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Olga Valerevna Nov 2020
if any single way in you leads back to your control
I urge you to be diligent and patient with your Soul
lest any piece of human flesh be present in you still
I leave at your discretion: every motive of your will

are you as free as One Who counted loss of self as gain?
or do you have agendas that are printed in your name?
are you the one who holds the pen and writes a story down?
or do you have it in you to be humbled by The Crown?
“Испытай меня, Боже, и узнай сердце мое; испытай меня и узнай помышления мои; и зри, не на опасном ли я пути, и направь меня на путь вечный.”
‭‭Псалтирь‬ ‭138:23-24
Olga Valerevna Nov 2020
if to die little deaths on the daily
is what beckons My Spirit to Life
then I’ll die until I am no longer
to let You within me come Alive

if to open my heart to my neighbors
is the only Commandment I have
then I’ll open it wider than ever
to let You give me strength that I lack

if to put myself into the darkness
is the calling You’ve placed on my heart
then I’ll sing to the beat You made for me
to come find You when I fall apart
“Я каждый день умираю: свидетельствуюсь в том похвалою вашею, братия, которую я имею во Христе Иисусе, Господе нашем.”
‭‭Первое послание к Коринфянам‬ ‭15:31
Olga Valerevna Nov 2020
if you follow the veins of your struggles you will bleed into hands that hold Truth
and then everything else will mean nothing
for The Story is written in you

not because you contain all the answers
or because it’s your life that’s worth more
it’s because you have chosen surrender
it’s because you have opened the door

if you follow the veins of your struggles
you will learn what it means to be Saved
and when every lesson has found you
you will sing only Hymns from your grave
“Ибо для меня жизнь — Христос, и смерть — приобретение.”
‭‭Послание к Филиппийцам‬ ‭1:21‬
Olga Valerevna Oct 2020
I feel like I’m ghosting my patterns
but trading them in as I go
does anyone know how to live in
A Place we all hope to call Home?

I feel like I’ve been an imposter
I know all the ways I went wrong
but I cannot sleep without dreaming
my mind tries to carry it all

I feel like a human behavior
too loud to surrender my noise
I crawl on my knees to be broken
so I can remember Your Voice
it is impossible for me to write anything anymore, that doesn’t directly reference and reflect my Source of Truth; it is Biblical.

“For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” 1 Corinthians 2:2
Olga Valerevna Sep 2020
though all my crosses bear a weight, they crumble in The Sun
they disappear completely and I slowly come undone
I wandered through a head of space I can’t believe I had
and actively ignored the every question I once asked

though all my choices bear a mark, they don’t define my Soul
they make a way for me to heal as soon as I let go
I recognized the wickedness my beating heart had seen
and actively pursued The Grace that brought me to my knees
it is Biblical.
Olga Valerevna Aug 2020
your, “who I am,” is in your head
your day-to-day, your daily bread
your, “who I want and hope to be”
your, “here I am,” and, “this is me”

your, “who am I,” is in your blood
your cell-to-cell, your day en kah
your, “in my dreams I see what is”
your, “I believe in all of it”

you have a mind to know The Truth
and may it always humble you
you have a heart to feel again
and may it always give you strength
Olga Valerevna Aug 2020
have you ever read poets you thought you could trust
while they made of your body a temple of lust
if they portioned your pain into doses of words
they could smother your Spirit and feed you to birds

have you ever been rested enough to decide
you would rather be dead to your flesh than your mind
if you took up the weight of your struggle and fear
you could live in a body that serves as a Mirror
“Ко всем же сказал: если кто хочет идти за Мною, отвергнись себя, и возьми крест свой, и следуй за Мною. Ибо кто хочет душу свою сберечь, тот потеряет ее; а кто потеряет душу свою ради Меня, тот сбережет ее. Ибо что пользы человеку приобрести весь мир, а себя самого погубить или повредить себе?” От Луки ‭9:23-25‬ ‭
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