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PJ Jan 2012
You can say you fell in the bathroom
Or you ran into the door
But the thing is
Your excuses are so transparent
No one is mad at you for lying
And no one blames you for the way things turned out
Yet you refuse to let anyone in
Not even your closest friends
Who want nothing more but to help
Sometimes I don't think you're hiding from them
I think you're hiding from yourself
Because the second reality hits you
It can only get worse
You convince yourself that life is okay
And that it's not a big deal
But that's just another lie you're telling yourself
To get by one more day
PJ Jan 2012
I sit here alone
And contemplate
The small plastic bottle
That holds my fate.
And on that note,
I sign off dearly
As the girl
Who wouldn't see
He was standing in front her

— The End —