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Lara Trujillo Sep 2020
The world once birthed an eternal fire
that lived in the form of two entities
A raging inferno only known to a certain pair who were unaware of their identities.

Labyrinths far and wide, steep and shallow did they go searching
for their desire for one another was a ceaseless kind of yearning.
Disillusioned and exhausted, the pair retreat to tend to their wounds
their flames now nearly fizzled with the scent of malefic fumes.

On the day that was the seventh of June, the pair bizarrely united to their amaze
and with their existence alone, they rekindled their flames.
With fervor and glowing spirits the pair fused together with a promise
the day which was the 31st of August.

The world once birthed an eternal fire
that lived in the form of two entities.
To this day they incinerate with pleasure:
Their flames will burn forever.
To my life partner, my forever gold: Patrick O’Hara. Happy 1 year anniversary and to many more. I love you with all my being
Lara Trujillo Nov 2019
Please prove me guilty
I want to be wrong
A woman I've dreamed to be
Stepping on him while he shines my boots singing to me
Proving me guilty
Lara Trujillo Aug 2015
Sympathy no more,
a relentless aggressor.
Hiding my shadow
Dedicated to the person who stole my innocence
Lara Trujillo Dec 2016
Something about guessing games and fresh fatigue
Something about it being my pet peeve
But I was told, by you, you're not good at seeing through the dark
That's okay, perhaps it's not worth the petty remark

I know all about this stuff
I've been there, kind of, myself
I know all about it

Something about repairing a bond, unity
Something about a missed opportunity
The schedule's just fine, so I think, what could it possibly be
It matters the most now as your joy isn't for free
Lara Trujillo Sep 2015
Don't let me break my teeth
over a tool so minuscule
I'm only repaying your infidelity
Lara Trujillo Jan 2020
Nail me to your headboard
and tell me I disgust you
Nail me to your headboard
and nail me right there
Lara Trujillo Jun 2015
Tightly closed inside a wooden box of my choice
sleeps a woman's desire
My favorite piece of all that I have written
Lara Trujillo Jun 2015
Leaping and twirling in an inflated
black dress that reached right below my feet
Hoping to be greeted by Death's first cousin;
could he be "Asleep"?
Lara Trujillo Aug 2015
Mon Reine de la mort
tombes sous votre nom en vain
Une haine pour Dieu
Lara Trujillo Aug 2019
I feel weightless.
As if I could lay down on the grass and somehow carry myself to the moon and beyond.
Looking down beneath me are the trees swaying back and forth with ease while the grass, in slow motion, silently follows.
All part of an orchestra.
Slowly lifting my arm towards a cloud, my hair flows to my collarbones and gently moves from behind my neck all around my face until it stretches far from reach.
I hold a piece of this cloud
pressing it firmly against my chest, it poofs with every heart beat.
I raise my chin upwards to see a dancing trio of shooting stars with elegance.
The higher I move, the clearer the stars become and you notice the sparkling trail they leave behind.

I'm at my highest, my most sincere, my most painless form of being.
Holding the last piece of my excruciating eternity, in the left palm of my hand, I slowly open my fingers and let it slip from my grip and let it fall to the deepest underground of the Earth.
Slowly but surely, I interlace all my fingers together pressing them against my palms as I rest them on my hollow chest.
Eyes closed, sewn in place.
What better way to descend.
Written 11/25/13. Inspiration unknown but the prequel to Part II.
Lara Trujillo May 2014
Wallowed in gray
Discovered by gloom
Drowned by monsoon
Lara Trujillo Dec 2021
We know which room is mine and what I have to do
I put myself on display
You keep me from hurting you
Lara Trujillo Jan 2020
Duele pisar la tierra
Estoy encadenada
Lara Trujillo Jul 2016
Showed you quite a bit of what I fear
It's the season in July every year
Children in swings, no rules to adhere
Crack open a case of your man's favorite beer
It's the lack of control in the atmosphere
Handing responsibility to the puppeteer
So far so good, I'm honest, being sincere
But it will happen again this time next year
Until September will I reappear
It's just this time I least persevere  
Showed you quite a bit of what I fear
Thought I had made it pretty clear
Lara Trujillo Dec 2021
The closest I'll get to myself is the mirror
I'm losing all my features
Lara Trujillo Sep 2016
Showed up to Church for confession in the morning
Boy, was it uneventful
Lara Trujillo Feb 2020
I plan to see you today
I plan to bury you, my friend
A better version of an old poem I named “Tuesday”. Never published.
Lara Trujillo Dec 2021
Aunque estes golpeada y malnutrida
nunca te escondas de mi
No conozco nada mas
Aqui tendras un hogar
donde tus heridas seran cubiertas con azucar.
Tus pesadillas cesaran.

Llevaremos nuestros secretos a la tumba
donde nos enterraran juntas
Que nos encuentren con lirios en el pelo

Eres mi guardian, siempre mi amiga fiel
Te extraño mucho
Lara Trujillo Mar 2020
I feel like me when you drop me off
when I come home safe and sound
I have a thing for all things soft
with the corners going rough
I can never seem to get enough.

I want to be a man
God, I want to be a man so bad

I feel like me when you gift me drinks
the usuals, you know well which they are
I feel like me when you don’t feel me
A good time you promised I’d adore
I don’t feel like a woman anymore

I want to be a man
God, I want to be a man so bad
Being a woman is very hard
Lara Trujillo Feb 2020
Si me abres la jaula te lameré la mano
Sigues lastimándome y sigo gateando hacia ti
Lara Trujillo Nov 2016
Once I dreamt of a bouquet of roses delivered to me
Not knowing where or who they were from.
Lara Trujillo Jun 2015
Lingering in words you will not speak
only slightly bemused
to know your phrase brings back bad news.
Far fetched spring and healthful
meadows to be so true
Maybe promenades are your sweetest alludes
Dedicated to the person I considered the love of my life for most of my adulthood. May he find peace within himself
Lara Trujillo Sep 2015
Woke up in tremor to my pulse no longer bearing me
and my temperature steeping as far as the amount of times I've disappointed my mother
Lara Trujillo Nov 2016
There's a game I've been meaning to play
There's also a talk I saved I tastefully dread
but, honestly, my needs have not been met
There's a game I've been meaning to play
Lara Trujillo Jun 2015
No soy un soldado
sin embargo, a muchas batallas me he enfrentado,
Han sido dificiles y no todas las he ganado

No soy heroina y a muchos monstruos me he enfrentado,
Tal vez alguno me ha tirado
pero ninguno de ellos me ha aplastado

A mi modo soy feliz, creo que nadie se lo imagina
pero en mi interior yo lo se: soy mucha medicina
A poem my mother wrote for me for a class. Since it belongs to her, her name is the title.
Lara Trujillo Mar 2022
Tengo que enterrarte
no hay de otro modo
Con fiebre voy a recogerte
estarás un paso adelante
One-year death anniversaries are hard. We miss you.
Lara Trujillo Jun 2015
Mellow at sunset
Never ending dancing in the shore
Carelessly flailing my arms to the sleepy sun
A warm welcoming dance to the moon
I am your daughter
Lara Trujillo Nov 2015
And I'm getting older
feeding ramen to my brain
and I oughta be ashamed of myself for not running faster
for not running ahead
Lara Trujillo Nov 2019
The songs you sing only I can hear
Everyone else has you muted
Lara Trujillo Aug 2015
This classic union
where my love beats me senseless
Oh, anything for me
Lara Trujillo Nov 2019
They all want one woman and their girlfriends know it too
We're all just a little jealous
and she's quite the temptress
The same woman your girlfriend wants to pursue
The one we all want to befriend
and she looks divine from every bend

Should she make you feel anew
Turn your eyes a brighter hue
Spin your wheel a different way
Ignite a fire for some foreplay
She achieves this on her own without a master plan
Lara Trujillo Sep 2016
"They" talk a lot
but "they" do say some truthful things
Lara Trujillo Jun 2015
Grasping eternity by the neck in tremor
causing my insides to rot.
Too cold to replace my teeth
afraid to wrap my legs in sweets.
Caffeine induced dreams to replenish my cells
with gold or brass,
eyes wide open but my inmate's asleep
Don’t remember the reason behind this piece but I think of it often trying to find it.
Lara Trujillo Nov 2015
I wish I was drowning to accompany the mortuary feeling when I think of you and everything you've secretly been doing
But I really want to drown you first
Lara Trujillo Jun 2015
Exhausted and ill tempered
Laying in silk, white sheets.
Embrace me
For I am now breathless
The simple pleasures of laying in bed
Lara Trujillo Jul 2015
I may not be a ghost or a saint
to know the place you keep within is by the trees striking midnight at the most.
Trying to intertwine my fingers with your pallid hands comes against the law of your vicious past.
Your complexion broken in accumulated clots of despair in which you've hidden dearly
But your veins are intact and lungs in place, it is far too early to misplace the walls you have built.
The hollowness in between your guilt and creation
does not house what's left of your deceptions.

I may not be a ghost or a saint
to know the place you keep within
is at the palm of my trembling hands for me to break
Lara Trujillo Oct 2015
The parts I love about you are the ones I have invented
like when you kissed my floor and left unscented
Lara Trujillo Jun 2015
Counting the stars one by one in Venice
Passing through the waterways in a gondola;
Thinking it would've been best
to be accompanied
Lara Trujillo Jun 2015
Terminó la pasion
Sin desvelar, sin adios
Mis ultimos pedazos de consiencia
en la nieve
Lara Trujillo Sep 2015
I've flooded every inch of my brain to rid of how we spent our Summer wrapped around our fingers
and in the illusions we've created for a better future and as hopeful thinkers

But I'll wait here while you're there
while I try to drain those fluids from my head
Regardless of those terrors I will face sleeping alone on my bed
Lara Trujillo Feb 2020
Where you are going nothing can hurt you, the light will welcome your aches
I speak the language of the stars and they say your wounds have closed long ago
That your worries will be shoved in a box to be burned when you’re ready to let go.
They’ll align in sevens in a heavenly arrangement only your eyes can see
With your soul cleansed in liquified star dust, finally reaching your highest form of being.

If you allow silence between the spaces
They’ll tell your story to the universe with every detail you’ve buried for all these years
And to the tune of your voice will it expand in peace, shifting the axes of spheres.
The skies will finally gleam in shimmering gold, the color of your eyes
Where I’ll be watching all the way from the rejuvenated earth as the galaxies and your animation harmonize
For Patrick J O’Hara
Lara Trujillo Jun 2015
"Sin Dios, no hay amor"
Pero estoy enamorada
con los estudios de Ciencia
y el cuerpo humano
que no tengo porque llorar lagrimas de arena
y suplicar por agua.
Lara Trujillo Feb 2020
I'm guilty but not unclean, he's everywhere I go
Putting me on display
He wants me crawling from the inside
He wants me with a feral drive
I'm not all white

Sundays are for mourning
They're the stain of the week

He's a labyrinthine fix, he's everywhere I want to be
Mortifying me again
He's got a grip on my being purely obscene
All with a feral drive
I'm not all white

Sundays are for mourning
They're the stain of the week
Lara Trujillo Feb 2020
Don’t twist my words because they’re not what I said
Withholding your advance
A block that’ll drive you mad
Lara Trujillo Jun 2015
Chandeliers and trimmed trees bring
tears like an ever flowing stream.
Igniting the path to a tragic past
where the moon ceases to beam.
Delicately carving the lines on the
hands that once fed a deal of pleasure
that is of no longer use to me, thank you, my treasure.
Tiptoed to a monastery, with a familiar face
that exceeded my momentum
whom withheld a coin on a string from his septum.
"Buongiorno, buongiorno! From warm descendants!"
treated me with a surplus of respect.
Time will speak, and time has said,
the archangels have failed to resurrect.
Funerals for tales of a tragic past in full cortège, my forever white gold,
Believing time will remain my loyal friend
as long as my foe is the old
A mixture of people, events, and transitions
Lara Trujillo Sep 2019
Oh, my Countess, how brave of thee
To welcome strays including me
Found in a collection of forgotten pieces. Don't know when this was written
Lara Trujillo Sep 2016
You used to tell me these things, too
Tender when you want to be
Lara Trujillo Nov 2015
Your mother says you're insane
and I don't have much to say
but you keep me sane for a renegade.
Lara Trujillo Sep 2019
Hazel eyes, mine to dream
Yours on television and magazines
Found in a collection of forgotten pieces. Don't know when this was written
Lara Trujillo Nov 2019
The one time I drank past my usual time I found myself buried significantly deep in anger
Not just at myself but at everyone
and my lover for being the last to linger

It was all my fault

Now I'm thinking to myself how close the future is
and how very much alive I am
It took me this long to find out how incapable I am,
how much I really can't
Written approximately 2-3 years ago. Hopefully self-explanatory. Found deep in old notes I was hoping to someday publish.
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