if I was never challenged, would I want to be appeased?
I think about it all the time — would I be more at ease?
if no one in my life told me the thoughts I thought were wrong
would I be ever weaker or would I be that much more strong?
if I was never told I am a person I was not
would I continue fighting for The Truth inside my heart?
I think about it all the time and just how much I’ve grown
when no one in my life was there, I found You on my own
that I was ever challenged and that I was made the least
speaks everything to Who You are and what You make of me
I thought I needed people and I thought I needed time
but all I need is You and You are always on my mind
“Тогда праведники скажут Ему в ответ: Господи! когда мы видели Тебя алчущим, и накормили? или жаждущим, и напоили? когда мы видели Тебя странником, и приняли? или нагим, и одели? когда мы видели Тебя больным, или в темнице, и пришли к Тебе? И Царь скажет им в ответ: истинно говорю вам: так как вы сделали это одному из сих братьев Моих меньших, то сделали Мне.”
От Матфея 25:37-40