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Olga Valerevna Jul 2020
I started to ponder the person I was
and went to seek Life to stop seeking out blood
I turned to my mother, who gave me her shoes
so I could walk freely with her in The Truth

we stepped into soil of different kinds  
and learned to be humbled by moments in Time
I turned to my mother, who gave me her hand
so I could be strengthened again and again

I started to move like The Grace in her heart
and put away fear as I fell in her arms    
I turned to my mother and she turned to me
so I could say, “Momma, your Faith led me here.”
“И, взяв девицу за руку, говорит ей: «талифа́ куми́», что значит: девица, тебе говорю, встань. И девица тотчас встала и начала ходить, ибо была лет двенадцати. Видевшие пришли в великое изумление.”
‭‭От Марка 5:41-42‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Jul 2020
a thief believes everyone steals, he once thought
but into his pockets he wept
“I’ve taken and sold for a penny to have,”
“and nothing but nothing is left.”

a thief believes everyone hides, he once heard
so out of the shadows he crawled
The Light would reveal every Promise He Kept
the thief was exposed by them all

a thief can exist when there’s something to take
but not when there’s something to give
so Grace can’t be measured or bought for a dime
or sold for a second to live
“Вор приходит только для того, чтобы украсть, убить и погубить. Я пришел для того, чтобы имели жизнь и имели с избытком.”
‭‭От Иоанна 10:10‬
Olga Valerevna Jun 2020
The Sun can Rise a thousand times for everyone to see
but dies a single death for one who asks, “can I be free?”
A hundred million answers turn to dust rebuilt by Grace
and Time becomes a Closer Friend than anyone you face
“Ибо, как непослушанием одного человека сделались многие грешными, так и послушанием одного сделаются праведными многие. Закон же пришел после, и таким образом умножилось преступление. А когда умножился грех, стала преизобиловать благодать, дабы, как грех царствовал к смерти, так и благодать воцарилась через праведность к жизни вечной Иисусом Христом, Господом нашим.”
‭‭Послание к Римлянам‬ ‭5:19-21‬
Olga Valerevna Jun 2020
my days have been numbered, my Soul has been bought
by all of the blood I could spill with my thoughts
and there is a Savior where ego once lived
Who grants me His Strength as I learn how to give
my mind was a riot, my heart was a stone
that turned into ashes and Rose when He Rose
a looter, a liar and addict of wrath
was given The Grace to be led to His Path
“Ищите Господа, когда можно найти Его; призывайте Его, когда Он близко. Да оставит нечестивый путь свой и беззаконник — помыслы свои, и да обратится к Господу, и Он помилует его, и к Богу нашему, ибо Он многомилостив.”
‭‭Книга пророка Исаии‬ ‭55:6-7‬
Olga Valerevna Jun 2020
if we change what we say but not how we move
the Truth will uncover the liar we soothe  
and not out of anger and not out of spite
but out of the seeds we have sewn in this life

if we change what we do but not how we speak
the words we have uttered will fall at our feet
perhaps to condemn us, if we should so choose
or maybe to save us from what is a noose

if we change with our heart, we’ll learn by its blood
the things we should say and what needs to be done
not just in the moment, not just here and now
but longer than ever, Forever somehow
“Добрый человек из доброго сокровища выносит доброе, а злой человек из злого сокровища выносит злое. Говорю же вам, что за всякое праздное слово, какое скажут люди, дадут они ответ в день суда: ибо от слов своих оправдаешься, и от слов своих осудишься.”
‭‭От Матфея‬ ‭12:35-37‬
Olga Valerevna Jun 2020
“I cannot breathe,” he begged through gasps
as minutes moved, his lungs collapsed
the streets would grieve his blood that day
and seek The Poet in his name

if we remain, though he is gone
we have a chance to right the wrong
on bended knee, with head bowed down
it’s you and me - The Time is now
in loving memory of George Floyd, an African-American man murdered in cold blood at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Dept on May 25, 2020.
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