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 May 2013 Nicole
Because I'm sick of deep
Bored of emotional
And the 'touching' poems put me to sleep
I'm tired of the tearjerkers
That used to make me cry
Exhausted all the fast workers
That made it hard to sleep at night

So if you're looking for something deep
For an endless well of wisdom
You won't get it from me
I've made my share of those and then some
I'm retiring from the business
Of poems that hit the heart
Because my heart's a bit black and blue
So I'll find another art

Perhaps I'll make you laugh
With silly little tales
Perhaps I'll make you mad
Until you rant and rail
On how bad a writer I am
But at least you'll soon see
That no matter what I do
You get no tearjerkers from me

You want to ponder yourself?
So be it!
Do so when I'm not around
Because when you start spouting philosophy
I'll be the first to skip town
So if you're just as sick as me
Of all the contemplating frowns
Pick up the happy script
And put those sad poems down
It's almost summer, where's your cheer?
 May 2013 Nicole
That long hair that flows
Right down her back
A rich chocolate brown
Following wherever she goes

Those little coral slips
Just above her chin
Shaped like a heart
Stretched tight when she grins

Those indescribable orbs
Are they brown, blue, green?
But no, it's an amalgamation
That falls somewhere in between

A laugh so bright and contagious
That I join it no matter my mood
So genuine and lovely that when
It's fading I give pursuit

A smile I can't help but mimic
As it's forms around the words
That tickle me to teary laughter
No matter how absurd

And she is my friend
She means the world to me
She's my current standard
My definition of beauty
 May 2013 Nicole
A vivid pastel vertigo
That sends me through time and space
To all the places I should never know
To distances large and great

A bemusing tornado of words
That wrap around my head
Singing the tune of the birds
That make me so willing to be led

An iridescent amalgamation of assumptions
Swimming in the sea of my mind
And though I'll never utter a word of confession
I know you'll get it in time

The feelings in my mind
 May 2013 Nicole
Chaz Kirshcmann
Friend is death
Friend is cruel
Friend is evil
Friend is a fool

Give him a book
Hope for change
Hope to help
Hope to make a difference

Friend with knowledge
Is a friend to me
Friend with spirt
Is nice company

But a friend evil and cruel
Walks like death
Given knowledge and spirt
Is no longer a fool

He is a demon

I let loose
 May 2013 Nicole
Alyssa Yu
I have a friend who
Shines brighter
Loves stronger
Dreams bigger
Than most.

But this blinding star
Suffocates her radiance
Refuses to let the candle eat itself away
And she dwells in the comfort of midnight
The brighest eclipse

Because the truth is
She’s saving her beauty
To give to one who is the color of sky right before dawn
She gravitates toward shadows
And lights up only for the darkness

Now she has found her counterpart
He illuminates her world
Unveils her hidden spark
And uses it to ignite an inferno
But he battles a legion of demons
Trapped in a deadly war against himself

Only he can awaken her
His vibrant smile erasing her mask of smoke
And only she can save him
The blaze in her eyes conquering the monsters that creep in the corners of his mind

Some may think it’s sad
That they only burn together
When no one else is around to see

And others say it’s dangerous
That their intense blend of passion and pain could destroy the universe

But I think it is perfect
For their love has captured
The elegance of charcoal
And the purity of ivory
On a single canvas

So I guess it’s true
That night is the one true love of day
Too much darkness can be deadly
But too much light can burn you away
 May 2013 Nicole
Alicia D Clarke
They tell us to accept the skin we're in,
But how can I accept what society makes feel like a sin?
Gross to be bigger than a size one or two,
Does that sound realistic? Not to me, to you?
Purged souls on countless carbs of animosity,
The taste of self hate rich and buttery.
Magazines don't help, if only looks could ****,
Girls are starving and dying, I promise you not just for the thrill.
Hated and disgusted by their very own reflection,
Don't try and stop them it's a battle you'll never win.
Only bones can make them happy,
White porcelain devils flush their dignity gladly.
True selves lost with every vigorous flush,
The feeling so high, their own personal rush.
With every single flush they soon fade away,
Ask me how I know,
I was once that way.
 May 2013 Nicole
Eyes (10w)
 May 2013 Nicole
Even in the intoxication
Of sleep
Your eyes see clearly
 May 2013 Nicole
 May 2013 Nicole
Wanted: her words!
Her inspired, breathless,
Sighing words
Needed for motivation
Desired for an elixir
Of broken hearts and corrupt minds

Wanted: her words!
Her mellifluous panacea
Breathing life into the inanimate
Defining the undefinable
And finding felicity in the fugacious

Wanted: her words!
Her intransigent, sagacious,
And judicious lyrics
Publicly educating and passionate
Privately  life's denouement
Her words are wanted
 May 2013 Nicole
Hungry Envelope
He slumps, grumbling at the air
a grunt, no more
admittance of awareness
minimising risk
of developing interest

the glow across
his face pale
a reflective pallor
shows us his day
has spent him inside

nourishment calls
a gutted feeling
deeper than his alienation
as food is not forthcoming
he tries to sing

in letting go
his newfound voice
an interrupted squawk
so disgusted he uhgs
hiding himself again

daily untouched
but for lonely nights
when in consolation
he hands himself to the
bounty of the sickened screen

and gurgles
in unity, at one
with images which champion
his waking hours, forcing him
and confused
 May 2013 Nicole
Mariam Briceño
 May 2013 Nicole
Mariam Briceño
I killed the first demon
Hoping for the best
But I did not know
It stained my veins.

I killed the second demon
Couldn’t look him in the eyes
As I knew It was gonna come
And haunt me back.

I killed the third demon
Shoot him through the heart.
My head shook senseless,
Its madness made me insane.

I killed the fourth demon
He spit me in the face.
I could feel him
Tearing up my flesh.

I killed the last demon
And so I thought it was the end
But little did I know
His friends wanted revenge.
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