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Olga Valerevna Oct 2019
the lessons taught by Wisdom still revolve around the tongue
the smallest of your members but the very loudest one
consider it the ruler of the world in which you live
for by it you can slander or remember to forgive
the wickedness around you has a way of seeping in
if ever you invite it as a guest come through your skin
it tends to move by way of pain that blinds you from the start
possessing every Truth you once had living in your heart
a weakened state of memory will follow close behind
until you lose your senses and derail on Tracks of Time  
the smallest of your members has a way of pulling weight
so let your words be light instead of heavy like the hate
“И язык — огонь, прикраса неправды; язык в таком положении находится между членами нашими, что оскверняет все тело и воспаляет круг жизни, будучи сам воспаляем от геенны.”
‭‭Послание Иакова‬ ‭3:6‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Oct 2019
when I went to see you with all of my heart
I’d every intention of falling apart
the dots that connected your person to mine
became a mirage with the passing of Time
our days have been buried in soil that sank
and all I remember has drawn me a blank
when I went to see you, I already knew
that nothing would matter - to me or to you
the end.
Olga Valerevna Oct 2019
my father had to go but he was never leaving me
he took me like a photograph he knew that I would see
protected by his memories, my heart could never lose
no matter what, no matter how, I’d see myself in you
you made of me a person who was softened by The Light  
a man who knows the meaning of the honest way to fight  
my father disappeared in every way the flesh does once
but I will always find him in the likeness of his love
another person’s story, retold.
Olga Valerevna Oct 2019
I wandered into memories and felt the Peace of Time
It poured into my heart and then eventually, my mind
appraised It every thought the way A Friend could only do
and there I was reliving every day I’d  spent with You
I sacrificed my senses on The Altar of Your Grace
and let my body burn so I could meet You face to face
the former is corruptible and visceral at best
I’d rather lease My Soul than be the owner of my flesh
“Тогда праведники скажут Ему в ответ: Господи! когда мы видели Тебя алчущим, и накормили? или жаждущим, и напоили? когда мы видели Тебя странником, и приняли? или нагим, и одели? когда мы видели Тебя больным, или в темнице, и пришли к Тебе? И Царь скажет им в ответ: истинно говорю вам: так как вы сделали это одному из сих братьев Моих меньших, то сделали Мне.”
‭‭От Матфея‬ ‭25:37-40‬
Olga Valerevna Oct 2019
if we are passing the time, are we moving?
are we keeping our minds or are we losing?
do the things that we seek make our hearts sing?
or does everything leave our Souls with nothing?
I can speak for myself, but I don’t want to
not right here or right now, I can’t help you
I would rather hear You speak of beginnings
than lead all my own thoughts to only endings
if we are moving with Time, It won’t pass us
we’ll be keeping our lives once we become dust
“Ибо Он знает состав наш, помнит, что мы — персть. Дни человека — как трава; как цвет полевой, так он цветет. Пройдет над ним ветер, и нет его, и место его уже не узнает его.”
‭‭Псалтирь‬ ‭102:14-16‬
Olga Valerevna Oct 2019
I once believed your heart to be another beat of mine
the only other consciousness I ever could define
but sooner and not later I was tried ‘til I was blue
and suddenly my memory said, “anyone but you”
I recognized the cloud your eyes once begged of me to see
now all you’ve ever been before means nothingness to me
you comforted my body and you broke into my Soul
so I considered treason be the only path to go
Olga Valerevna Sep 2019
I stopped myself halfway to nowhere
let all of my thoughts come undone
gave up every sense in my body
so I could be led by The Sun
I brought my own voice into stillness
and silently held out my hands
“I’m tired, I’m worn but I’m breathing!”
You breathed me back into Your Plans
Your Truth is as simple as Nature
the reap and the sow of a seed
hearing You say that You hear me
is The Truth I’d forgotten I need
“Надейся на Господа всем сердцем твоим, и не полагайся на разум твой. Во всех путях твоих познавай Его, и Он направит стези твои.”
‭‭Притчи Соломона‬ ‭3:5-6‬
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