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Touch me,
it doesn't matter where
and it doesnt matter how
I need to know I'm still alive
so someone touch me now
Shake my hand and say hello
or pat me on the back
kiss me on the cheek
that I may feel this sense I lack
slap my face and pull my hair
make me bleed I just don't care
dig your nails into my skin
so I can feed this need within
I've been numb for such a time
that even pain would be sublime
so touch me, touch me now
I don't care where, I don't care how
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
 Nov 2012 Nurse Joy
Geno Cattouse
I am ashmed to admit that I. Don't know what IT is.
Have not known it for years.Pure and simple.
Chasing the rainbow.

Life is a Push me-Pull you.
Ghoulish thing
Coming in low and slow or Zing,Zing,Zing

Half full or half empty
Suffice it to say.
You dont get what you put in

But that's just the way.
Do the math
Still doing fine

Joy is two steps ahead
one  step
 Nov 2012 Nurse Joy
Tessa Tomlin
You are the vapor
that escapes my lungs
and the clashing
of two confused tongues
 Nov 2012 Nurse Joy
I can't sleep
He's sleeping away
The next day
Is the same game
I'm not a plain Jane
Am I
Oh, I am
So, the next day
Is the same
As the day lays
I'm awake too
I don't want to be
The bear
With the name harmony
Sits on the bed
Of a girl who doesn't
Want to hold it
© Amara Pendergraft 2012
 Nov 2012 Nurse Joy
 Nov 2012 Nurse Joy
I'm death in Doc Martens.
With mint green fingers.
Louis Armstrong hold me down.
This is going to be a long winter.
© Amara Pendergraft 2012
 Nov 2012 Nurse Joy
Geno Cattouse
Numbles is a fictitious  place, a state of mind.
I go there from time to time
in search of rhyme and reason
When required

Here in Numbles The  calliope plays non stop
words fall from the hopper neatly written out,
written neatly on white plastic ***** the size of owl's eggs.

They roll down the chute and line up
in rational sentences of pure opaque poetry.
Unabashed and shameless a bit cocky eh wot.

An I dont give a dam a style  like the
party girl who just hit her liquor limit
She has one shoe in her hand and her purse
in the other Tipsy?

I used to get budded,  drop a 33 LP
diamond needle with a brush,
Wax was a choice over tape or disc
just a better eargasmic experience.

Numbles here I come.

Reverse engineering the things I'd been hearing
Oz .The sun shone in neon streams and the
gusting breezes tasted like cool peppermint schnapps
The cops wore broad pinstripes and penny loafers.

A storybook ending every time
The pieces of the poem puzzles  
cake walked with spated shoes .

like homing pigeons on the wing
to roost and coo, they knew.
Numbles is the place where
the sky was ever-blue.

I still day trip to that magical place
sans herbalsupplimentation.
or distilledfermentation.

Sleepdeprivation gets me to the towns square
All my old friends are there

 Nov 2012 Nurse Joy
Skinny dipping in translucent pools...

as soft
milk white silken foam
laps at naked

mouth short of breath
makes no attempt
to break free
as lips
salt stained
beneath the pressure

of your kiss.

Arms grasping at life
as legs
entangled by living bonds
drag me down
deeper into your sweet embrace

faining death
I surface reborn of your love
of your body

once more I gaze into your eyes

skinny dipping in translucent pools

and smile.
 Nov 2012 Nurse Joy
Ian Beckett
Blonde colours shine in my true love’s hair
Blue night solitude when we are apart
Red sunset romance of together evenings
Purple moments relaxing by the fireside
Grey eyes bright smile melt my heart
Pink glowing bodies curled on silver bed
White hot passion in my arms last night
Black coffee sips of breakfast intimacy.
 Nov 2012 Nurse Joy
Silent Zee
Like two candles at a romantic dinner,
let us dance forever.
We do not know when
our wicks will end.
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