They tell me
To keep my eyes forward,
Look where I want to go
"If you look at the ground,
that is where you will end up."
Eyes to the skies
Posture, precision, control
Practice makes perfect
Because perfection is mandatory
I put my trust,
In a twelve-hundred pound animal
That could **** me easily
She looks to me for guidance,
Knowing i'll never hurt her
I put her life in front of mine
We have a rhythm
Her stride,
Matching my heartbeat
She reads my mind
We move together,
As we soar over the jumps
Heels down,
Chin up,
Shoulders back
After all the drama, tears, and blood,
I still find myself
Climbing back into the saddle
But, why?
Because i'm a horse girl.
And I was made for this.
I can fly.
Give me a bridle,
and my horse will show me the rest.