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No matter what I write,
not a thing will change,
no reason to this world,
no magic in the way I see it.

I believe in peaceful rebellion,
but it that enough?

No one will likely listen to my words,
they will listen only to action,
but what can I do?

Violence seems to be the key,
wars waged in the name of virtue,
change founded on a mountain of corpses,
America's truth.

And though I struggle,
nothing I do or say will be heard,
my opinion is worth little.

Is this the world in which I want to raise children?

A fragile peace,
fought with secrets,
with fear.

A savage place,
segregated by race,
and aggregated equality.

A world without change,
laws forged through bloodstains,
sanguine writ,
the only truth I see.

And so,
I retreat,
this world estranged from me,
a hermit hiding,
in what ought to be.
A.P. Beckstead (2013)
 Oct 2013 No name
Suicide Note
 Oct 2013 No name
You love me
In a way so unimaginable
Your kiss takes me to places
I could never even dream of
Because when I dream all I see is me
Beside you
God, I yearn for your love
In a fiendish way; you are my drug
And I suffer without my dose
Of you, my muse
My queen of all things pretty
Prance on my heart
Why don't you dance and
Play and after your long day just
Kick your feet up and stay awhile
Get acquainted with the space I paved
For you to lay inside me
I won't evict you, in fact I'll put up bars
And imprison you, so you can never leave
You see, without you I'm just not me
You're that extra piece to make me complete
And if I leave you be, there's nothing left
I will love you so hard it will bleed from you
I swear there's nothing I need from you
But the love you give to continue as strong
I will never do you wrong
If you just love me
I cannot see the day you say "it's through"
Because that's the day I say "me too"
So goodnight to the love we had
Now shed
 Oct 2013 No name
Kendra B
My name is--

Never mind.
I forgot that I don't have one.
You can't know me.

You don't know me....

At least that's what you told them...

You could never just admit it.
You would never just tell them.
You should have went out shouted it out,
Loud enough for the whole world to here you.
But I only ask of this because you were so ashamed of me.

I love you...
And you know this
Because you know you loved me...

Cause we were together

We were a thing
I couldn't have just imagined it
We spent 4 months together

Cuddled up in the back of your mom's car
Laughing at my jokes
And spilling drinks
Arms around each other
Lips locked together.....

But now you say that you don't know me??

Of my deepest darkest secrets has been invested into your very soul.
****** into your hands for you to hold onto.

And in return I had gotten trustful looks of lies.

And now every time you look at me...
You turn the other way and laugh

Because you know I'm a freak.
You know what's wrong with me!
You know everything!

But you still say that you don't know me...
But you know you do.
You know you loved me!

And I know that I loved you....
And I know that you know you loved me too

So I am just waiting.

Waiting on the day you will tell the world

That you loved me.

All I wanted you to do is not deny this.

Deny that there was an us.

That you know that our laughs
And our smiles
And our times together
That our everlasting foreverness
Was not made up
It was true
We were real

And you loved every bit of it....
Including me.

It's me.
And Baby...
I'm still waiting.

© 2013 Kendra Bowman
 Oct 2013 No name
My inspiration my love, who I choose,
Sometimes we have our own reality
Where we can escape all the rules
Where our hearts can feel at ease
To sit and watch the east sun rise
With joy my heart cries
I love you beyond all measure
And darling no doubt whispers

You are everything I want
And all that I could need
You love me true
Even when I bleed
You're my best
Even if you don't agree
We'll watch the west sun set
Over the sea

Our love can be violent
Or slow and calm
A world above us
Or a world below
A sort of fullness
You and I,
We overflow

I'll be by your side
Hold you up when you're down
You won't be all alone
I won't let my darling drown

You are everything I want
And all that I could need
You love me true
Even when I bleed
You're my best
Even if you don't agree
We'll watch the west sun set
Over the sea
Taking parts from various poems I've written for him/about love and smooshing them together as a song kinda messy thing. I really wish I could write songs and not just throw words together.
 Oct 2013 No name
Early mornings are te best time on the day,
It's quiet it's peace swallows me,
Helps me forget the pain and sorrow,
Helps me let go of the pain from the night before,
The night of nightmares.

Early mornings are the best time during th day,
It reminds me of you,
Your smile your laugh was like the the rising sun,
The cold that sends shivers up my spin is like your touch,
The sweet song birds are like your voice whispering good morning.

But now my my mornings are empty with out you,
My mornings are filled with pain from the night before the night of nightmares and pain,
So my sweet angel remover the that each morning is a new day,
A clean slate a new start,
Smile at the world and remover the the sweet songs of the birds the warmth of the sun on your skin.

Early mornings are the best time during the day.
 Oct 2013 No name
Tim Rosborough
In the moment just before wake,
The last fragment of a dream eludes my grasp.
As I cannot distinguish thought from memory,
I am astounded that my imagination could conjure such bliss.
If only at will…

Not every night, but some,
I see what I am capable of.
Mind at ease and running free,
Latching on to these ideas
That exceed my perception.
And my attempts to recall or review,
Are but failed attempts, futile.
Deemed too beautiful for consciousness,
But from what I can remember-

I fight, I play,
I sight, I run from beasts.
I find, I make,
I lose, I have the world.
I live, I breathe,
I meet, I die sweet deaths.
I fly, I kiss,
I smile, I love it all.

The fluidity of instances, the current of time,
No-these do not exist in my mind.
Or are rather transcended,
Bent, broken, then mended.
Allowed in my altered state
To transform and create
A world where everything is designed to please me,
While, simultaneously, my fears run free.
Ah, but not too much to handle.
I have fragments, puzzle pieces, crumbs…so little.

Oh sleeping self! I beseech you
Spring alive and come and teach me
All the wonders you have known,
But sadly do always withhold.
Revise my mind, what poor creation.
Have mercy on my indignation.

Am I really to believe
That you are so wiser than me?
Smiling, sleeping beauty, I
Foresee the dangers of the eyes.
Masterfully handicap
My body to this nightly trap.
Thus looming possibilities
Of habitual retreats,
Delights in excess to relieve
Me of my duty to receive
Signals from reality,
Abundant sensory deceit,
Of forlorn mental interactions,
Of achieving distant affectations,
Obtaining hopes and admirations,
Beholding nonsensical perfection,
All this, too more, are so designed
That my mind can never wholly dine
On the enticingly addictive
Highly imaginative symptoms
Of the body’s hidden fluid source
That rarely tends to make its course.
But holds great power menacing,
As well as gently flowering.  

I envy you, my resting mind,
My well worthy unconsciousness,
Whose power is tempted unconstricted,
Whose fascination’s limitless.
Who teases me, a window shop,
An ocean reduced to a drop.
The very inkling I most relish;
Waking memory’s a feather precious.
Delicate and dancing ‘round,
High hopes, in journey, treasure bound.
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