I started to ponder the person I was
and went to seek Life to stop seeking out blood
I turned to my mother, who gave me her shoes
so I could walk freely with her in The Truth
we stepped into soil of different kinds
and learned to be humbled by moments in Time
I turned to my mother, who gave me her hand
so I could be strengthened again and again
I started to move like The Grace in her heart
and put away fear as I fell in her arms
I turned to my mother and she turned to me
so I could say, “Momma, your Faith led me here.”
“И, взяв девицу за руку, говорит ей: «талифа́ куми́», что значит: девица, тебе говорю, встань. И девица тотчас встала и начала ходить, ибо была лет двенадцати. Видевшие пришли в великое изумление.”
От Марка 5:41-42