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 Jun 2014 Noemi T
A hollow heart bleeds
Nothingness and pain
To be swallowed deep
And fall like the rain

And empty vase of life
Holds onto the dead leaves
Somewhere in the depth
To be buried down and deep  

Made into a seed
Of the corpses and the cold
With tales and sorrows
And a thousand scars untold

To be made a rotten tree
With rotten fruits and stars
To stand alone in disguise
Bare, with a poisoned heart

Branches span till the moon
Beyond the clouds and sky
In the depth of hollow space
Where the dark meets the eye

To feed shade to the night
In shadows and reflections
Breathe in the cold abyss
That hides in every direction

Waiting for a bleeding heart
To make his way across
And sleep in his chamber
To be made a ghost when lost

And rise above the mountains
To meet the azure up high
Of demons and questions
And answers made in lies

To be stretched in emptiness
Far beyond the ruins of a man
Asleep within clouds of darkness
And forever be cursed and ******  

A hollow heart bleeds
Nothingness and pain
To be swallowed deep
And fall like the rain
Notes (optional)
What is it with society
it can't leave girls alone
to be the way they want to be
they have to **** and moan...

"Now this one she's too skinny
with a blatant lack of ***
legs stolen from flamingos
and arms like two matchsticks.."

"Now this one's far too chubby
observe her thunder thighs
see her wobble as she's walking
it's clear who ate all the pies.."

"Now see the tattooed freakshow
flesh tunnels, garb of black
in burly boots and trenchcoat
she must be taking crack.."

"and what of lil Miss sunkissed
with her streaky perma-tan
who dresses like a two bit *****
but never keeps her man.."

A war on flaws is raging
as media fuels the flame
mixed with the tongues of gossips
it gets stronger everyday
we're taught to judge a person
by looks and shape alone
regardless of their inner selves
their talents, dreams and goals
It really is a worry,
to watch our young girls grow
bowed under weight and pressure
with self esteem so low.

So tell them that they're beautiful
it's not too much to ask
and please be sure to tell them
that the media's an ***!
Sorry it's a bit long but as a mum to a teenage girl this stuff really bothers me. Big thanks to Ryan Jakes for the encouragement to write it, the "who ate all the pies" referance,having a first peek at it and pointing out my many flaws! :-) x
 Jun 2014 Noemi T
Mike Hauser
she spills a little bit

of herself each day
as she makes her way
along the path that she has laid

says she likes the idea of it

leaving behind some of herself
to be found by someone else
in case her winter ever melts

— The End —