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K G Sep 2015
i remember the secrets
that i told
biting my tongue
from the sussurus sounds
leaning on the wall
for the sense of hiding
buying my time
i saw the city
i understand now
but the clouds cover
oh pity
and must believe to help me
sing about these deny's
of safety
i know you know
more than i
gaze at me keenly
because you look like me
i shout and scream
from my balcony
just to prove im alive
i see my lies cover the city
oh pity
oh pity
showing off the city
but helping in need
when i shook the world
it went crumbling
my soul seems lost
the people talk and talk
but i wanna know how much it costs
for a new life
in the little city
feeling love
feeling above
feeling desire
but not above the little city
dont call me a liar
because seasons stay
its no way to be
but we cant see another route
to keep climbing
the clouds cover my scars
feeling love
feeling above
floating to the ceiling
looking at the stars
given by the little city
i realize
that we were left behind
dont wanna lose what we made
feeling what me need
healing what i please
dreaming of what i compromise
i see that im undersized
for our height
you want to fight
lets fight mate
for my sake
let me show you
where we belong
let me go
the city
is everything
the city
is what i need
let me go
the city
of which i pity
K G Sep 2015
trouble shifts
our troubles seems
to be always negative
its like a wake up call
my trembling hands though
shriveling up in a ball
no matter how you go
im going to close my door
lay down
and go to sleep
never ever wake up
youve had enough
you have had enough
it was just right
but you broke the light
hey go away
its dark as night
you were shaking
you cant just walk away
you just cant wait
for the end of story
but you illuminated the tunnel in me
then you leave me
then you leave
hurting my mental health
until i get confused
and let go of the other girl
its been hard to eat
so i go to sleep
i have no hope
my dreams are laying down
because no matter how you go
im going to close my door
lay down
close my eyes
until im confused again
and i die inside
i lost the sight of your eyes
it leaks away
like my heart pouring
onto the bed
in which i lay
going down
trouble shifts
upside down
cant stop the lies
so i blow out the lights
so i close my eyes
K G Sep 2015
Where I'm from
We paste out names on the lot
Lazy is the taste
Don't gain weight is my motto
Where I'm from
When we leave
We stop our steps
To collect our thoughts
Cause where im from
We have that loose hair
When I'm growing out my fro
We all show out when we see you
I keep it smooth
Because I choose to
Cause where im from
Tons of people are relaxed
Our music is shared
I already declared my dreams
But it's too late now
New with my limo
Keep my flow slow with the tempo
We built this
I tell them
My name is wolf
I wish you had it
Original to the lot
Spread my name like ashes
I have the knowledge
To cover the college
Changing myself everyday
International quotes
Of this is the cool
Relaxed new future
So you nature where you come from
Cause where i from
you need to tell yourself
To suceed of telling what you need
Let your love blossom
Let your love for life cost up
Cause where im from
Im would never act a fool like that
Where I'm from
We get recognized as awesome
I'm bullet proof
Lyrics turned south
While the kids bounce to the sounds
We innovate
Translate the words to the youth
We all gather the coup
We are go out by noon
Walking out so smooth
Let it free
Cause where I'm from
We think like that
  Sep 2015 K G
little little carmen
so immodest without a care
dancing with that red dress on
and singing awful songs

little little carmen
flitting back and forth
so girlish in the midst of boys
so manly among girls

little little carmen
you're so quick to fill your head
with nasty jokes and ***** thoughts
I wish you'd show a little shame

little little carmen
don't say a single word
they'll tell you you have issues
and to "keep those ****** legs closed"

little little carmen
you are the best-est of them all
I loved you for how crude you were
how you brought me ungodly thrills

little little carmen
tell me what it is you want
you are the best, yes I adore
my blood red, snow white *****

little little carmen
all wrapped up in her head
got them wrapped around her finger
but she had never felt more dread

little little carmen
you're so full of life and worldly light
I never knew why you reeked of death
while you made love to the devil every night

lovely lovely carmen
never spoke of light at the end of the tunnel
you were always hovering there
I'll throw your ashes into the air

lovely lovely carmen
I learned this dance from you
your ashes look like blackened snow
as sullied as you were

lovely lovely carmen
I've memorized your song
I'll sing this tune as loud as you
they whisper *carmen never dies
K G Sep 2015
Age is a number
A number of height or maturity
Height is a number
How long does it take to know how long you really are?
How lomg are you in the mind
All the things that drag you down
Are you a serious person
Or constantly smiling?
Does it matter?
Whether how different you are
I ache everyday
Not finding a way to say
Why so many delays
Now this is the future
You know its true
You don't say a word to the person
Even if the persons next to you
All the words you wish you said
Are now stuck inside
K G Sep 2015
Will we ever leave?
Didn't see why
No one was hurt
You've lost
Youre stuck on my long side
You leap to reach
The car pulls away
Dust flys
Leaving you behind
Gravity pulls you down
Will we ever leave?
Is all you ever
Dont be afraid
Oh my dark side
You made me
So evil
Just saying you stay on my long sideĀ  Will we ever leave?
Breathing air from you
I will take from you
Until you pass away
Decaying our love above
You look at me and i couldn't believe
When you lifted our love
When you were yourself
How do i walk
When you stabbed my beating heart
Will can agree
You've messed up
Will we ever leave?
I'll come to you
Take what you came for
I'll come for you
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