My Heart can only Scream so Long
so Loud
Echoing with all I wish you would accept.
Even forming these words grow tiresome.
They are read but not
In Time...
They shall ring True
The rest will pour forth when finally
I Hope to get that Chance
To add more proof,
Solidify your Reality.
But I cannot continue to care so Deep
See so Strong...
Feel so Foolish
So grow into that hidden Strength
While I try to forget that glow,
Sparkle behind that Smile.
But I'm not gone...
That collision of Space and Time.
Just tell me. When exactly do these ripples end?
Well you have control you see,
it is not the same as throwing a rock into the water and watching the ripples disappear.
This is more than just a simple stone tossed in a lake.
those ripples move,
but they eventually fade.
We have choices, that maybe sort of false sought out Destiny.
But we decide, have that choice, that one, two, or three.
So this thing we have,
however small it may be,
is maybe one and or two holding onto this growing Tree
clinging to that whatever small heart string.
So maybe, just maybe, you will eventually
**July 24, 2013