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10.8k · Jan 2015
I will give you...
Ocean Blue Jan 2015
... My eyes,
To mirror your sighs,
I will give you my smile,
To dance with your smile,
I will give you my hands,
For you to paint the beauty
Of the fertile lands
In the hills of Tuscany.
I will give you my open arms
To surround your shoulders,
When you feel cold during the winters.
I will give you my soft kisses
To dry up your tears
On your pale cheeks
So I can chase your fears.
I will give you my memory,
For you to remember
Our forgotten kisses, if any.
I will tell you some of my secrets,
Even the ones from the Pool,
In case you show interest,
And there you would think I'm a fool.
And of course I will give you
My Ocean Blue,
For you to dive into.
But I will never give you
Anything that can hurt you.
You need to know
That I can only give all this
When you come back from the abyss
To which you've decided to depart,
Leaving me alone to dream of you,
With art.
Ocean Blue May 2016
A desert between us?
Only in your dreams.
Your longing?
Reciprocal, it seems.
Your heart ache?
Nothing compared to mine.
My promises?
Rare and always held.
Your smile?
Bright sunray
Throughout my day.
Your heart beats?
My earthquakes.
Your verses,
Daily narcotics.
My horizon?
Just to love you,
On and on.
8.2k · Oct 2014
A secret
Ocean Blue Oct 2014
Please, come closer
I wish to feel you near
So I can whisper
Something in your ear.
Three little words I call a secret,
A commitment I don't dare to say
But if you press on my heart
You'll feel it anyway.
7.1k · Oct 2014
Wish list n°2
Ocean Blue Oct 2014
I want to run with you
On the roof of the world
Through a misty forest
To break through
And at dawn wake up the deers.
I want to dry up your tears
When you are sad
I want to convince you
To give up your fears
And to tell you that
Never, never I've been mad
Or angry at you.
I want us to look in the same direction
And to have a common horizon.
I want to walk next to you
For a while, if life allows,
My heart melting your arrows.
Now I want to tell you
That if for you this is a burden,
You can, all of a sudden,
Tell me to stop these public wish lists
And, promised,
I will not insist.
6.2k · Oct 2014
Your smile
Ocean Blue Oct 2014
What if we had met
In Florence, say five centuries ago
Would you have let
Me be your Leonardo ?
You gentle face I would have framed
In the back, a sfumato of Tuscany
You, I would have named
My Mona Lisa, smiling to eternity.
4.1k · Sep 2014
Your green eyes
Ocean Blue Sep 2014
Let me have
A last look
At your green horizon
Take me in your dream
To Warsaw and beyond
Before I fall asleep,
With a smile on my lips.
3.9k · Mar 2016
Butterfly Effect
Ocean Blue Mar 2016
Across the ocean,
Your words,
Question marks in my mind.
Your voice,
Sensual roller coaster.
Your smile,
Rainbow in my sky.
Your giggles,
Waterfall in my ears.
Your arrows,
Open wounds in my heart.
Your angel face
Haunts my sleepless night.
Your eyes,
Locked in my eyes.
Your love,
Denied but who ever knows.
Forever in me.
3.6k · Jun 2016
I will be...
Ocean Blue Jun 2016
... an olive tree,
To give you some shade,
A drop of water,
When emotion dries your throat,
A silent breeze,
When you hold your breath,
Your lighthouse,
When you sail through your storm,
The blood
That runs madly through your veins,
The flood
That spills your wells.
Sweet Darling,
Don't you feel that
I can't stop loving you,
Morning and evening too.
Throughout the years,
I will be
Waiting for you,
If you still want me.
3.4k · Jan 2015
Sand Castle
Ocean Blue Jan 2015
With our untold dreams
On the beach we've built a castle
To put in our sighs, our whims.
Then suddenly, you left the vessel,
To sail your way, offshore.
The walls, made stronger by my tears,
Can now resist the Ocean much more.
Though I have no fears
That, horse riding as a white knight,
As you vanished, you will reappear,
Sooner or later, maybe in the night,
Back to our sand castle,
my Dear.
She keeps appearing and disappearing in my life. No doubt she will appear again   :)
3.0k · Apr 2015
April 1st, counting the days
Ocean Blue Apr 2015
5774 days ago,
You appeared in my night,
365 days ago,
You came back within sight,
122 days ago,
Suddenly you chose to escape,
Leaving me alone
With memories to reshape.
Now I sit
Next to the old olive tree,
Counting its rings,
One, two, three...
You know how
I'm patient
And life has shown,
So resilient.
One day, maybe
You'll send a sign
And again,
Let our hearts entwine.*

2.5k · Oct 2014
Ocean Blue Oct 2014
One night full of stars,
During the last summer
You broke my prison bars
In a dream which is carved in me forever:
Standing on the shore of River Jordan,
You baptized me
With a name that says who I am:
Ocean Blue.
And to life I was brought by You.
2.5k · Dec 2015
A message to YOU
Ocean Blue Dec 2015
Stars and calendars
Just whispered
That the last time
You and me met
Was exactly
6,000 days ago.
Guess what...
Despite all these years,
You make my heart
Beat so fast,
Whenever I dream of You,
That is ten times a day.
And when my eyes
Get locked to the sky
Over Paris
I see your smile
And your face
In every sunshine.
Tell me how you do it.
Do you use magic?
So I willingly
And slowly
Become your slave,
Prisoner of my
Life time quest
For You.
2.3k · Jun 2016
Birthday Whispers
Ocean Blue Jun 2016
Is our birthday,
The first time you appeared in my life,
So many years ago,
Fingers of my hands can't count.
Do you remember?
Probably not,
We both know
You're not good at dates
As I'm good at
Writing love letters
That are never sent
- and you know why -
It was June the fifth,
The century was about to die,
Just imagine if...
You and I.
2.1k · Feb 2016
Ocean Blue Feb 2016
Influenced by the Moon,
You push me offshore,
You swap to a different mood,
You applause for a last encore.
I comply, I am your slave,
To you, forever I am tied,
'Cause I am a loving wave,
Prisoner of your tide.
2.0k · Aug 2015
Mona Lisa
Ocean Blue Aug 2015
What if we had met
In Florence, say five centuries ago
Would you have let
Me be your Leonardo ?
You gentle face I would have framed
In the back, a sfumato of Tuscany
You, I would have named
My Mona Lisa, smiling to eternity.

1.9k · Feb 2016
Love with the Wind
Ocean Blue Feb 2016
Let me be your wind,
That will bring soft fragrance,
A gentle scent to make you blind,
Sent with love from my old France.

Let me be your gentle breeze,
To haunt your brittle sleep
And when I turn elusive
Sail on and never leave the ship.
1.8k · Dec 2015
Huntress at the Louvre
Ocean Blue Dec 2015
Every day at noon,
I sleepwalk to you,
Who stands there in the middle
Of the Grande Galerie
Denon Wing, upper floor,
Inaccessible in your polished copper,
Walking into eternity,
Your bow ready for use,
Your arrows
Piercing my heart,
Again ang again.
1.8k · Dec 2014
You Jewel
Ocean Blue Dec 2014
<3 <3 <3

After I lost you once
In the dark  folds of life,
Suddenly you are back,
Here in my open palm.
I am never, never tired
To see how your rays glow,
Day after day always amazed
How much in my heart your grow,
How high its pulses you've raised.
You are a Jewel,
For whom so many times I fell.
Now let us shine together,
If you wish, one day and forever.

<3 <3 <3
1.7k · Apr 2015
You tell me...
Ocean Blue Apr 2015
Dreaming of you throughout the day,
Meeting your smile in every rainbow,
Looking at pics of you last May,
Catching your voice in each echo,
Watching the news of where you live,
Searching for you after you leave,
Behind each word, each poem,
Was it you ? And the message you chose,
Where I read Je t'aime
Maybe you mean someone close?
Counting in years,
Before our paths meet again,
Because you know
Against time I never complain.
And of course, my heart,
Oh for you never stops to beat and hurt.
So, Darling, please
You tell me... if this is not Love,
What it is.*

Definitely somewhere between longing and slavery...
1.7k · Jul 2014
Far away
Ocean Blue Jul 2014
She lives so far away
At the other end of my world
That far she would not say
So far that it hurts my soul
When she is about to fall asleep
Here, my clock says bip bip
She greets me with a Good morning sunshine
That instantly makes me feel fine
But when it is her turn for a few hours to disappear
Into sadness I am about to fall near.
1.7k · Feb 2016
Handle With Care
Ocean Blue Feb 2016
You are like a glass of crystal,
Hard, cold and shining,
You allure, You write with style,
But, Sweet Darling,
I do know You are so fragile.
When You come and get me,
If You ever dare,
Addeso and beyond eternity,
Promised, I'll handle You with care.
1.7k · Jan 2015
No woman, no hate
Ocean Blue Jan 2015
You have done everything
For me to hate you.
But, Darling,
You can read in my ink
That I am unable to
Hate anybody,
Especially you.
This is how God has made me :
Just to love you

How would I hate such a loving person anyway?
1.7k · Dec 2014
My Delightful Pain
Ocean Blue Dec 2014

I know Someone,
Who lives across the Ocean,
Whose beautiful face
In my memory slowly fades.
But after I hear her voice,
- You might say this is hopeless -
It gives me no other choice,
All night to remain sleepless.
Hey, don't go back to the Blue
My Delightful Pain,
'Cause I can't stop loving You,
Again and Again...

1.6k · Jul 2015
Love is no Game
Ocean Blue Jul 2015
Once, you wrote,
And if I may quote
('Cause after five minutes,
There was nothing left, only peanuts),
That you and me play a game,
That has a universal name,
No, D. for Darling,
Is way too serious
To be called a game.
'Cause throughout the day,
You are my only aim.
Trust me, this is not funny:
This feeling, or is it a pain,
Is my everyday reality.
1.6k · Mar 2015
A Survivor
Ocean Blue Mar 2015
I survived:
My father's death, who left too early,
My mother's trip to the land of forever fog,
The loss of a child,
A few years in the Pool,
Swimming with gentle crocodiles,
The mountain trail somewhere East,
An angry crowd in Musutiste,
On the same day, the shelling in Studencane,
A few disappointments,
One recent betrayal,
And the black cloud nightmares.

I will survive:
The daily headache,
The selection at the Academy
The fading love,
The obsessive longing for Someone,
Yes, I will survive
It all.

So help me God.
Musutiste and Studencane on February 20th, 1999:
twice on that day, God decided it was not due time for me.
1.6k · Jan 2015
Ocean Blue Jan 2015
A few drops
Of happiness in life
Build new hopes
And the will for strife.
Here they are
The sunrays
On the altar
Giving shape to
The promises
Of a singing tomorrow.
Ocean Blue Feb 2015
Remember your summer storm?
When in the middle of my European night,
Across the Ocean silent cries you would perform,
Me, promising you would be allright.
You, sobbing this storm would wreck it all,
You and me together we would fall.


Now, if you could look at my eyes
As you said, their peace have the power
After a while to soothe your sighs,
Your days and your nights to make quieter.
Indeed, I am like the still water
Of a mountain lake :
The least I can offer
Is to drawn your ache.


You've decided that
My Blue and your fever,
Among the stars will never
Dance together.
1.5k · Jan 2015
Ocean Blue Jan 2015
Things will be okay
Just give me your hand
I will take you
Through the dust
And the noise and the fire
And the madness
Of the weeping city
Trust me and
Follow me
I will lead you
To the silent harbor
Of painless eternity.
1.5k · Sep 2014
The tree
Ocean Blue Sep 2014
Stop by for a while
You've had a long journey
Through the dust and the sun
of the Holy Land.
Have a sit under my leaves
Enjoy my shade
Feel no shame.
You see how I'm wise,
How old I am
You can touch my rough skin
You can count my rings
Multiplied along the centuries.
Take the blood of my fruits,
My oil will give you
Peace and health
Prosperity and Faith.
My love I can give to many.
I am the olive tree
Of Gethsemane.
1.5k · Jan 2015
April girl
Ocean Blue Jan 2015
April, she first saw the light
June, she appeared in the night
July, she left town
After five thousand moons got down
Suddenly she was back
May, I told her my secret
June, she told me how she felt
August, she said all this should be forgotten
September, apparently I was forgiven
October, she was part of my autumn,
November, she was already on the run.
December, she said no good bye
Leaving me on the road side.
She is an April girl,
Who made my life a whirl.
Now that she is away,
Heartbroken I follow my way.
Inspired by Laurent Voulzy's song "Une Fille d'Avril"
1.4k · Nov 2014
Ocean Blue Nov 2014
Give me your hand
Before the night falls
On my hopes and
On your dreams.
Let me take your heart
And trust me if you don't mind
Before we both fall apart
And let the feelings rewind.
1.4k · May 2016
Sweet Poison
Ocean Blue May 2016
Every morning, a dose of your poetry,
Pink sky, dancing rainbows.
You're on trip, I'm in withdrawal,
Dark horizon, creeping sorrows.
Stay close, sweet Darling,
'Cause you are my ******.
1.4k · Jul 2015
You don't change
Ocean Blue Jul 2015
You :

Write poems that make me ponder,
But finally, finding no answer.

Hide behind those bars,
Who knows if you don't mean scars.

One winter day, send me to dark eternity,
Knowing well that I would colour your sky artfully.

Feel perturbed when I write love poetry on your face?
Love, for sure, this is the case.

Are influenced by the Moon ?
So your heart turns into typhoon...

After all, you don't change...
... And,
D. for Darling,
You know what?
Don't change anything,
'Cause despite all that
This is how I love You.
1.4k · Aug 2015
Sleepless Nights
Ocean Blue Aug 2015
That black and white pic of You
The one with the mischievous eyes
All night long meets my Blue
And my sleep, takes away to the skies.
Oh Darling, if You only knew...
Please let me sink, so I can dream of You.
1.4k · May 2016
Ocean Blue May 2016
I can read in your mind
Like in an open book.
... though I never know what
Is written on the next page.
1.4k · Mar 2015
If you knew...
Ocean Blue Mar 2015
... What is in my heart,
You would be surprised
By the pace of its beats,
Whenever I long for you,
Morning, and evening too.
And if you knew
How often I think of you,
Most likely
My love you would reject
And, once again,
Alas, we do not control love...
1.3k · Jul 2015
The deal we made a year ago
Ocean Blue Jul 2015
July 24th, 2014 at around 2 am,
Time in my European night,
After I had told you once more Je t'aime,
Making your heartbeats with mine to fight,
Through the distance we made a deal,
To be implemented if some conditions are met.
Days later, you confirmed and gave your seal,
Saying that you would not forget.
Very well, D. for Darling,
Now you need to hear
That if time comes - me howling
At the Moon, You breaking my vase - I'll be here.
1.3k · Oct 2014
Ocean Blue Oct 2014
During a clear night of autumn,
At the other end of Europe,
You came to life
So easily, so peacefully
Without a strife
Even making me to worry.
You were already as you are now,
Quiet, secret, colourful,
Like all the stripes of a rainbow.
The very day
of your first birthday,
You started to walk.
When you were two,
You started to talk,
Your dark eyes
Searching in my ocean blue
Clues like united spies,
What is wrong, what can be true,
This innocent curiosity
I find challenging and funny.
When you were three,
You broke your arm.
When you were four,
We moved to another country,
Where you had to learn
To be a little Frenchy.
When you were five,
During a cold winter night,
You were sleeping
When our worst nightmare
Became reality.
When you were seven,
Your newborn sister took you to heaven.
Now, when you have too much of Elle
For a second, you are close from hell.
Now the years are passing by
Like speedy clouds in the sky.
You are growing,
Walking to school with friend,
Without knowing
That, to this race I would like to put an end.
Sometimes I regret
Not to take enough time
To tell you yet
How much I love you
How much I am proud of little you.
Stay as you are
In my night, be a star,
And let me say,
Happy Birthday.
"Decaded" to my son Denis, who turns 10 in a few hours. Hopefully, one day he will read this text, along with "Your Dad".
1.3k · Oct 2015
Lost Kisses
Ocean Blue Oct 2015
Since you don't remember
Our kisses,
A long, long time ago
In another life,
Let me send you a thousand
Shall they harvest
The fields of gold
Swallow the stars
And embrace your sky.
God Bless You.
1.3k · Mar 2016
Wish List n°6
Ocean Blue Mar 2016
Despite your choice,
Twice abruptly cabled :
Not to forget your voice,
Years after, still to be able
To day dream of your smile,
To remember your sweetness
Day after day, yes,
I pray for You.
1.2k · Oct 2015
Impregnable Heart
Ocean Blue Oct 2015
In my dream world,
You stand at the top of the dungeon,
Laughing at my wooden sword,
And in my mind, spreading confusion.
Day after day, you are challenging
My feelings for you,
Always ignoring
How much I miss you.
Your sublime arrow
Has missed its target,
It seems I'll never be your hero.
Now, read the following secret:
.... .... .......  ......
... .........  ....  .....
...... ...... ...... .....
... .........  .. ;
My fault;
Let me give up
The assault
On your impregnable heart.
God Bless You
1.2k · Oct 2014
The patient man
Ocean Blue Oct 2014
Sitting on the edge of the world,
Dreaming of the clouds sailing away,
Remembering the shining pearl,
Not forgetting a single day
Of the whispered secrets,
That one considers a weakness.
Now my heart is not vacant
But... I am patient.
1.2k · Jan 2015
Stronger, 10 words
Ocean Blue Jan 2015
It's confirmed : what does not **** us makes us stronger.
Ocean Blue Apr 2015
On this special day,
I know
You can feel
Across the ocean,
How much
I pray for you.
Just like
And tomorrow
And the day after tomorrow,

God bless you
1.2k · Feb 2016
To my moody Love
Ocean Blue Feb 2016
Sweet Darling,
How would I fully
Understand how you function?
You never gave me
The instruction manual.
1.2k · Jul 2015
Weather Forecast
Ocean Blue Jul 2015
From my old Europe
To your West coast
With no expectation but still with hope,
For you, here is my weather forecast:
Sunshine every day
To chase your dark clouds
My sky smiling all the way,
Despite your mood and all odds.
Soon, strong wings to take me close to you,
Ocean Blue
To be found near Broadway.
1.2k · Oct 2014
Freeway to Life
Ocean Blue Oct 2014
You, get out of my way!
Let me drive further!
Summer is gone, it's already May.
Don't drive me to ******
Life is too short
To waste time
With people of your sort.
This life is mine.
I want to live it now.
(Mood fiction)
1.2k · Jul 2015
Ligne de Chance
Ocean Blue Jul 2015
Take my hand,
Look at my soft palm,
Doesn't it look like sand?
For once don't giggle, stay calm,
Just close your eyes.
Now, tell me...
Why don't you get
That my love for you is on the rise
Since the night we met ?
Ocean Blue Nov 2014
Please close your eyes,
And for a while hold your sighs,
Imagine in twenty years
When our happy lives have reached
The limits of unknown frontiers,
Giving the signal for a new pitch,
Would you let me
Look at your face for an hour?
Would you show me
Your amazing smile forever?
Would you give me space
To prove that my heart melts for you,
You would even listen to its pace,
Before your eyes dive in my ocean blue.
And when our dreams have not died,
When love we can still explore
Will you be by my side,
When I'm sixty four?
Inspired by The Beatles' song "When I'm Sixty Four" and by (less known) Michel Berger's song "Seras-tu là?"
1.1k · Aug 2014
Ocean Blue Aug 2014
In my country they say
You know you are in love
When you start
Acting against your own interest.
I confirm.
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