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 Sep 2013 Nicole Fraser
As a best friend,
I'd thought you'd understand.
That I'm not good with feelings,
and a lot of other things.

However you went ahead,
and surprised me instead.
You left me standing there,
made me thing you didn't care.

I am not the type,
to judge this tripe.
I'd like to think that this isn't real,
for I may not know how you feel.

There are signs everywhere,
which I happen to be completely aware.
You found someone new,
and left me feeling extremely blue.

I think I'm no longer,
your best friend forever.
And so in reply,
I'd like to wish you goodbye.

Goodbye, good friend,
I guess this is the end.
Our days are over,
it's time we get wiser.

 Sep 2013 Nicole Fraser
That's what I am.
I am suffocated.

So many people
and my hands and legs
won't stop shaking.
I can't breathe
but I can't run.

Is this what it feels like?
To be so scared and afraid?
All you want to do is stay at home
forever and ever and ever...

No friends, no one.
Only me, only me...

I think I like it,
the suffocation and darkness
and this loneliness.
What's gonna happen to me?

I think I'm going crazy,
and that's absolutely fine with me.

 Sep 2013 Nicole Fraser
I'm not good
at expressing my feelings.
I'm doing the best I can,
and it's hard for me.
Life seems to be easy with you guys,
and here I am feeling like my mind is going to blow up any time soon.
I wish I had a simple reason
for why I'm feeling and being like this.
Please hold on to me,
I'll open up soon.

 Sep 2013 Nicole Fraser
 Sep 2013 Nicole Fraser
I've made myself bleed.
The thought of doing it never occurred to me.
But I was curious.
I wanted to know what it was like to slice open your skin.
To play with knives and blades.
To have blood dripping.
And now that I've done it,
I promised to never do it again.
But the thought of doing it is addicting.
I like the pain.
I like the endorphins released.
I like the feel of it.
I like how it takes away my pain for a moment.
I might do it again.
I might never stop.
Here's to hoping I will be saved.

Walking along the scenic beach
At sunset...
Spectacular! What a beautiful panorama
Set the romantic atmosphere
Sweet melodious mood,
as the waves hit the shore
This sunset boulevard walk
We kiss and holding hands
While watching the sun goes down..
Good bye lovers
Enjoy your walk while you still can...
 Sep 2013 Nicole Fraser
Why do I  think your flaws don't matter?
        You're just a diamond in the rough.
                 You're. So. Worth. It.

Do you see mine?
      Mine are all I see.
              Mine. Are. All. I. See.

Why am I so ******* myself?
       I think you think I'm worth it too.
                I. Don't. Know. For. Sure.

Why are you so ******* yourself?
       I know you hide your insecurities.
             I've. Caught. Lucky. Glimpses.

How about I ask a different question?
          We're both still living.
                  Clearly. We're. Not. So. Bad.

If we don't change the way we think,
       What's going to happen?
               We'll. Still. Be. Living.

I care enough, I don't want you to live that way.
 Sep 2013 Nicole Fraser
I'm starting to feel like you have me in a living prison, and my own life energy makes the bars stronger. My plans never included you, but somehow you held on along the way, dragging me back into that alley you led me down that day. You act helpless, but you must not be aware that a strong creature finds false weakness repulsive.
I'm not responsible to you. I don't owe you anything. (If anyone owes anything, it's you.) I don't have to make you happy. (It's impossible anyway.) You've been using me. Well now that I have no use for you, good-bye!
I'm climbing the clouds and you're afraid of all that nothingness. I'm touching the sun, and it's a little warm up there for you. And somehow I don't think running through the flowery meadows is really your style. That's okay, I want to do it alone.
Not really a poem, but I write to get my feelings off my chest. And so I can look back and make sure I don't make the same mistakes. ;)
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