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 Mar 2014 Nadeen Saqer
turning toward you...

WE caught ourselves in view
a message eternal
never to turn away
a rip across the stars
you me

KT Mar 19, 2014
Won't you please just let me be
Please just leave me at my own peace

Won't you please just go away
When I say leave, I don't mean stay

When I push with all my might
Do not fight back, it is not right

When I stop and start to cry
Try not to look me in the eye

Do not try to fix my life
You were not the glue, but the knife

Say goodbye and let me go
Accepting all you do not know
As the locusts sang in the twilight heat
The Sun no longer baked the city-street,
The lonely last was her to repeat.

Her lonely soul ready to bare
Trying to hide her utter despair,
She wouldn't mind if there were someone to share,

Seeing lovers in the park
Who would hold hands without a care,
She would cry inside, 'It just isn't fair."
In August.

May never comes too soon
June is the month to spoon
July just right for a honeymoon

But August?

July 16 1963
Galaxy of blue and purple,
I trace the reflection of stars
With fingertips dewy in birth
And death on my breath;
Tsunami of a butterfly is
The wind at my lips, I kiss
The clouds that confined me.

— The End —