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325 · Jan 2021
ChanJ Jan 2021
Disgusting watching me
When you leaving me
Will send you without word.

Backmountain azaleas
pick one arm bunches
and spread on your leaving road.

Everytime you step
just ***** on it softly
on the prestigius flower

Disgusting watching me
When you leaving me
Never shed tears though I perish
This poetry was originally written by Sowul Kim, the Korean poet, and I translated to Eng.
128 · Jan 2021
Franz Kafka
ChanJ Jan 2021
Charles Baudelaire              2.99$
Carl Sandburg                      2.99$
Franz Kafka                          2.99$

Yves Bonnefoy                     3.99$
Erica Jong                              3.99$

Gaston Bachelard                4.25$
Ihab Hassan                         4.50$
Jeremy Rifkin                       5.25$
Jürgen Habermas                5.25$

Sitting with a crazy friends
who wants to study poetry
we drank coffee.

The most cheapest
Franz Kafka
Charles Baudelaire(French poet)
Carl Sandburg(American poet, historian)
Franz Kafka(Czech writer)
Yves Bonnefoy(French poet)
Erica Jong(American  novelist)
Gaston Bachelard(French Philosopher)
Ihab Hassan(Exponent of Post-modernism)
Jeremy Rifkin(American  economist)
Jürgen Habermas(German philosophy)

There's no connection with the Price and them.
84 · Jan 2021
Spring Road
ChanJ Jan 2021
Where the road ends,
There’s a road
Where the road ends,
There’s someone becomes a road
Be the spring road by himself
and walk forever there.
Though lake stops flowing,
birds flew away and don’t come back,
and all the flowers between heven to Earth


Where the road ends
There’s someone remains to be love
Be the love by himself
and walking forever the
Spring Road.
Where are you now.

— The End —