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 Dec 2012 Nurse Joy
Daniel Magner
None of this seems quite
I heard it starts around this age
I might just have lost it.
© Daniel Magner 2012
 Dec 2012 Nurse Joy
Ayaba Babe
There are no stars in the city.
The street lights are bright like the bright lights illuminating the night as the steady stream of cars pass by.
Steady like dreams.
Dreams are the wishes cast from the deepest window of your soul left ajar,
The kind of wish one would never dream to admit upon a star.
 Dec 2012 Nurse Joy
Alexis Martin
let things be beautiful
just this once
I do not ask for much
just the flowers
in the garden
and the salt
in the sea
oh, please
let things be beautiful.
 Dec 2012 Nurse Joy
Finally known Myself;
I am a soldier of time,
Only the conquest of life,
Aboard the ship to Hell.

Finally known the World;
They all aren't players,
Only the cargo here,
Aboard the ship to Hell..

Finally known You;
You weren't the Angel,
Only a mirage of one,
Aboard the ship to Hell...

For I'm one among the few;
Who struggle this way,
Only the best ones survive,
Aboard the ship to Hell....

Because the World is preferential;
To winners & not strugglers,
Only the winners'd thrive,
Aboard the ship to Hell.....

And You were just like them all;
To me gave a sweet deception,
Only to leave me alone here,
Aboard the ship to Hell......

But in the end all of the World joins me;
To the trip of time in the ship to hell,
Only after serving their sentence,
Aboard the ship to Hell.......
It is my humble request to all staunch theists not to read this poem seriously, I don't intend to debate over any spiritual issues as I wouldn't change my stand ever.
 Dec 2012 Nurse Joy
Do you know what my bones are wrapped in?
And I am waiting today,
uncertain as always,
if you will come or  not,
and I hope you will,
but I know if you do,
you will not have much fun.
I will wrap a blanket around my head, hiding my face from any light,
and you will wrap your arms around me and I might even shrug you away.
there is no point.
This morning has made me realize that people will always keep secrets
and there are no permanent connections anywhere
and the factors that make you LOSE
are much greater
than anything that makes you win.
Dreams don't have to come true,
and people will settle
for a life they never wanted,
but they'll pretend it is good
that they are happy,
when they are working for nothing but to die.
I'll admit, sometimes I wouldn't mind dying.
Only because I've already had my 10 seconds of fame in this village,
and ladies reassure me that that was it. That is all there is room for.
That is all I am good for.
My dreams are the static of a tv set.
I am empty today,
and it is so silly that my biggest concern
was not having grabbed your **** yet.

God, life can be ******* pathetic.
my raw mind.
 Dec 2012 Nurse Joy
Mary Rose
When I died
once and twice
I never saw or met God
or anybody else
I never met the Devil himself
I never had a flashback
or saw the light
all I have known and felt
was a complete peace
 Dec 2012 Nurse Joy
Jeremy Duff
I'm one pack of cigarettes away from being broke.
Color me broke.
Color me smoking.
 Dec 2012 Nurse Joy
Li Ching Chao
Search. Search. Seek. Seek.
Cold. Cold. Clear. Clear.
Sorrow. Sorrow. Pain. Pain.
Hot flashes. Sudden chills.
Stabbing pains. Slow agonies.
I can find no peace.
I drink two cups, then three bowls,
Of clear wine until I can’t
Stand up against a gust of wind.
Wild geese fly over head.
They wrench my heart.
They were our friends in the old days.
Gold chrysanthemums litter
The ground, pile up, faded, dead.
This season I could not bear
To pick them. All alone,
Motionless at my window,
I watch the gathering shadows.
Fine rain sifts through the wu-t’ung trees,
And drips, drop by drop, through the dusk.
What can I ever do now?
How can I drive off this word —
 Dec 2012 Nurse Joy
Tom Orr
"A character is never the author who created him. It is quite likely, however, that an author may be all his characters simultaneously."
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