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May 2016 · 918
Nicolas Andrade May 2016
I've dreamed about ourselves
In the golden Dunes:
Bathed in sunshine,
warm under our feet.

But I'm here,
In the Tundra:
Freezed by the hoarfrost,
and it feels desertic.

before the rise of the lights.
May 2016 · 479
Nicolas Andrade May 2016
Eu sonho em nos ver nas dunas:
banhadas pelo Sol
Quentes sob nossos pés.

Mas estou aqui,
nos pampas
prateados pela geada
Desérticos à sua maneira.

antepostos ao amanhecer.
Apr 2016 · 338
Nicolas Andrade Apr 2016
I am the Sun
An eternal-like temporary explosion in the sky
A passenger in the universe.

I am the Lion
A king between hundreds of thousands of other kings
The ruler of my domains.

I am a Man.
A prisioner, in the companion of my own thoughts
and wishes.

I am the Waves and the Tide
A visitor of the shores,
Directly influenced by the Moon.
You can bath on me, or you can DROWN
Mar 2016 · 271
Nicolas Andrade Mar 2016
She used to say
that she think she's "dumb
and boring"
I used to think she's beautiful in every way,
But you need to be really dumb to say
That you feel dumb.
In fact, this whole conversation is making me
Mar 2016 · 250
Nicolas Andrade Mar 2016
When you're speaking a language that you're not used to,
just Try.
In my language, we say:
is the thing that puts my people in movement:
We try.
Nós tentamos,
and this is what make us a happy people.

— The End —