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Olga Valerevna Jan 2019
the sound of what is Perfect is so critical to know
for how else can you navigate a single thought alone?
you’re at the grace of mercy in where ever you may be
and everything you’ve given should be all that you received

by sharing of your fortunes you’ll gain infinitely more
and never see a need or a desire gone ignored
you’ll never be forsaken nor be ever left for dead
you’ll always have a Helper Who will comfort you instead

and by His every reason to be here with us this long
He’s paved the Way for everyone, for everything and all
«И Я умолю Отца, и даст вам другого Утешителя, да пребудет с вами вовек, Духа истины, Которого мир не может принять, потому что не видит Его и не знает Его; а вы знаете Его, ибо Он с вами пребывает и в вас будет. Не оставлю вас сиротами; приду к вам.»
‭‭От Иоанна‬ ‭14:16-18‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Jan 2019
I think about the Loyalty a heart was born to have
to beat for what is Bolder than the passions of your hands
to hold onto a Message written somewhere on your veins
so you can sing to rhythms you are learning more each day
your Life is but a song the heart has sealed within its blood
so let it pour upon a world in dire need of Love
«И если я раздам все имение мое и отдам тело мое на сожжение, а любви не имею, нет мне в том никакой пользы. Любовь долготерпит, милосердствует, любовь не завидует, любовь не превозносится, не гордится, не бесчинствует, не ищет своего, не раздражается, не мыслит зла, не радуется неправде, а сорадуется истине; все покрывает, всему верит, всего надеется, все переносит. Любовь никогда не перестает, хотя и пророчества прекратятся, и языки умолкнут, и знание упразднится.»
‭‭Первое послание к Коринфянам‬ ‭13:3-8‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Jan 2019
see, there are no lines in the face of your soul
no Time that can pass like time weathering bones
it’s all so internal, incredible Truth
The Hands of The Clock that are carrying you
may hope they are bringing be hope you receive
when passes your person, you die as a seed
that falls on the soil of Life and not death
Eternally growing, Eternally breath
«И иное упало на добрую землю и дало плод, который взошел и вырос, и принесло иное тридцать, иное шестьдесят, и иное сто.»
‭‭От Марка‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Jan 2019
the first time I was taken I was walking in my sleep
and I would not return this able body back to me
the second time it happened they broke every single bone
and left me with the notion I would always be alone
the number three pervaded every feeling I had left
they followed me inside and by the cunning of their theft
debauchery proceeded to the point of no return
my body caught on fire and I watched the embers burn
the final fourth was coming to devour something more
the soul inside a body that I once had claimed before
and this is where I end the tale of years and of their wolves
was spared my life to tell it to the wise and to the fools
inspired by a life of fighting and holding on.
Olga Valerevna Jan 2019
I’m tired in my body, I am restless in my soul
and everywhere I look I see the ruin of it all
the valleys being eaten and the people falling down
the voices in the fire screaming evermore the loud
and just as I begin to feel the heat of all the noise
I chase the sound of gratitude and mark it as my choice
I choose to be a Maker of whatever I can make
I choose the side of battlecries against the side of hate
the More You Are the less I am, so let it always be
I need You more than anything and everything I see
«и облечься в нового человека, созданного по Богу, в праведности и святости истины.»
‭‭Послание к Ефесянам‬ ‭4:24‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Jan 2019
you took me to the ends of every square inch of this earth
and reckoned with your ego long enough to claim my worth
you painted my perdition on the beating of my heart
and washed your hands remotely while I slowly fell apart
I wanted to be angry and I wanted to be cross
but every way recounted you were nothing I had lost
you never made me better and you never made me worse
if anything you rendered me a person of my Word
Olga Valerevna Jan 2019
there’re so many patterns inside of this world
the blooming of nature, m   i g  r a  t   i o n of birds
and all of them mirror a Face we can’t see
yet with our whole being embrace when we breathe

and if we are patient and if we are kind
we will be returned every piece of our sight
to trace every pattern back into our hearts
the eye of our body’s most powerful part
“однакож тому не радуйтесь, что духи вам повинуются, но радуйтесь тому, что имена ваши написаны на небесах.“ От Луки 10:20
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