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PJ Feb 2012
Florescent lights
An unbreakable chill
Patterned tile

Shaking bones
An over-sized blue gown
And a small white bracelet
PJ Jan 2012
I want to write a poem about how I'm feeling
But it'll just come out bad
And people will misinterpret it
Then I'll just feel stupid for even trying
So here it is, the feeling of sadness
PJ Jan 2012
So we sat there
Pipe in hands
Singing our favorite songs
Listening to our favorite bands
And those few minutes
Sitting close on those rocks
Made quite the difference
To the order of my thoughts
PJ Jan 2012
So he left,
Which is okay

Music is playing,
The Velvet Underground

I'm alone,
But not lonely
PJ Jan 2012
Everything happens for a reason
God takes people from us to give us the opportunity to really appreciate them
The seasons change to remind us that everything is temporary
People are mean to help us realize who truly matters
Miracles take place to encourage us to move forward
Life is both beautiful and ugly, now you just have to live it.
PJ Jan 2012
Maybe I'm over thinking things
Or maybe I'm right on target
But I think I met you for a reason
I hope I did
PJ Jan 2012
Today before I left for school
I went through the old photo albums in my house
I took out two pictures
My mom and dad at their wedding
And my dad dancing with me when I was still a little girl
On my walk to school I started crying
So I took out the pictures
My mom looked beautiful in her dress
More importantly she looked happy.
My dad stared at her in a way I've never seen before
He was happy too
He looked proud to have me
I could tell
And for a few seconds I felt better
But then I thought of them now
I thought about how my dad is always gone
And how my mom doesn't talk much anymore
And the sadness rushed back.
It still hasn't left
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