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Dec 2015 · 251
amanda v Dec 2015
Analyze if you will
The gravitational pull
Between the present bones
And this fading image

Explain to me
The point of no return
When I crush
Against echoes

I've got a wet mind
And a dry ****
Waiting for you to

With cunning

A sorrow I haven't lived
A brain I couldn't touch

It's okay to hurt me
I can't feel a thing
Dec 2015 · 334
Born unreal
amanda v Dec 2015
I was born unreal under the sign of you
I was born unreal and you never knew
My skin has waited for you to come
My skin has waited but you were gone
It lies dead, it lies deep
It lies stark and underneath
The shining memory
Of brushing near
Against reality
Sep 2015 · 220
Babies on Mars
amanda v Sep 2015
What I want
To split your head in two
Against the wall
Watch the blood
Run down slow

What I want
To erase every girl
You’ve cried in front of
Your tears
A gift
They didn’t deserve

For they weren’t me
And they didn’t want
To watch your head
Split in two
Against the wall
As the blood
Ran down slow
Sep 2015 · 169
New Monday
amanda v Sep 2015
I’m tired, he says
And I say yes too much
But if I wait another 15 seconds
To reply
Will you
Like me more
Even if you’re tired

And if I say yes enough
Will you
Pretty please
Never feel tired again

If you love me how can you ever feel tired
How can you ever
Feel anything
That isn’t
Love for me
She thought

But instead
She said yes
Sep 2015 · 239
My love can’t be spared
amanda v Sep 2015
I will
Make myself
Real pretty
I will even
Shave my legs

I will
Cook you eggs
Even though
I hate
How they taste
In your mouth later

I will
Buy the first
Plane ticket
And watch you
From a
Safe distance
And go back home
Rejoicing on
The glimpse
I caught
Of your unaware
Moving limbs

I will
Cry in the shower
So you can’t notice

I will
Write you a poem
Every morning
And burn it
So you
Won’t know
All the things
I will
Do for you

Now can you please
Reply the text I sent
Two hours ago
Sep 2015 · 235
When girls cry
amanda v Sep 2015
I want to know you
With the intimacy of an old shoe

(It's busted, but you don't care enough
To throw it away)

Or I could hide
Amongst your toothbrushes
Inside the soda can
You use as an ashtray

I want to be
An unimportant, small thing
Something you take for granted
And dispose of
Out of boredom, carelessness
And other dull feelings

The worn out t-shirt you blow
Your nose with
Your underwear, unclean
The piece of a sandwich
Which winded up
Decomposing for three weeks under the bed
Until the smell was too much for you
Not to do something about it

The last cigarette you're saving
For when you get real anxious
About family, college, life
And event horizons
That isn't me
Sep 2015 · 698
Patate arrosto
amanda v Sep 2015
All I wanted
Was to eat pasta
Every meal
And never
Have to work

As she looked at pictures of Tuscany in a magazine
She announced
You know I just choose younger boys
Because there’s only an ex-girlfriend and a half to be jealous of

But I could tell
By her dangling legs
She wasn’t so sure
amanda v Sep 2015
Can you be
Less of a human
And more
Of an ideal

I want you to be
The perfect response
To my every feeling
And good
As immediate
And immeasurable
As a sneeze

Can you be
Less of you
And more of me
Sep 2015 · 169
Words matter
amanda v Sep 2015
You won’t ever know
The sore cap
Of my knee

You won’t ever know
The dryness
Of my lips

I don’t need
Your pity or
Your guilt or
Your sense of
At being a nice
Gentle and kind

(I’d rather hear you say

I bore you
Than speak
To a dead ear

I’d rather hear you say

You hate me
Than love
A silent thing)

You won’t ever know
How I exist and
How near

You won’t ever know
But I’m sure
That’s fine with you

My dear
Sep 2015 · 339
When in Bristol
amanda v Sep 2015
You smell of sour milk
And no flowers

You sound like the sea
In the deadest

You taste of sugar
And no sleep

You look like one
Of the thousand
Goldfishes I’ve had
As a kid

I wish I could make you cry
But I’m happy enough
Watching you breath

It would get me so hyped though, man
amanda v Sep 2015
I’ve already got it all planned
Out so you won’t have to bother
I’ve been patiently waiting
For the hour

It’ll be something
Like this

(Follow all instructions correctly,

You’ll meet
Another girl
I’ll let her
Be prettier
And even smarter
Funnier and taller
But she
Can’t be better
At giving head
Not that

You’ll stop
My texts
I’ll wonder why
But I’m too proud
To ask anything
Until I see
Your new
Facebook status

“The boy you’re in love with
Is in a very serious
And most importantly
With a girl
Who’s prettier
Funnier and taller
But she isn’t better
At giving head
Not that”
Sep 2015 · 211
2 a.m.
amanda v Sep 2015
I’ll be the cruelest
Meanest thing
You’ve ever seen

You can’t ever know
The fury resting
In me

I will take
One minute
To reply
When he says

Now I guess
That will
Show him
I know
amanda v Sep 2015
You’ll say
This is too much like dating
Without the actual pros

You’ll say
You can’t stand not being able
To touch me

You’ll say
That’s why you’d rather
Touch another

And I’ll say
You’re right
amanda v Sep 2015
I can’t write about you
Pretty enough
Serious enough
Strange enough
Or even
Complex enough
To turn it
Into a poem

I’ll write you
A song

This is where the solo comes in
Sep 2015 · 292
Time zone is a bitch, man
amanda v Sep 2015
Did you know
I’m always
Twenty minutes late
Which I guess
Makes me
Some kind of

Did you know
Two different boys
Have told me
My ****
Tastes of

Did you know
I promised
To write
30 poems
So as I type
Number 29
I’ll feel
Less in love
With you

And with hope
I’ll feel
Not so much
At all

As you fall asleep
With a cold
As you
Ride the
Morning bus

As you
Take e
In an island
With another

No you
Don’t know

— The End —