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I need you to hold me,
I am so cold
Inside my body shivers
And my soul quivers
Don't disappear
I need you near
I want to feel your touch
Again, make me blush
Your words so sweet
Chase away the pain
Your laugh so soft
Cut away the strain
I love you so much
It burns inside
I love you to the ends if earth
It hurts to say it
You wipe away my tears
With these soft and gentle hands
You hold me so tenderly
It quakes the lands
Your whispers
They taunt me
As your lips
Tease my lips
I just need to know that
This is real
And not just a dream
 Jan 2013 Olivia Andrews
I saw Death today. He was riding a bicycle.
And I was frozen there, struck by his casual confidence as he passed me. I could not stop my gaze, afraid his image would mark my eyes for him.
Further down, he faded into blur, past people task-busy, unaware that Death was near.
Finally I was released. I turned to walk to my own busyness, shaking my head to clear the slow-motion pull that held me.
A smile dared to start in relief that Death did not want me today. Two more steps and I felt the crunch of a busy bug under my foot.
Death and I are companions.

                                                   ­                                                     run



                                          ­                                       feet


                                                 ­                                                                 ­                     wind

                                      o'er cheeks

                                             ­                                               o'er earth

                                    green stuff cloven

                                        ­                                                                 ­         run


                                            ­                                       crushing

                                         hulking silence

                                        ­                                                           run

                                                ­      feet

                                         ­                                                       leaving


                                                   ­   the

                                             ­                                                            air

                                        to­ breathless hours shorn

                              ­                                                                 ­                to fetless hours worn

                                 by treading sunlight

                 ­                                                                 ­                        in loose warmth

                        ­       of muscles extremely

                 ­                                                                 ­      run
Another three a.m.
from too many smiles
and aching again to see the green lakes in your eyes
sparkle like white wine
and longing to hear another word sing from your lips
because your voice is like water,
and another just-fifteen-minutes-more
so that I can find the right words to say
and another sincere I-know-what-you-mean
and another one of your thoughts
kissing the ends of my sentences,
and then three more of your I-gotta-go-to-beds
and another shot at keeping you here
and one last goodnight
and I'm so far away
and I love you.

Another three a.m.,
and it's more than
just the miles
keeping us apart.
This poem, in particular, really needs to be read aloud. The pacing is very important. Do not pause at line breaks; pause only at punctuation marks.
 Jan 2013 Olivia Andrews
I wake up to the scent of you
The memories we share
I am yours
You are Mine
This is how it should be
This is how it truly is

Love isn't simple
It never is

Yet with you
I am happy
I am calm
I am...

I look into the mirror
My eyes are finally holding PRIDE
I am happy
You are happy

Lets make this last
Lets talk all night
sleep all day
and **** around
on our bedroom floor

Forget about work
forget about school
Responsibility can wait

Let it be us
that share in this
Let us protect what time
we have left.
Let us wander
Question everything

For now in the winter Mist
in the snow
we may be lost
but in your hand
I have found myself

Lets get lost
and see
what the morning dew
holds for two kindred spirits
waiting to fly high

Forests, trees, dragons
Danger at every turn
Ready for the real adventure to begin?

I am
Lets Run
fight battles
She's got hands like home
that open doors
when I'm alone.
Her arms are walls
that hold me close
with memories, sweetness
and all of the most
wonderful things
she has shown.
I swear I was homeless
till her hands like home.
© Daniel Magner 2013

But I'm homeless once again...I miss you.
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