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Not a single mistake surpasses
the lash of the pencil.

One small misstep
and the disapproving frown,
the mark on paper.

Life on paper
recorded in marks
in points out of the best.

Which I'll never be.
OMFG just found out I'm going to have a C (or...maybe two...) this quarter, and my parents hardly let me get a B. Ready to die. Help?
My lover asks me:
"What is the difference between me and the sky?"
The difference, my love,
Is that when you laugh,
I forget about the sky.
Outside it feels like ten below,
so I bask in the warmth and light
of the Fireplace's glow.
No better spot on a bitter night.
A cup of Cocoa to warm my hands
and suddenly the world seems right.
Then Chip, my Chocolate Lab, makes demands;
with leash in mouth he nudged my hands.

Out in the utter dark of night.
We walk together , man and beast,
Chip loves to frolic in the snow,
(and cares not if its ten below.)
Whereas I, on the other end of the leash,
do not enjoy it in the least.
He has fur and four paw drive.
I, old and portly, slip and slide.
I'd much rather be back, warm, inside.
I think it's time for chocolate!
 Jan 2013 Olivia Andrews
You don’t have to be popular to be somebody
You don’t need to pretend to impress anybody
All you need is to be yourself to inspire everybody

you shine best by just being you

*© Pax
thank you.

you know me so well
and you know that my past
has been filled with a lot of mistakes

like an open umbrella sitting outside in the rainstorm,
the only thing weighing me down is the rain i've caught
without these mistakes, i'd simply blow away in the cold wind.

you know me inside and out.
we spent countless moments in each other's arms
in your warm comfort and wise words.

you made me feel amazing.

the one

who could truly change me.

you knew who i was.
you knew who i wanted to be

and without knowing,
you helped me become that person.

you helped me understand who i am.
i'm the girl that plays ukulele
and writes poetry
and does amazing things for women.

i don't know how my life would like if you had never walked into it
i have an idea, yes.
but i don't care to describe it here
for fear
it would upset you.

i will never be the same.
i will never ever go back to
who i was

before i met you.

and for that,

i could thank you
a million times
with cheek kisses and a lifetime of happiness

but it would never be enough.

so thank you.
**thank you for being a part of my life.
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