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Standing forlornly
Watching silently
Backs turned on me
Thank you very much for keeping me out of your circles
I was drowning in depression
I just needed someone to talk to

But I figured
There's nothing better than this
So I remained sitting
On the floor of my bathroom cubicle
Jets of ice-cold water pouring
Over my head
My forehead
Eyes, Nose
Dripping down
As a cloud of grey  
Enclosed me
Within itself

How do I even battle this
I thought
But that was just momentary
And it slipped away
Down, down, down
My mood remained downcast

I wish the world could
W o u l d  f a d e  t o  g r e y
 Sep 2013 Once An Angel
As my voice disappeares
You intend to hurt
Your words are rocks
My heart an easy target
You bleed the freak
I have so many bull's-eyes
You know them all
I trusted you with secrets
My shame my guilt

Seven years yet I know little about you
Well played.

Now my heart grows hard and cold
Who will I become?
My blood is blackened upon this page
The loss of love extinguishes rage
Even RNA could never mend
The passion of love that dies within...

He stopped loving her today...
(So he could try and love again, someday perhaps!)
 Sep 2013 Once An Angel
g clair
You're packed within a mystery
can only guess your story
of how you came to be this way
and who should get the glory
I cannot blame your mother
nor your dad for they were young
although the stars were out that night
your spark had yet to come
they had no clue when they made you
that you would be a man
who likes his dogs with ketchup
and his beans right from the can
while no one knows exactly why
you act within your means
the books suggest a tie between
environment and genes
while smarter guys philosophize
and science can't be wrong, ha!
the life we lead is just the seed
of folks who'll come along
for life, designed in secret
as well it ought to be
dates back before the science books
a sweet old mystery.
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