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 Apr 2013 M Rose
Harry J Baxter
As much as I want to write,
It seems as if
I will always be better at
Getting drunk
Throwing up,
And ******* up
 Mar 2013 M Rose
 Mar 2013 M Rose
When this building stopped existing as a merry-go-round
and the patients came to and from another abode,
someone planted daisies in the hallways
where, in slumber, brothers thought of their sisters or
shared their blanket with the more sad person next door.

Some of the daisies have their axis half-picked
like mooncrests and all appear like brides in a snow white
too pure for this place where no love was made –
rather a home for bad loves to be pulled out, taken away.

But before the doors were locked and sealed
some alumni snuck in to lace between a blooming layer:
I dipped in a toe, you dove headfirst, she used hands
to strain uncontaminated soil upon a paisley pattern
and said a novena for where we became blank slates, too.
 Mar 2013 M Rose
fern lake
 Mar 2013 M Rose
I've learned to submerge
in sparse droplets of
your scent and skin

I let them melt on my tongue
so that they may sustain
my body for months

I will bathe in this for a moment
but your fresh wet scent
will linger

and I refuse to quench this thirst

though I know I'm going to drown.
Work in progress, what do you think of it.
 Mar 2013 M Rose
Kristo Frost
 Mar 2013 M Rose
Kristo Frost
carve the words
"right" and "left"
deep into your wooden wrists
backwards, if you want
just make sure you can feel them
so you can't forget
how many letters
went unopened
or how red the ink must have appeared
as it bathed the roots
of so many solitary trees
This has changed significantly since I originally posted it...
for months on end
silence bridged us
even though I missed you then
it was never like this.
yesterday we spoke
and it was like the first
rain of the monsoon.
i never realized how much the
dust of days masked
how much I missed you.
a chain has snapped inside me
and now the link refuses to be fixed.

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
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