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Apr 2018 · 646
Fairy lights.
Nirali Shah Apr 2018
You know that feeling?
It's raining outside
Well, monsoon just started
That kind of rain, you know?
When you're not sick of it already.

You just had a warm bath after making sure you've locked the main door because you live alone.
You come out, your hair all up in the towel turban.
Not dripping because he's not around and he likes it that way
Honestly, this is more comfortable
Its not soaking your bra all wet.

You smell of your new body wash. You decided to change the brand because the previous one reminded you of him. You did the same thing with your shampoo.
You hopeless romantic.
Who stops eating garlic bread because it reminds them of their 'ex' .
And you go around telling people that you did it for 'Health reasons'.
You fool.

But one thing you'll never give up.
Your fairy lights.
Because they make you realize how beautiful everything can look. Despite the peeling walls.

So you bask in yellow lights
Write poems that scare him away.
He probably does love them, you know?  

Come home already. Will you?
April 1,2018
Mar 2018 · 350
Inexperienced gardener
Nirali Shah Mar 2018
My succulents died today
Clearly pouring stale pineapple water in the soil was a failed experiment
I tried planting it in fresh soil
Tried to water it
Tried to give it some sun
But the leaves
I didn't even ID it yet.
It was so soon.
I thought I could nurture nature with her own remains
But what goes around
Doesn't always come around
Like human 'love'
Not the kind you shower upon puppies and kittens
Or cows and horses for that matter
That does come around.
I'm talking about the one that fades
When you stop answering calls
Or returning them
That phone keeps vibrating and ringing it's ringer out
Yet you don't ****** bother.
Jeez it was just a cigarette
Why does my poetry turn out so dark.
March 30,2018
Aug 2015 · 1.3k
Blue Hymns.
Nirali Shah Aug 2015
Endless,anxious and cold is the night
Just wouldn't allow her
A wink of sleep
Into a lucid world
Into her lucid world.
A world colored with hues
Of blues and blue.
A treacherous color
Turning darker and darker
Till it's all grey and black
And lighter again
As the light falls
Upon her weary eyelids
For a clear sky
A new sky
Aug 2015 · 682
Brief Encounters.
Nirali Shah Aug 2015
The only moon
Of a lone world of life
Shrinks as the breeze sighs
And rests upon the fallen trees.

The only sun
Of the bigger world
Awaits to see his moon
The one of the lonely planet of life
His life.

He wished this happened a little more often
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
Ship In A Bottle
Nirali Shah Jul 2015
Once broken with innocence,
Built again with care.
If shattered on purpose,
Pieces wouldn't be found.
As for the ship in the bottle,
She'll find another sea
And another sky
Or a maelstrom of deceit
Or maybe create maelstroms of her own.
For she knows no bottles anymore.
Why the false sense of security?
When she can have a crew of her own!
Without worrying about the shattered glass
And it's piercing dust
That cuts through her.
That's been cutting through her.
All this while.
Jul 2015 · 928
Nirali Shah Jul 2015
"It's time."
You say to yourself.
A hundred times a day.
To let go of something.
To begin something.
Isn't this the gist of life?
Isn't this all that that matters?
All it takes is one step.
One big courageous step.
Just one big courageous step at a time.
Jul 2015 · 520
Nirali Shah Jul 2015
When the universe conspires against you and your will
When every bit of logic seems to be non-existent
And when you're tired. So tired that you can barely breathe without thinking about it.
There's still hope.
For it is the last thing you'll ever lose.
Jun 2015 · 561
Hopeful Mornings
Nirali Shah Jun 2015
Streets wake up
With a lone milkvan flickering
With a flickering lamp
And a dog stretching out of sleep
Yawning and hoping
Into another day of a full belly.
Half asleep children
Climb into a roaring school bus
While a little boy
Sorts this day's wage
Into stacks of newspaper.
May 2015 · 1.1k
My Little Starling
Nirali Shah May 2015
My little starling
Will you sing to me?
Im blue,so blue right now
Will you set me free?

My little starling
I'll offer you some seed
Pick all your favourite ones
And do your small deed.

My little starling
I'll plant trees for you
I'll make them grow as fast as i can!
And make a bird house too!

My little starling
You're the one i seek
All i ask is one happy song
But you are too meek.

My little starling
I've finally given up on you
I looked all over the forest
I found no sign nor clue

And then one fine morning
I heard someone sing
It was none other than
my little starling.
May 2015 · 692
Nirali Shah May 2015
They may be sad
It's not necessary that you should be the same.
May 2015 · 5.4k
The Brave Little Snowman
Nirali Shah May 2015
Once upon a time
There stood a frigid little snowman
With finger holes for eyes
Which spoke no truth nor lies

Two twigs made his disfigured arms
And a stoll for keeping him "warm"
There he stood with all his smiley charm
From the dusk until the dawn!

His head covered with dad's old beret
And a stalky little carrot nose
Oh yes,He was our brave little snowman
Who grew as he further froze.

Then came the mighty spring
Putting our little snowman at risk!
And then came the sunshine
Leaving only the beret,stoll and the twigs.

Months passed by
Winter came again
And Childern came along
With the Brave little snowman!
Just a little word doodle :)
May 2015 · 1.4k
The Orphanage
Nirali Shah May 2015
A street
With the futile efforts
Of the weary yellow light
Looked up at the sky
As water crawled down the window
Casting feeble shadows
Upon a newborn child
Pink as a rosebud
Hair so sparse
Almost golden with a tinge of crimson
Who wasn't aware
And didnt care
Of the worldly pleasures
And the hidden treasures.
The childless nurse
Smiled upon each one
As her own
Her warmth
Her motherly warmth
Only melted cold the tragedies
That came with each orphan
Feb 2015 · 2.6k
The Old Attic
Nirali Shah Feb 2015
Rays of the morning sun
Encroached the attic
From a very notorious
Broken piece of window
Exposed the little specks of dust
In the rotting wooden walls.
Some sticking in the peeling paint
Some lying
On her mother's once famous cookbooks
Now being devoured
By selfish
silverfish and fungi.
The dust
Telling stories of her childhood
Settled upon the rocking horse
And her favourite little music box
And a carton full of holiday polaroids.
The dust
Such a dry commodity
Moistened some old memories.
Isn't it amazing?
February 10,2015
I wrote this little piece after a friend of mine suggested the word "Dust" to write about :)
Feb 2015 · 3.1k
Cup Of Chai
Nirali Shah Feb 2015
Lost in the city lights
Are small palms
Are little feet
Are muddy faces
Of children of a thousand unknown names
Those palms holding a bunch of 5 rupee roses.
And feet scurrying about amongst the traffic signals
Selling their future to wipe your car's windows
And muddy faces serve you
While their childhood
Brews in your cup of chai.
Feb 2015 · 1.4k
The Goodnight Poem
Nirali Shah Feb 2015
The wood and it's ashes
Suspended into the atmosphere
Embraced the fog and the curled up cat
Who purred
And drifted into her dream
While the old watchman
Watched the fire go out
Reflecting upon his bifocals.

Drunken boys
Walked with a drunken walk
Into their houses
Drifted off to sleep
Wishing they woke up
To lust and money
That came from nowhere.

The homeless
Slipped into their rags and papers
Wanting to wake up
To, oh well,just another day
With promised food.
While rats re-scavenged
On the scavanged morsels

The women sang songs
Of elves to their newly born
Who understood none
Yet slipped into a world
Of ambiguity
Till the dawn

The day slept
Within the blanket of darkness
And a moon
Full of cheese and a rabbit within
Made of a whole bunch of craters
That soaked up
Hunger,thirst,failure and fatigue
Of the day

Falling in and out of people
And tears
That only fell out
Whispered into the ears of tomorrow
To be better
To be less deceitful.
February 5,2015
Feb 2015 · 810
The Green Glass Bottle
Nirali Shah Feb 2015
The gentle green bottle
Filled the space with her soothing light
As she awakened the cat
snoozing over the snoozing dog.
Listening to the wind chime
That chimed along the wind.
Humble yet powerful that she was
Reader of the enclosed mind
The shrink of the depressed
The one that besieges
And yet the one that releases
the truth that hides
behind those moist cherry lips.
Oh the comfort of the green light
Soft enough to filter
The harsh sun rays
Unlike the cruel gaze of uncertainty.
So I lie
In the luminous presence
Of the pacifying green glass
Watching the devil's ivy
Thriving within her gorgeous self.
2nd February,2015
Dec 2014 · 1.3k
Nirali Shah Dec 2014
Her voice echoed in eternity.
While blood spattered from that small body
On that notebook
Lying on the floor
Imprinting red palms on it.
She heard them call out
To the Almighty
From the foggy little distant mosque
She offered a prayer
For the future
A bright one..
For the children of God
For the mothers who bore them
Who don't have to wipe their own tears
Where she could live for a hundred more years
For their childhood
The one spent..
Looking at a misty sunset
That tastes like hope
And feels like a dream
With a privilege of coming true.
Dec 2014 · 938
Nirali Shah Dec 2014
She walked into the rain
as her silhouette disappeared into the narrowing alley
while some were fast asleep
while others dreamt about dreams
the ones yet to come
and the ones that never occured.

She walked
she simply walked
thinking nothing.

She heard
an old restaurant closing
pots and pans noisily complaining
about the cranky chef
and greedy customers.
Dreaming of being in the Queen's kitchen
But oh well,
They'd be the same every night.

She saw
A homeless guy
and his dog
sleeping cozily amongst the trash cans
Perhaps he dreamt of a college degree,
a roof and assured morsels
The dog,
about being with his master.

She smiled
At the little girl
Looking at her mother's flowers
For they have bloomed
Just for a day
To know what it feels like
To be alive.
Dec 2014 · 712
Winter Heart
Nirali Shah Dec 2014
As i lay down
In my own embrace
In warmth of the felt blanket
I allow my mind to wander
Amongst the shadows cast by my soul.

Where dogs bark in their own echo.
Shapes of the aged banyan
And those of the weeping willow..
Dancing in the moonlight
Upon the musty earth
Her softened yet cold heart
Still anchors their lives

I think of him
Still lying
In my own embrace
Wishing it was his
And that the warmth
Came from him
I listen to the rustling leaves
Noisy wind..
The noisy wind..
Silenced my winter heart to sleep.
Aug 2014 · 3.2k
Dal Bazaar
Nirali Shah Aug 2014
A quaint little bazaar
In the heart of the town
Tells a story
Of a thousand moments
Dal Bazaar as they call it
Or "Curry Market" for others who don't know.
I have fragments of memorable memories
Deep within my mind
The smell
The intoxicating smell of spices
Blended with the quiescent yet cacophonous lives
Of Merchants and Beggars
Of Buyers and Sellers
Of Bullions and a single calloused rupia
In the hands of the old *****.
The sunlight baking
Bags of turmeric.
Suspending the scent
In the minds of men.

Capering clouds of black and grey
And the sudden squall
Stirring the monotony
Of the customary.
The pirouette of rain
The one that excites the plainest of the plain
Painting the whitewash with shades of grey
The chalky walls
Moist corriander
And the relief of earth
So rewarding
For the ruins of the bare sun.

This flashback into my soul
Where all my senses seem to be so awake.
The feel of the wooden veranda
Scent so inexpressible
My eyes devouring the sunset
Tasting the heavens
Hearing it all.
Feeling it all.
Oh the plight of poets
The ritual to end a poem.
August 16,2014
Jul 2014 · 1.0k
Nirali Shah Jul 2014
What do I want?
Good question..
I thought I knew what I want
I WISH I knew what I want
I really want to know what I want.
****** words
****** memories
Dancing in my head
Won't allow me to think.

You know,
I have never thought about anything
In my life.
I just went with
This instinct..
This strange emotion
Some people call it "HEART" or "GUT"
But it's just another ***** in the body..
Ok Look..
I didnt even bother
To think about the rhyme scheme.

And when you asked me
"What do you want?"
I didn't know what to say
I WISH I knew..
And the knowing is just for you
So that you get your answer
I don't need it
Because I found my answers in you..
Because till now,my love,
I only taught myself
How to feel.
Don't defy me.
You won't get a response
You may only get a reaction
For I'm just a thoughtless person
Writing a thoughtless poem
Don't think what this means
It's a blank verse
Oozing out of a blank mind
Going nowhere
But going somewhere
Just to find you.
May 2014 · 595
Nirali Shah May 2014
I loathe definitions
Meaningless words
To describe something
Which means much more than those rambling letters
Trying so hard
To compete
And make their way
To someone's
Non-receptive ears..
To describe
Something so abstract
Without a designated word
A feeling placed on a pedestal
Ready to be either accepted or euthanized
Different than any other
Doesn't need words
It is independent
Doesn't need comfort
Of a single syllable
But yes
It  needs the reciprocity
What does one do with orphaned feelings?
There is no orphanage
There are only graves
And someone to shed tears
May 21,2014
Apr 2014 · 495
Nirali Shah Apr 2014
And as lifeless as it can get.
Treasuring the earth's secrets.
Bound within its serenity
It's calming texture.
A stone.
A solid truth
Telling stories of men and beasts.

A sign of strength
In a world made of quick silver,
Stands this stone for the very nature
Of itself.

Yes it does break and serves it's purpose
It adjusts
Doesn't compromise or change
Isn't it natural?
To be natural?
Mar 2014 · 1.0k
The Sleepy Old Man
Nirali Shah Mar 2014
Amongst an array of dusty old recipe books
And a micellany of utensils
Stood a thin silhouette
Of the Sleepy Old Man.

Conducting a show
Of his culinary orchestra
Seasoning and Tasting
With that grace
Like a ballerina
As he prepares the glaze.

He packs the orders
Takes another 10
And tosses a biscuit to a dog.
Writes a message
At the back of the bill
While drinking Chocolate Eggnog

A smile
Always a smile
He wears as his armour
A Red Army
Delivering not only food
But also a message to mankind
Feeding not only their mouths
But also their mind.
March 29,2014.
This poem is inspired by a restaurant owner,who's old and very kind.
He feeds dogs around his shop and also happens to deliver on his own.At times he writes small messages and sends along with the food.
How cool is that!
Mar 2014 · 601
Your Four Legged Old Man
Nirali Shah Mar 2014
He fetched when you asked him to
He licked your face when you were blue
Wagged like crazy when you came home
Though you left him alone only for 15 minutes!
He listened to you on that rainy afternoon
About your mundane life..
He snapped and growled
To protect you from that monster
That dug the road outside the house!
He trusted you
And took one more shot
During those ghastly visits to the vet
Don't get mad when he can't fetch anymore
His knees ache
When he can't really lick and wag with the same intensity
He's a little tired
Don't get fed up
He now wants a little more of you
These days,
He cant listen to you for very long
He needs a little more sleep, you see..
He might bump into things and maybe he won't respond when you call
But he still trusts you
And he still loves you
With all the strength he has left
Now it's your turn
To keep him warm
During those rainy afternoons..
He wont understand
But still
Sing him a lullaby will you?
March 23,2014
Mar 2014 · 793
Organic Love
Nirali Shah Mar 2014
And some love if you offer
That's all i ask for
My dreams are petit
I only want to live and breathe
So that you could do the same
I'll push through the earth
And anchor her FOREVER
I won't move!
100% organic love
I won't fail you
I promise you rain,oxygen and all those nice things :D
For God's sake!
Just put that axe down will you?
March 22,2014
Mar 2014 · 483
The Empty Canvas
Nirali Shah Mar 2014
An empty canvas
For the best of his strokes
His reveries
For her face..
A face full of emotions
The ones he never dared to express
Her sumptuous lips
He once kissed
Her eyes
That once drowned in tears
And those ears..
That consumed it all
Yet..she did not fit..
In his "personal definition" of love.
And today he tried to paint her
In every possible way
Colours dancing about
In that smoked filled space
As he aged with his wine..
His blood
Inebriated  with her memories..
He wept
Like a child
Choking with regrets
In the darkness
Of that closed envelope
In the enslaving emptiness
Of that abandoned canvas..
If only
He could smell her
Somewhere,amongst the cigarette puffs..
If only..
She stayed
And caressed him to sleep
To awaken the corpse of his life
March 15,2014
Mar 2014 · 633
Rain Therapy
Nirali Shah Mar 2014
Congested and dark clouds
Fogging up the window
Is the rain
Stealing the heat from my coffee
All its vapour
Adding to the humidity
A lullaby to my insomniac brain
Falling on my calloused soul
Seeping through my hair
Diluting all my tears
As the wind fiddles about..
Mother nature bringing me joy..
How i want to kiss her..
How i want to breathe
The scent of her body..
And hold it within me..
March 12,2014
Mar 2014 · 589
You're not alone
Nirali Shah Mar 2014
I find myself in words..
In words of a poet..
A poet within myself..
Within my soul..
The epiphany
The comforting silence
Of those words screaming inside me..
Hidden amongst the layers of blood,skin and bones
Deep within..
Amongst the addictive melancholy..
And in the eyes of my beloved..
Don't bother asking why..
Don't bother asking how..
I'll read..
I hope you can relate..
and find comfort..
and so in this mighty void
You're not alone...
You're not alone
March 12,2014
Feb 2014 · 730
The Wick Lamp
Nirali Shah Feb 2014
Drenched in her viscous soul
Within her earthen body
Bathing the darkness,with her light
Losing life..
Slowly... steadily..
As the smoke vortex escapes into the atmosphere
Becoming invisible..
Leaving no trace of her existence..
While the writer basks in her glow.
In her selflessness..
In her love for him..
Little did he know..
How could he know?
She simply stood there..
Pouring light...with all her strength
But spoke nothing..
How could she?
Scared as she was..of the consequesnces
Staring at him..
Devouring all of him
For him.
Hoping hopelessly..
if only..he noticed..
But she gave up..
Leaving him..
In the embrace of darkness..
In the emptiness..
February 22,2014
Feb 2014 · 2.0k
An Ode to Pets
Nirali Shah Feb 2014
I wonder what makes pets so special…

Is it the love or some other essence?

Is it their honest love?

Or just their sincere presence?

Why is it that when your furry kid

Ruins your fav. Shoes once in a while..

No matter how mad you wanna get..

You just cant help but look and smile…

When things go all wrong and ugly

When youre stuck home on a stormy day..

You look at your pet again and again…

Smile & Cuddle your loneliness away…

And that beautiful moment wen u get tempted..

To plant a kiss on your sleeping pet

You wanna give em all the love..

All the love in the world you can get..

And that day….when they are out love..

They thank you to say a last goodbye…

I bet that’s the only moment…

When your pet will make you cry…
April 25,2011
Feb 2014 · 1.2k
White Rose
Nirali Shah Feb 2014
An old florist, dressed in black
Hands a white rose to a guy.
While the beggar pets a stray..
A bicycle falls by.

It’s the westerly winds again...
Rain peeking through the sunless sky…
Though everything is getting moist around..
It’s my heart that’s running dry..

There’ goes the artist’s beret
And the lil girl’s pink umbrella..
A child pays a sixpence..
To the friendly pretzel fella..

The street lamp winks
While it listens to the accordion..
Lovers falling in love again…
While I wait for my old companion

The sea isn’t getting any wetter with the rain…
Though my hands are  getting wrinkled and white…
Then the same old man in his mackintosh..
Comes into my old ,weary sight..

We just saw, gave a reserved smile..
Then I cursed the different ways I chose…
Yet he melted all my regrets…
And held out that white rose…
April 26,2011
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
Fly now
Nirali Shah Feb 2014
"You are a bird,You know no bounds

you know yourself..your boundless self"

Fly far

"For you know your life is short..its now,right now..

that you live in..

you know no past to hold you back"

Fly now,Fly far....

" far as you can..

where no moment repeats itself

where adventure infects your soul

Fills you heart with living dreams"

Fly strong

"Know your strength..your limitless strength

And nourish the weak feathers back to health....

For your destiny awaits you...."

So fly high.... fly far
August 9,2011

— The End —