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Olga Valerevna Jan 2021
if you took all the minds of the people
whose lives have been jaded by Time
and you put them in one room, together
I wonder how much you would find

there’d be glories gone trampled by bullies
who couldn’t themselves so they stole
as they walked around high on their mighty
and ravaged of Spirit and soul

   if you took all the minds of the people
   whose lives have been ravaged unkind
   you would learn every Truth that there
   could be
   you would stop and stare with your eyes
“Когда же он шел и приближался к Дамаску, внезапно осиял его свет с неба. Он упал на землю и услышал голос, говорящий ему: Савл, Савл! что ты гонишь Меня? Он сказал: кто Ты, Господи? Господь же сказал: Я Иисус, Которого ты гонишь. Трудно тебе идти против рожна.”
‭‭Деяния 9:3-5
Olga Valerevna Dec 2020
I constantly walked on the lines that are fine
and hoped that my feet wouldn’t take Yours for mine
I barely considered how wrong I could go  
until I remembered how little I know

I wandered and wondered again and again
one moment I’d be here, the next I would end
“If this is the way I will be my whole life,”
“then help me be ready to hear You tonight.”
“Then they said to him, “Who are you, that we may give an answer to those who sent us? What do you say about yourself?” He said: “I am ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Make straight the way of the LORD,” ’ as the prophet Isaiah said.””
‭‭John‬ ‭1:22-23
Olga Valerevna Dec 2020
you will not know how much you are until they take it all
when every part that profits them means nothing when it’s gone
you’re not the way they paint you and you’re not what’s being sold
you’re not appraised commodity, you’re not what you’ve been told

you’re not a man’s perdition in the absence of The Truth
you’re not a force to conquer by the sin you made him do
you’ll know how much you are when you’ve acknowledged what you hid
and in the very act of, you will walk away from this
“впрочем спасется через чадородие, если пребудет в вере и любви и в святости с целомудрием.”
‭‭1 Тимофею‬ ‭2:15‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Dec 2020
for those who need to see and feel the physical to breathe
there’s always been an element of, “show me You are here”
the movement of Your Spirit led my spirit to Your Hands
and even though I saw them, it was hard to understand

while both my eyes bore witness to the Miracle You are
my body clung to science and the meaning of the stars
by primitive behavior and by ways You spoke against
I tried to learn the heavens with all hell as my defense

I wandered and I wondered and I wore my body down
I made of my own senses nothing more than passing clouds
I tried to let The Meaning of the reason I am here
convince me You’re a thought that I could make to disappear
“Фома же, один из двенадцати, называемый Близнец, не был тут с ними, когда приходил Иисус. Другие ученики сказали ему: мы видели Господа. Но он сказал им: если не увижу на руках Его ран от гвоздей, и не вложу перста моего в раны от гвоздей, и не вложу руки моей в ребра Его, не поверю.”
‭‭От Иоанна‬ ‭20:24-25‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Nov 2020
if building You bridges is for me
then I’ll pray for the strength that I lack
I’ll give up my hands and my body
Sow through me, bring the prodigals back

if watching Your Gospel unravel
gives me moments to meet You each day
I’ll put on The Eyes of Your Body
and follow Your Steps the Whole Way
“Придя же в себя, сказал: сколько наемников у отца моего избыточествуют хлебом, а я умираю от голода; встану, пойду к отцу моему и скажу ему: отче! я согрешил против неба и пред тобою и уже недостоин называться сыном твоим; прими меня в число наемников твоих. Встал и пошел к отцу своему. И когда он был еще далеко, увидел его отец его и сжалился; и, побежав, пал ему на шею и целовал его.”
‭‭От Луки‬ ‭15:17-20
Olga Valerevna Nov 2020
if any single way in you leads back to your control
I urge you to be diligent and patient with your Soul
lest any piece of human flesh be present in you still
I leave at your discretion: every motive of your will

are you as free as One Who counted loss of self as gain?
or do you have agendas that are printed in your name?
are you the one who holds the pen and writes a story down?
or do you have it in you to be humbled by The Crown?
“Испытай меня, Боже, и узнай сердце мое; испытай меня и узнай помышления мои; и зри, не на опасном ли я пути, и направь меня на путь вечный.”
‭‭Псалтирь‬ ‭138:23-24
Olga Valerevna Nov 2020
if to die little deaths on the daily
is what beckons My Spirit to Life
then I’ll die until I am no longer
to let You within me come Alive

if to open my heart to my neighbors
is the only Commandment I have
then I’ll open it wider than ever
to let You give me strength that I lack

if to put myself into the darkness
is the calling You’ve placed on my heart
then I’ll sing to the beat You made for me
to come find You when I fall apart
“Я каждый день умираю: свидетельствуюсь в том похвалою вашею, братия, которую я имею во Христе Иисусе, Господе нашем.”
‭‭Первое послание к Коринфянам‬ ‭15:31
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