranger
and we'd talk for hours with our eyes
looking at each other's souls
for a little while longer

i thought i'd be heads over heels
for a guy who'd match my crazy
and together we'd get lost
in things that the world finds hazy

i thought i' a different life
something out from a novel or movie
with lots of romance and rife
like elevator *** & making out in the lobby

but here i am with this amazing boy
who sees the real me and still loves me-indefinitely

he was my friend for two years
and the life-support i never thought i needed
from our mutual care for each other
-a love so sweet seeded

and now as i lay in his arms after periods of bliss
wonder i, how lucky i got when he decided to paste a kiss
on my lips, my neck, my shoulder, my hands
taking me to places and those unknown lands

we couldn't be any different, but we're same on so many levels too
i didn't know before him- to mean it, when i say "i love you"
and even if we don't work out and drift apart one day
i want him to remember that in my prayers, he shall always stay
i love you
Jun 2023 · 125
loser me
Påłpëbŕå Jun 2023
it's funny how i keep wishing to go back
yet i yearn to move in fast forward
my worries keep piling up in unending stacks
and i turn a blind eye to them like a coward
with every passing day
i keep more to myself than i say
to him, to them or anyone near me,
i don't even write it in my poetries
so much is going around
every thought is in circles
losing am i more than i've found
evading everything like a shirker
but stand i steadily on this shaking ground
relying on talent but never being a hardworker
everday i feel like a loser
who was beat at her own game
i feel like just another random doodle
who thought she could make her name
disappointment i am to everyone who ever believed in me
every minute alive i wonder where i'd be
but nothing's going to be real; only imaginary
an old soul who shall fade away in contemporary
no notes these days, nothing new
friends i had, a few
but now nothing, nada
growing up *****
but you know what ***** more?
not doing anything about it
i am at the same place
not moving, not even an inch
stuck stranded ****** suspended
May 2023 · 526
Påłpëbŕå May 2023
and even if

i pour one full

bottle of ink

and cover all

these sheets

still there'll be

feelings left

for my broken

heart to bleed
May 2023 · 108
stockholm syndrome
Påłpëbŕå May 2023
as the sun goes down
and the moon takes it's place,
it enlightens the dark town
like a lover's warm embrace

i look for him in night's glow,
step - by - step i try to trace,
where and why did he go?
~taking away all my solace

i see nothing but twinkling stars
and a deep-dark cloudy face,
that stays hidden in a sky so far
reeking of monstrosity and menace

petrified and spooked i start to run
with fear coursing through my veins,
i find a beautiful house with no one
but a bleeding girl in gruesome chains.

she cries and asks for help,
but nobody listens when she yelps

so i walk towards her and freeze
when her hair are moved by the breeze

because i see none other than a younger me
who wails and shouts to be set free,
but i stay there for as long as i can see
crushed under his evil spell of profanity.

'he left me in dusk
and i waited for dawn,
burning in loathsome lust
he treated me like his pawn.

and now?

now i am back in the crowds
wrapped in solemn shrouds,
fighting for a life of love and care
devoid of nightmares and scare.

but my mind is no longer mine
scarred to the bones, i will never be fine
for i see illusions in my delusions
that even after all these infusions-
my head hurts and my healing heart pains
my love for my captor has driven me insane
-a proposed condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors
May 2023 · 134
all that glitters IS gold
Påłpëbŕå May 2023
from miles away your eyes see
a girl who's really pretty

but when she let's you close
let's you take her hand and hold

you start to notice the flaws
and realise,
-the serenity was simply chaos

and you are repulsed by her reality,
"your admiration in all its fragility"

and that breaks her heart
when you hate her other parts

parts that she hid from the world
but chose to show you and only you.

why do people leave
when they get to know her, ask you i?
that only strengthens her belief
that it will always be the glittery gold that satisfies
never let anyone near for they love what they see from a distance
the nearer they get, the more they see, offers nothing but resistance

so keep to yourself, both physically and mentally
it's always your body and face that interests them, never your personality
they hate what they see and that's why they stop talking to you
because they love your good parts but hate your issues
May 2023 · 142
the villian
Påłpëbŕå May 2023
when i look back to when i was a little girl
with starry eyes i watched the glitter world
but now as i am in my twenties
with knowledge of dollars and rupees
wonder i where that dreamy hope went
wondering why to this place was i sent?

it all made sense back then but now is a mess
all i have gained is experience with stress
heartbreak isn't the worst that could happen
but it's unbearable when it occurs often

friends and family seem to be something i fancy
because now all i have is an acquaintance agency
with every hour my thoughts get deeper but i become hollow
this adulthood is nothing but a bitter pill i swallow

wake up, work to eat and sleep
with episodes of anxiety on repeat
i hate the person i am today
broken, escapist and lost away
with a pathetic past and futile future
i am waiting for a permanent closure

i have wasted so much time on people to whom i had never really mattered
and this realisation has me sobful and shattered
nobody loves you, but just what good you can do
in this planet full of people, all you have is you

so why let anyone in?
if they all leave after they've been

i wish i could go back because i can't go forward
i know it sounds like i am a coward
but honestly, i am just tired of trying
being strong and giving has me crying
i have no love left inside
everybody to me has always lied

what did i ever do to you, ask you i
i don't understand why do i always end up this way
a guy falls for me and i don't
still i am good to him, i try to make him feel better about himself
never ever lead him on
but they don't get it
so when i take all the blame and ask them to find someone better
they hate me for the rest of their lives
why am i always the villain?
what did i ever do to deserve contempt from people who once claimed that they loved me
and the guy who promised to be different is nothing but just the same, a liar
May 2023 · 121
Påłpëbŕå May 2023
it hasn't been long since i last wrote
yet inking real poetry seems ages away,
when words flew without any implore
and i could free my feelings everyday

now everything remains stuck inside
deep within my head it all hides

and i feel ~ asphyxiated
indulged and incinerated
without a way out i sit in solace
my independence lost in space

what more does my life has now
was my past better somehow?
i miss people from long ago
but i guess that letting them go
was the rightest of right thing
yet feel i like an angel with a broken wing
incomplete and tired
differently wired
hauntingly beautiful and dauntigly dead
i am forever lost in my head

what am i doing with my life, i have no clue
every minute i feel pink, black and blue
no innocence left in view
i feel ugly covered in painful hues
Not A Poem
Apr 2023 · 158
Påłpëbŕå Apr 2023
I want to write something that will stay even when I no longer do,
Trying to portray my life covered in fictional hues.

I want an out yet wish to stay chained to my comfort zone,
I wonder if in this body I have a single confident bone?

So that I could step out and be
.F  .  R  .   E  .  E.

Of my mind that imprisons my soul,
Making me believe living my life is a goal.

I long to be happy without feeling guilty
I wish to dance to my heart out for eternity;
But all I do is think about it all
Too afraid to love myself because of my fear of fall.

Will I ever be able to carve my name somewhere-
It shall always stay
Even when I will have faded away?

"Not Marble Nor The Gilded Monuments" spikes my anxiety
Will my afterlife shall be forgotten by entirety?

The thoughts about my future are seeping out of my sutures...where will go to what will I be?
-are all thoughts by a mere nobody who fears staying an unworthy nobody.
Apr 2023 · 475
Påłpëbŕå Apr 2023
it is
of a
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