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Jan 2020 · 88
The Last Time
Olga Valerevna Jan 2020
I wanted to sleep but tomorrow    
kept waking me up with a sigh
“the last time you cry,” said my Spirit,
“it will be the last time you cry.”

I started to drift into dreaming
and could not be shaken today  
I made my way out of the darkness
“okay, it’s okay, it’s okay”
in the voice of my Dedushka, “it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay.”
Jan 2020 · 73
I’d Give Up
Olga Valerevna Jan 2020
If I lived in a World that I could not see
I’d give up my eyes for A Faith that could lead  
I’d walk on The Water from dusk until dawn
and seek with my feet where Your Body has gone
I’d press on the Temple inside of my head
and lean into Rhythm with every breath
I’d write my whole story all over the stars
for they are the teachers You made with Your Heart
If I lived in a World that I could not see
I’d give up my life on this earth to be free
“ибо кто хочет душу свою сберечь, тот потеряет ее, а кто потеряет душу свою ради Меня, тот обретет ее; какая польза человеку, если он приобретет весь мир, а душе своей повредит? или какой выкуп даст человек за душу свою? ибо приидет Сын Человеческий во славе Отца Своего с Ангелами Своими и тогда воздаст каждому по делам его.”
‭‭От Матфея 16:25-27‬
Jan 2020 · 68
A Thousand Years of Rain
Olga Valerevna Jan 2020
my heart has been the same since it was broken long ago
by everything around me I have slowly come to know
I tried to write The Story but The Story turned to rain    
and left me here, remembering, the lives I’ve spent to gain
a thousand years had passed, or so My Spirit said to me
and I began to realize I had never learned to breathe
I’d given up the energy and patience that I had
to moments I had hoped would be okay when they had passed
“если мы неверны, Он пребывает верен, ибо Себя отречься не может.”
‭‭Второе послание к Тимофею‬ ‭2:13‬
Jan 2020 · 85
What Source are we?
Olga Valerevna Jan 2020
I’ve looked up at the stars enough to see they’re made of dust
but when I close my eyes tonight, they’ll start becoming us
we’ll mold their every pattern into meaningful array
and write them on our bodies while we justify decay
if this defines our magic, let my limbs to not exist  
I’d rather be awake than mock The Hands that whisper, “Give.”
“Я говорю: поступайте по духу, и вы не будете исполнять вожделений плоти, ибо плоть желает противного духу, а дух — противного плоти: они друг другу противятся, так что вы не то делаете, что хотели бы. Если же вы духом водитесь, то вы не под законом. Дела плоти известны; они суть: прелюбодеяние, блуд, нечистота, непотребство, идолослужение, волшебство, вражда, ссоры, зависть, гнев, распри, разногласия, (соблазны,) ереси,”
‭‭Послание к Галатам‬ ‭5:16-20‬
Jan 2020 · 99
A Soul for Salvation
Olga Valerevna Jan 2020
the age-old question once again, came knocking on my wall
“what is the point of being here if there is one at all?”
I took it then, upon myself, to follow answers through
and found myself on humbled knees, gone inching back to You

I thought about the stories I was writing in my head
and traded them for every Word You had to say instead
I gathered all the pages of The Book You gave to me
and saved them like a salve I know my Soul will always need
“В сердце моем сокрыл я слово Твое, чтобы не грешить пред Тобою. Благословен Ты, Господи! научи меня уставам Твоим.”
‭‭Псалтирь‬ ‭118:11-12‬
Dec 2019 · 119
The Fruit of Winter
Olga Valerevna Dec 2019
should I liken myself to a story
I’d ask to be holding the pen
I would wait for Your Spirit to move me
so I could write freely again

should I liken myself to a season
I’d surely be Winter —  defined
I would capture Its cold with my body
and dance with the Snow in my mind

should I liken myself to a harvest
I’d sow only seeds made of Truth
I would humble my heart in Your Presence
and reap every Winter, Your Fruit
“Не обманывайтесь: Бог поругаем не бывает. Что посеет человек, то и пожнет: сеющий в плоть свою от плоти пожнет тление, а сеющий в дух от духа пожнет жизнь вечную.”
‭‭Послание к Галатам‬ ‭6:7-8‬ ‭
Dec 2019 · 128
Prelude to The Author
Olga Valerevna Dec 2019
The Truth about The Author is impossible to know  
without admitting weakness for your character to sow
if there be any question that your person begs to ask
then lay it at the Feet of Love and pray for Words to pass  
the more that you are humbled by Intention’s Purest Form  
the less you’ll be inclined to follow wickedness conformed

The Truth about The Author makes it possible to grow
to reap from the Beginning with a conscience deep in woe
“Итак умоляю вас, братия, милосердием Божиим, представьте тела ваши в жертву живую, святую, благоугодную Богу, для разумного служения вашего, и не сообразуйтесь с веком сим, но преобразуйтесь обновлением ума вашего, чтобы вам познавать, что́ есть воля Божия, благая, угодная и совершенная.”
‭‭Послание к Римлянам‬ ‭12:1-2‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Dec 2019
if the clouds had eyes, would they ever see you?
would you show them both everything you’ve been through?
if the sky could speak, would you even  hear it?
would you speak in turn, only with your Spirit?
if The Sun came now, would you catch a fever?
would your Soul burn red — follow the deceivers?
if The Truth had Hands, would you long to hold Them?

“would you lay yours down? I will make them Golden!”
“И введу эту третью часть в огонь, и расплавлю их, как плавят серебро, и очищу их, как очищают золото: они будут призывать имя Мое, и Я услышу их и скажу: «это Мой народ», и они скажут: «Господь — Бог мой!»”
‭‭Книга пророка Захарии‬ ‭13:9‬ ‭
Dec 2019 · 202
Where Nothing at the Bottom
Olga Valerevna Dec 2019
if Love can survive in the ocean
I’ll follow its waves to Your heart
I’ll swim with an army of fishes
and wait for the waters to part

I’ll open my eyes for a second
to see if I still see at all
the saltiest part of my body
will seek You where ever You are

if Love is survived by the ocean
I’ll sink like a stone in Your Grace
I’ll wait at the bottom, where nothing
can keep me from seeing Your Face
“Советую тебе купить у Меня золото, огнем очищенное, чтобы тебе обогатиться, и белую одежду, чтобы одеться и чтобы не видна была срамота наготы твоей, и глазною мазью помажь глаза твои, чтобы видеть.”
‭‭Откровение 3:18‬
Nov 2019 · 252
In the hurry of the heart
Olga Valerevna Nov 2019
if you thought with your heart and felt with your mind
then would you go backward or forward in Time?
if Words had a pulse and a beat of Their Own
would you feel them moving inside of your bones?
if aches of the head became aches of the heart
then would you be able to handle the harm?

if there were an answer to all that you ask
then where would you feel it or know it at last?
on impulsive behavior.
“Итак, братия мои возлюбленные, всякий человек да будет скор на слышание, медлен на слова, медлен на гнев, ибо гнев человека не творит правды Божией. Посему, отложив всякую нечистоту и остаток злобы, в кротости примите насаждаемое слово, могущее спасти ваши души. Будьте же исполнители слова, а не слышатели только, обманывающие самих себя. Ибо, кто слушает слово и не исполняет, тот подобен человеку, рассматривающему природные черты лица своего в зеркале: он посмотрел на себя, отошел и тотчас забыл, каков он. Но кто вникнет в закон совершенный, закон свободы, и пребудет в нем, тот, будучи не слушателем забывчивым, но исполнителем дела, блажен будет в своем действии.”
‭‭Послание Иакова‬ ‭1:19-25
Nov 2019 · 130
The Return
Olga Valerevna Nov 2019
you want to know how to remember
all the stories I’ve learned to forget
but now that My Teacher is leaving  
you will have to consult your own head
begin with a vow gone unspoken  
every word that is feeding your mind
then ask for a pen that is Perfect  
that on paper will mend you with Rhyme  
make way for a body of answers  
to the questions you learned to forget
you may not remember My Teacher
oh but He’ll return soon, once again
“Вот, Я посылаю Ангела Моего, и он приготовит путь предо Мною, и внезапно придет в храм Свой Господь, Которого вы ищете, и Ангел завета, Которого вы желаете; вот, Он идет, говорит Господь Саваоф.” Малахии‬ ‭3:1‬ ‭
Nov 2019 · 153
The Red Wreath
Olga Valerevna Nov 2019
the Moon became crimson in color
the night that your star disappeared
I watched the whole World reach the morning
while waiting for you to be here  
my memories turned into secrets
the kind only you knew to keep
I’ll see you whenever I see you
‘til then you’re the red in the wreath
for you, the intelligent star.
Nov 2019 · 130
Valgo Vera
Olga Valerevna Nov 2019
I used to be good at believing
the life that I lived wasn’t real
but now that it’s nearly December
my bones are too cold not to feel
I used to pretend I was dreaming
enough to escape my own thoughts
but now that my eyes are not closing
I have not had the sleep that I ought
I used to await conversation
give meaning to moments in speak
but now that my tongue has been broken
I have nothing but Silence to seek

how suddenly, “used to’s,” start dying
when none of them bear any weight
and out comes The Time to remind you
I Was Then, I Am Now, by your Faith
Valera, Vera & Olga.
Nov 2019 · 107
The Coated Scroll
Olga Valerevna Nov 2019
I penned you like an anagram connected to a scroll
     that poured itself like  honey  over wounds inside my Soul
I thought away my treason as I sang you like a song
and heard my voice repeating: “you’ve been with me all along”
The Sun was in your eyes the day you wandered into me
  and entered both of mine the night I thought I’d never see
         I must’ve been asleep with all the knowledge in my head
              until you put your hand in mine and woke me from the dead
awake in the dead of Winter, coated by a calm.
Nov 2019 · 126
When The Bed Walked
Olga Valerevna Nov 2019
I reached out my heart to the Heavens

and the Beat of Its Winds became mine
a pulse I have never forgotten
had unraveled the meaning of Time

with Patience I walked like a Dreamer
who was waiting for Wonders to come
my lack of respect for The Silence
disappeared as I welcomed The Sun

the knots in my body were gathered
they were bound by the thoughts in my head
I woke up as sleepy as ever

I would take up The Cross in my bed
“Больной отвечал Ему: так, Господи; но не имею человека, который опустил бы меня в купальню, когда возмутится вода; когда же я прихожу, другой уже сходит прежде меня. Иисус говорит ему: встань, возьми постель твою и ходи.”
‭‭От Иоанна‬ ‭5:7-8‬
Nov 2019 · 127
The Chef’s Drum
Olga Valerevna Nov 2019
“this Life is a tireless battle,”
“of losses as constant as wins.”
“though daily I reckon with failure,”
“I plate all my Hope on my skin.”

“this notion has driven my sources,”
“to every last inch of their worth.”
“I prune and I **** like a person,”
“who’ll never remain on this earth.”

“this vessel has given me little,”
“but stresses surmised by a crowd.”
“I make what I make out-of-body,”
“create and destroy to empower.”
for and because of my Trudy, the Chef of all Chefs I will ever know.
Olga Valerevna Nov 2019
see, everything here makes me hungry
for Truth and for Kindness - for Love
so I washed my Soul in the Sunrise
and wandered the skies like a dove

see, everyone here makes me weary
their words by their actions - defiled
so I slipped away from my body
and hanged all my senses to die

see, everywhere else doesn’t matter
today or tomorrow - or now  
so I made my way to The Spirit
and found me a Home in the clouds
“Иисус сказал: неужели и вы еще не разумеете? еще ли не понимаете, что всё, входящее в уста, проходит в чрево и извергается вон? а исходящее из уст — из сердца исходит — сие оскверняет человека, ибо из сердца исходят злые помыслы, убийства, прелюбодеяния, любодеяния, кражи, лжесвидетельства, хуления — это оскверняет человека; а есть неумытыми руками — не оскверняет человека.”
‭‭От Матфея‬ ‭15:16-20‬
Nov 2019 · 139
to fall among them
Olga Valerevna Nov 2019
see there was a thorn in my garden
and somehow it learned how to speak
before I could find it in person
it pressed itself deep into me
it pushed all my blood to the surface
then punctured a piece of my heart
before it could go any further
I found my way back to the start
see you were the thorn in my garden
and somehow you learned how to hide
before I went looking, I waited
and welcomed the Peace in my mind
“И чтобы я не превозносился чрезвычайностью откровений, дано мне жало в плоть, ангел сатаны, удручать меня, чтобы я не превозносился. Трижды молил я Господа о том, чтобы удалил его от меня. Но Господь сказал мне: «довольно для тебя благодати Моей, ибо сила Моя совершается в немощи». И потому я гораздо охотнее буду хвалиться своими немощами, чтобы обитала во мне сила Христова. Посему я благодушествую в немощах, в обидах, в нуждах, в гонениях, в притеснениях за Христа, ибо, когда я немощен, тогда силен.”
‭‭Второе послание к Коринфянам‬ ‭12:7-10‬
Oct 2019 · 218
When Poetry Pursues
Olga Valerevna Oct 2019
if there exists a mountain that is beautiful as you
I only want to see it through the lens in which you do
the way you capture motion sings an ode unto my art
and makes of me a poet who’s a song inside her heart
the melody you carry pours like Peace upon my bones
reminds me to be thankful even when I am alone
yes, there exists a mountain just as beautiful as you!
and now that I have seen it, let the Poetry ensue
“Итак, не будьте нерассудительны, но познавайте, что́ есть воля Божия. И не упивайтесь вином, от которого бывает распутство; но исполняйтесь Духом, назидая самих себя псалмами и славословиями и песнопениями духовными, поя и воспевая в сердцах ваших Господу,”
‭‭Послание к Ефесянам‬ ‭5:17-19
Oct 2019 · 232
The Hypocrite’s Hymn
Olga Valerevna Oct 2019
to be strong on the surface but weak in the heart
well this is the song of a hypocrite’s farce
to be halfway to somewhere in coddled up lies
when called out by Reason, so quick to deny
and to steal from the sources that speak of The Truth
then write it in pen, that the words came from you
have you heard of a character hardened to death?
it sings every song by the whim of your breath
“Нет ничего сокровенного, что не открылось бы, и тайного, чего не узнали бы. Посему, что́ вы сказали в темноте, то́ услышится во свете; и что́ говорили на ухо внутри дома, то́ будет провозглашено на кровлях.”
‭‭От Луки‬ ‭12:2-3‬
Olga Valerevna Oct 2019
the lessons taught by Wisdom still revolve around the tongue
the smallest of your members but the very loudest one
consider it the ruler of the world in which you live
for by it you can slander or remember to forgive
the wickedness around you has a way of seeping in
if ever you invite it as a guest come through your skin
it tends to move by way of pain that blinds you from the start
possessing every Truth you once had living in your heart
a weakened state of memory will follow close behind
until you lose your senses and derail on Tracks of Time  
the smallest of your members has a way of pulling weight
so let your words be light instead of heavy like the hate
“И язык — огонь, прикраса неправды; язык в таком положении находится между членами нашими, что оскверняет все тело и воспаляет круг жизни, будучи сам воспаляем от геенны.”
‭‭Послание Иакова‬ ‭3:6‬ ‭
Oct 2019 · 510
From me to you
Olga Valerevna Oct 2019
when I went to see you with all of my heart
I’d every intention of falling apart
the dots that connected your person to mine
became a mirage with the passing of Time
our days have been buried in soil that sank
and all I remember has drawn me a blank
when I went to see you, I already knew
that nothing would matter - to me or to you
the end.
Oct 2019 · 143
The Practice of Pulchritude
Olga Valerevna Oct 2019
my father had to go but he was never leaving me
he took me like a photograph he knew that I would see
protected by his memories, my heart could never lose
no matter what, no matter how, I’d see myself in you
you made of me a person who was softened by The Light  
a man who knows the meaning of the honest way to fight  
my father disappeared in every way the flesh does once
but I will always find him in the likeness of his love
another person’s story, retold.
Oct 2019 · 102
The Lease of These
Olga Valerevna Oct 2019
I wandered into memories and felt the Peace of Time
It poured into my heart and then eventually, my mind
appraised It every thought the way A Friend could only do
and there I was reliving every day I’d  spent with You
I sacrificed my senses on The Altar of Your Grace
and let my body burn so I could meet You face to face
the former is corruptible and visceral at best
I’d rather lease My Soul than be the owner of my flesh
“Тогда праведники скажут Ему в ответ: Господи! когда мы видели Тебя алчущим, и накормили? или жаждущим, и напоили? когда мы видели Тебя странником, и приняли? или нагим, и одели? когда мы видели Тебя больным, или в темнице, и пришли к Тебе? И Царь скажет им в ответ: истинно говорю вам: так как вы сделали это одному из сих братьев Моих меньших, то сделали Мне.”
‭‭От Матфея‬ ‭25:37-40‬
Olga Valerevna Oct 2019
if we are passing the time, are we moving?
are we keeping our minds or are we losing?
do the things that we seek make our hearts sing?
or does everything leave our Souls with nothing?
I can speak for myself, but I don’t want to
not right here or right now, I can’t help you
I would rather hear You speak of beginnings
than lead all my own thoughts to only endings
if we are moving with Time, It won’t pass us
we’ll be keeping our lives once we become dust
“Ибо Он знает состав наш, помнит, что мы — персть. Дни человека — как трава; как цвет полевой, так он цветет. Пройдет над ним ветер, и нет его, и место его уже не узнает его.”
‭‭Псалтирь‬ ‭102:14-16‬
Oct 2019 · 353
Lizzie Said, I...
Olga Valerevna Oct 2019
I once believed your heart to be another beat of mine
the only other consciousness I ever could define
but sooner and not later I was tried ‘til I was blue
and suddenly my memory said, “anyone but you”
I recognized the cloud your eyes once begged of me to see
now all you’ve ever been before means nothingness to me
you comforted my body and you broke into my Soul
so I considered treason be the only path to go
Sep 2019 · 106
Olga Valerevna Sep 2019
I stopped myself halfway to nowhere
let all of my thoughts come undone
gave up every sense in my body
so I could be led by The Sun
I brought my own voice into stillness
and silently held out my hands
“I’m tired, I’m worn but I’m breathing!”
You breathed me back into Your Plans
Your Truth is as simple as Nature
the reap and the sow of a seed
hearing You say that You hear me
is The Truth I’d forgotten I need
“Надейся на Господа всем сердцем твоим, и не полагайся на разум твой. Во всех путях твоих познавай Его, и Он направит стези твои.”
‭‭Притчи Соломона‬ ‭3:5-6‬
Sep 2019 · 110
Olga Valerevna Sep 2019
consider the tone of your story  
rescind any anger at bay
lest treason become of your anchor
to make of your message, decay
you’ll only have blacked out the Sunrise
The Forever that lived in your heart  
a death premature by your choosing
to be one who’s not who you are

consider the tone of your story
invite every kindness to stay
for reason will make you a master
of Words you are destined to say
you’ll welcome the Sunrise in Spirit  
Forever the Beat of your Heart
a life made to keep by your person
to be who are - this is it!
“После того Иисус, зная, что уже все совершилось, да сбудется Писание, говорит: жажду. Тут стоял сосуд, полный уксуса. Воины, напоив уксусом губку и наложив на иссоп, поднесли к устам Его. Когда же Иисус вкусил уксуса, сказал: совершилось! И, преклонив главу, предал дух.”
‭‭От Иоанна‬ ‭19:28-30‬ ‭
Sep 2019 · 98
The Last Deaf
Olga Valerevna Sep 2019
I slept some three hours to midnight
then one come then two come then three
but Poetry woke me to tell you
there’s Someone we all need to meet  

His Name is the reason we’re living
He gives our each day to The Son
and while I’m alive, I confirm this
there’s Nobody Else like The One

He recognized all of my sadness
and put all my pain in His Hands
He told me I’m made up of madness
this world wants to poison and plant

my loyalty lies in My Savior
my roots found A Home in His Life
and nothing and no one can render
The Way I’ll be always defined
“What an admirable thing it is in the divine economy that the sacred literature of the world should have been entrusted to a people whose poetry, depending largely on parallelism, should remain poetry in any language you translate it into.”
C.S. Lewis. Letters, 16 July 1940.
Sep 2019 · 364
The Library Book
Olga Valerevna Sep 2019
I wish it would be easier to seek The Way, I Am
but Life has no intention of acknowledging your plan
the days you walk are numbered and the breaths you breathe are stored
in places you will never see unless you be reborn
your body’s made of ashes that will disappear in Time
your Soul is made of Fruit that hopes Forever stay Alive  
consider what you say and then consider what you do
are you the kind of human who would stand beside of you?
«И не войдет в него ничто нечистое и никто преданный мерзости и лжи, а только те, которые написаны у Агнца в книге жизни.»
Откровения 21:27
Sep 2019 · 115
Granted, Earth
Olga Valerevna Sep 2019
I watch your intention become you
and want to be perfectly clear
you’ll never be more than the people
you’ve stolen from over the years
I’ve learned to expose what you’re thinking
and it doesn’t sit well with me
so why don’t you take all your anger
and drown it out into The Sea?
Its Salt will recover your body
Its Waves will speak into your soul
lest anything you took for granted
saved face so your life could look whole
I don’t know you, who are you?
Sep 2019 · 135
Today I Found a Poem
Olga Valerevna Sep 2019
today I found a poem You had hidden from my mind
but now that I’ve drawn closer I can see it in my eyes
and every Word revealed to me is changing who I am
relentlessly pursuing every detail in Your Hands
The Light I’m letting in is singing lullabies to me
the kinds of songs my childhood has saved to memory  
they paint my mother’s heart in tones of elegance and grace
they bring me to my knees where I begin to seek Your Face
today I found a poem You had written long ago
and now that I am ready, You are here to watch me grow
to Poetry: You are always with me.
Aug 2019 · 121
Only To Be Whole
Olga Valerevna Aug 2019
I want to be stronger so I can be weak
to learn The Whole Plan that The One has for me
I want to be scattered to pieces of dust
so I can resemble The Face of Your Love
I want to be heavy so I can see Light
until all of my fears have gone out of sight
I want to know people I’ll need to forget
so I leave them the way they were when we met
I want to feel Seasons inside of my Soul
I long to be Yours as I long to be Whole
Но Господь сказал мне: "довольно для тебя благодати Моей, ибо сила Моя совершается в немощи ". И потому я гораздо охотнее буду хвалиться своими немощами, чтобы обитала во мне сила Христова.
Aug 2019 · 120
The Open See
Olga Valerevna Aug 2019
I met you when the summer Sun was hottest in the sky
the center of a season come, the middle of July  
I dreamt about the ocean but I found you by the sea
and that is how I know you are a salty fish like me
you swim around the people but you always make it Home
for there is nothing better than to be, and be alone
the people in the water have been drowning all their lives
but you and I are floating, we have opened up our eyes
there are poems that write themselves.
Aug 2019 · 185
To the Left, to the Right
Olga Valerevna Aug 2019
The Sun has kept His every word He ever said to me
so here I am relearning to accept what I can’t see
my eyes have tempted every day without my own consent
but now that I have closed them all my fears have up and left
my body is no longer now the way that it once was
(a flower in a field to be picked up by anyone)
I laid myself on soil no one possibly could find
where I can be at peace in every corner of my mind
Jul 2019 · 113
In Sea & Salt
Olga Valerevna Jul 2019
the sea is inside of my body
The Sun and The Moon are my eyes
I’m salt and I’m water forever
Your Truth I could never deny
propensity bites at my person
intention gives strength where I lack
I mute all the voices around me
so I can hear Yours calling back

I know the sound of Your Story
like I know the beat of my heart
and rather than go on without You
I’ll hope You will never depart
“Вы — соль земли. Если же соль потеряет силу, то чем сделаешь ее соленою? Она уже ни к чему негодна, как разве выбросить ее вон на попрание людям.”
‭‭От Матфея‬ ‭5:13‬ ‭
Jul 2019 · 171
You & I
Olga Valerevna Jul 2019
teach me the Ways of The Father and guide me like Rays of The Sun
and give me a heart that is open - fully, completely to Love
and strike from my soul any anger, words that do not sow the Good
and keep me from being fulfilled by that which Your Heart never could
take all the burdens within me and give me Your Light in its place
show me the world through Your Senses and wipe every tear from my face
“И отрет Бог всякую слезу с очей их, и смерти не будет уже; ни плача, ни вопля, ни болезни уже не будет, ибо прежнее прошло.”
‭‭Откровение ап. Иоанна Богослова 21:4‬
Jul 2019 · 207
The Second Message
Olga Valerevna Jul 2019
I can’t be away from Your Mind too long
I lose mine
I cannot deny where my heart went wrong
I need Light
I am still the same but my thoughts have changed
I know why
I believe You Are, it is me who’ll fade
You are Time
I do not come close to defining Grace
You are Life
I am only strong when I seek Your Face

through the fire
“Но Господь сказал мне: «довольно для тебя благодати Моей, ибо сила Моя совершается в немощи». И потому я гораздо охотнее буду хвалиться своими немощами, чтобы обитала во мне сила Христова.”
‭‭Второе послание к Коринфянам‬ ‭12:9‬ ‬
Jul 2019 · 128
The Helianthus
Olga Valerevna Jul 2019
if I were a flower, I’d be like The Sun
I’d bloom on the days when your body goes numb
I’d give you the seeds I have grown in my heart
and hope that you use them like salve on your scars
lest you be the ***** or you be the saint
leave no room for questioning why you’re awake
I’ll pull every root I may have on this earth
exchange it for nothing, for nothing is worth
the cost of your honest and humble dismay
there’s more than you know in your every day
“Советую тебе купить у Меня золото, огнем очищенное, чтобы тебе обогатиться, и белую одежду, чтобы одеться и чтобы не видна была срамота наготы твоей, и глазною мазью помажь глаза твои, чтобы видеть.”
‭‭Откровение ап. Иоанна 3:18
Jul 2019 · 157
40 Days in the Desert
Olga Valerevna Jul 2019
if I could distract you with silence
would I have more power than you?
if I could recount all your follies
would you even know what to do?
if I could become what your vice is
would you have a beat in your heart?
if I could convince you you’re living
would you even know who you are?
if I could throw stones at your language
would you even speak once again?
if I gave all that you wanted
would you dare to challenge my friends?
if I made it seem like I’m perfect
would you still go seeking The Truth?
if I gave you all of my knowledge
would you give me all of your youth?
“Тогда Иисус возведен был Духом в пустыню, для искушения от диавола, и, постившись сорок дней и сорок ночей, напоследок взалкал.”
‭‭От Матфея‬ ‭4:1-2‬ ‭
Jun 2019 · 215
Olga Valerevna Jun 2019
whenever I see you, I travel in Time
I catch you in corners in both of my eyes
remember your story for both of our sakes
and walk on The Water as you do, with Grace
I pencil in nothing, in Pen it is writ
I can not erase what Forever will give
your joy is my Sun and your pain is my own
I feel you so much I could never throw stones
“Когда же продолжали спрашивать Его, Он, восклонившись, сказал им: кто из вас без греха, первый брось на нее камень.”
‭‭От Иоанна‬ ‭8:7‬ ‭
Jun 2019 · 168
Olga Valerevna Jun 2019
conclusions are walking this earth every day
in search of another to put in a cage
to sum up and swindle a Soul for its worth
and make it look something like death in reverse
they tell you to follow and promise you years
but next thing you know you are drowning in tears
see, earth is so tangible, tempting and crude
but it can’t define you the way it concludes
your heart is much stronger than all of earth’s roots
your mind has a way of guarding The Truth
“потому что наша брань не против крови и плоти, но против начальств, против властей, против мироправителей тьмы века сего, против духов злобы поднебесных.”
‭‭Послание к Ефесянам‬ ‭6:12‬ ‭
Jun 2019 · 228
The Vine and the Past Life
Olga Valerevna Jun 2019
but can you feel the Hands of Time
moving up the arch of your spine
no serpentine, He is The Vine
and you’re the branch He keeps alive

just breathe, you’re here, accept The Light
and don’t look back, it’s not a fight
the war you waged will fade by night
A Risen Sun will give you sight

and in the rays your fruit will grow
and golden morrows you will sow
don’t ask me how, I do not know
but this I cling to as I go
“Я есмь лоза, а вы ветви; кто пребывает во Мне, и Я в нем, тот приносит много плода; ибо без Меня не можете делать ничего.” От Иоанна‬ ‭15:5‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Jun 2019
if I were a painter then I would paint You
in every color and every fruit
I’d pray for my hands to be steady as Yours
and hope You would guide every move of my sword
I’d live on a palette created for me
but make Yours The Story that I want to breathe
so people could see and could know of Your Light
the One that illuminates all that’s inside
Jun 2019 · 90
Thou Shall Not
Olga Valerevna Jun 2019
if I could be anything more than than I am
I’d lay my whole being on soil and sand
I’d revel in people who want to know peace
and give them a place to find what they seek
my heart would be mortal, my soul would be more
my thoughts would be fruits of a labor adorned
by all of the beauty the flesh has denied
a key to the past that will open the eyes
of all who are waiting for something to give
your prayers will be honored as long as you live
“But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31
May 2019 · 109
This My Inheritance
Olga Valerevna May 2019
there’s this girl I know, she knows me too
she will tell you my story tomorrow
she will beckon me like Autumn’s breeze
and invite me back into my sorrow
I’ll be gently thrown by what she says  
just enough to be wholly transparent  
in how I am and in how I love
used to think this was only inherent
though I’m fathered by and mothered by
every cell that exists in my ending
I am made of more than what I knew  
I’m a woman, a Helper, a blessing
title taken from and inspired by All Sons & Daughters - all praise be to God, always and forever.
May 2019 · 296
Think it Fair
Olga Valerevna May 2019
I think it unfair to The Poet
she said with her heart on its knees
to share only half of your person
when Love comes to fall at your feet
I think it unfair of each other
to hide what is heavy and blue
if talking leads halfway to nowhere
I’d rather stay home with The Truth
see, Nature’s The Scribe of my sorrows
The Knower and Maker of all
I’m safe when I share what is ailing
the every beat of my heart
“И вот, женщина того города, которая была грешница, узнав, что Он возлежит в доме фарисея, принесла алавастровый сосуд с миром и, став позади у ног Его и плача, начала обливать ноги Его слезами и отирать волосами головы своей, и целовала ноги Его, и мазала миром.”
‭‭От Луки‬ ‭7:37-38‬ ‭
May 2019 · 104
Out of Darkness I Dash
Olga Valerevna May 2019
do you know what I mean about feeding
the every need of this world
there’re so many folk who don’t see it
caught up in a life gone awhirl
where the pain and despair got the better
of all of their moments in time
and right now there is nothing but Me left
said Hope, I’m the last One to die
even if both your hands have grown weary
and all of your strength disappears  
just remember the Words I have spoken
they’re with you forever, my dear
‭‭От Иоанна‬ ‭17:1-26‬
May 2019 · 166
One Eighth of Infinity
Olga Valerevna May 2019
so how do you discern the every thinking of your heart?
and when are you in synch with it and when are you afar?
does every thought you have consider what is Good and True?
or rather does it consecrate the darkest parts of you?
are you the kind of human who lays every word to death?
or are you not the former, too aware of every breath?
do you know what it feels like to be everything you are?
or do you bend your knee instead, to every fallen star?
“Имейте добрую совесть, дабы тем, за что злословят вас, как злодеев, были постыжены порицающие ваше доброе житие во Христе.”
‭‭Первое послание Петра‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭
Apr 2019 · 153
Right Now, Somehow
Olga Valerevna Apr 2019
I never had a friend who knew me any way at all
except The One Who promised He would be there if I fall
my ev-er-y emotion makes it harder to believe
that I am of more worth to You than anything that be
for who am I to reckon with a debt I could not pay
let by and by my heart accept Your ransom every day
I never knew a Friend the way I know You here and now
in Spirit and in Truth I’ve learned to worship You somehow
“Бог есть дух, и поклоняющиеся Ему должны поклоняться в духе и истине.”
‭‭От Иоанна святое благовествование‬ ‭4:24‬
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