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Your hands, trace my entire body.
Like a fragile sculpture,  
You try not to leave a trace
of proof that you've been here.

Your warm lips, taste like heaven
and feel like perfection.
So hard to even describe it's tenderness
The gentle kisses leave me breathless,
leaves me motionless.

Your eyes, sparkle and stare into mine with admiration
telling me how perfect everything is on me,
giving me assurance that i'm alright,
i'm more than alright.

Your tight grasp,
showing me you could crush me in an instant,
but choose not to because you love me.

In my deepest fantasy's you would hold me tight
you would kiss me like our first time, every time
And in this fantasy, you would respect me.
Oh, only in my fantasy world.
{a perfect world}

— The End —