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 Apr 2013 M Rose
 Apr 2013 M Rose
Haphazard messages.
Sporadic encounters.
Seldom do I receive a
response after I reply,
but maybe we’re both
just playing to watch
the time fly by.

Even if us talking is some strange
distraction that will only last for a while,
I can’t keep hiding that every word
directed in my direction makes me smile.

Unless this is in fact a game,
in which case this poem
seems kind of stupid,
but someone out there shot an arrow
and now I realize it was Cupid.

A smile so contagious,
her radiance enormous,
and eyes can be described
as something greater than

Excuse the abruptness,
for being intense and zealous,
but her effortless beauty
is abundant; Aphrodite’s jealous.

You’ve caught my attention,
but you might not want to keep it.
And I truly understand if this poem is better
off being deleted.

Please promise me you’ll read it.
It’s 5am right now and I honestly can’t
wait for you to see it.

Allow time to pass and let emotions settle.
Let her love naturally get you
higher than the song of a kettle,
and admire the details of her
beauty as you would a rose’s petal.  

Rejection is what I’ve expected,
but regardless I’ll probably make the stupid
mistake and take a risk.
Even though this record
player is tired of scratching the same disk.

I hope this poem is good enough.
Who knows? Maybe you’ll think it’s nice.
Maybe she’ll make my heart beat again
by melting its jagged layer of ice.

Admitting I have a crush on
someone I’ve only met twice.
 Apr 2013 M Rose
Just go
 Apr 2013 M Rose
To the hopeful ones:
I am unavailable.
"Mama, teach me how to pray
I'm not sure what to say
are you sure He'll hear
will my words reach His ear?
are you sure i can speak?
when He is strong & i am weak
does God know what's in my heart?
and can He lead me through the dark?
when i bow my head in prayer
is He really always there?
are you sure He hears it all?
sometimes my voice seems so small"
sweet child, no matter the place, the hour
trust that there is a Higher Power
One who loves us, pure and true
He will always see us through
there's no right thing to say
when you bow your head to pray
because He will listen and knows your fears
and never likes to see your tears
and He will guide you through the dark of night
and show you the beauty of the morning light
when soft breeze blows through your hair
know that that is God, he is there
in everything, in everyone, He surrounds
and loves you without bounds
because you are His child, His creation
 Apr 2013 M Rose
Zach Spud Carter
I say "come what may"
To the river, Me,
For I cannot stay,
Yet, can never leave

You ask, "pain or joy?"
I say "let it be"
For words will annoy--
And cloud what you see

Instead, I say "play"
Strive only for glee
But if it's at bay
I say, "let it be"
 Apr 2013 M Rose
Zach Spud Carter
And can you believe,
The horrible glee
With which his lips licked.
Dreaming-- carcass picked,

Reveling wholly.
Dismissing Holy
Enlightened beings,
Sinking in Needing.

Black black smack, alack!
I'm a crack-gack hack!
Or, mayhaps, I'm not?
Or, perhaps, just caught,

In nauseous verde waves
Of fanciful raves--
Rants all entertained--
I say makes me drained.

Baudelaire's half-baked,
Chatterton-- cracked
Morally, sorely
Standing half-poorly

But standing up still,
Avoiding the thrill
Of desert mirage,
It's poison barrage!
 Apr 2013 M Rose
Daniel Magner
Hands clasped together
for a moment or two,
pulled to the side to
tell my sorrows to
liquid pools of "I know"s
and "It'll be ok"s.
The rest a blur of shouts
shots, blunts, phone calls
brother's voice muted
"She's in a coma."
even with all that I still only
really remember
that one, two second, hand holding
© Daniel Magner 2013
 Apr 2013 M Rose
Daniel Magner
She said my celtic sign
was a willow tree
Tough though slight
and in touch spiritually
She was the Nutwood
swinging to and fro
but the combination
of those signs was good
it was a shame I moved away
but she doesn't know
that what's left of willow me
is nothing but a burnt out
husk and a stump to sit on
and weep.
© Daniel McAllister 2013
 Apr 2013 M Rose
Louise Glück
The great thing
is not having
a mind. Feelings:
oh, I have those; they
govern me. I have
a lord in heaven
called the sun, and open
for him, showing him
the fire of my own heart, fire
like his presence.
What could such glory be
if not a heart? Oh my brothers and sisters,
were you like me once, long ago,
before you were human? Did you
permit yourselves
to open once, who would never
open again? Because in truth
I am speaking now
the way you do. I speak
because I am shattered.
 Apr 2013 M Rose
Kristo Frost
he read
her name
means warrior

in fact

five feet
a picket line
because she hates the hate

they love so much
stronger than him
she never lets him feel that

she knows
he doubts himself
she tries to doubt
but can't
she is too busy
trying to make the world

he too is busy
making it all wrong
but she never loses

touch her
savant memory
hearing her living
in the echoes

her laughter
for the deepest

she falls around sunset
to rest in
of the next battle
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