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Neville Johnson Dec 2024
With one hand waving we sail the sea
Baby ties her scarf on tight
It’s a perfect breeze
As we explore, contrast and compare
No, there ain’t nothing like this
Not anywhere

In waters turquoise we deep sea dive
Even the fish are friendly
It’s great to be alive
This is life at its best
With love as good company

I’ll bring home pictures
To prove what I say
Oh, and we’re coming back
If I do say
For feelings that emerged, and then surged
It’s been that kind of day
Neville Johnson Dec 2024
A murmur of the heart
I guess you could say
That soft thwump I feel
When she walks my way
We went to high school together
She never knew my name
Boy, she was so pretty
But times have changed
She works now at the bank
A loan officer
I’d like to be in her debt
Make a deposit on love
She could even foreclose
Am I in love? You bet
Neville Johnson Dec 2024
I was so low when I was solo
There was darkness everywhere
On the down *****, worried
I needed care
Someone to love me
I had plenty to give
But I kept striking out
I wanted to live

Then Cindy came along
And wouldn’t you know
The sun came out
Love began to grow
Life became the way it should be
She took the sad out of the sack
It was all so carefree
On top of that, she took the initiative
Ooh, ooh oui
Neville Johnson Dec 2024
I get tipsy when I’m around you
I always feel that way
My heart is palpitating
My thoughts await
What shall I say?
For I’m in love
But you don’t know
It’s always been that way
That’s why I get tipsy
I just wish you’d stay
And just sit a while
Before the fireplace with hot chocolate
I’d try to say I’m amusing things
Get you to laugh and say yay
I’ve been working up my courage
For the last two months or so
Today, I think I’ll make my play
With a heidi heidi **
I’ll smother you with compliments
Each one of them sincere
I’ll ply you with fun anecdotes
I’ll make it very clear
That I am in love with you
There’s no place else for me to go
Except to be near you
To be with you
To make it so
Neville Johnson Nov 2024
I’m no stranger to loneliness
I guess you could say it’s my friend
My bestie for now
On it to keep me company I depend

She gently slipped away
That’s the irony
No harsh words
Just a soft goodbye
With a smiling wave
Adios muchacho
“We gave it a try”

Alone I sit and contemplate
This zone where I isolate
It’s between here and there
Where the cold wind blows
I hang my head in sorrow
Yeah, and love ain’t fair
Neville Johnson Nov 2024
Hello poetry
Are you there for me today?
I need a friend, but only words will do I’m afraid
It helps if they rhyme
But I’ll take what I can get
Give me some solace
I need to forget
Take me to a new place
Where there’s hope and joy
Hello poetry, how have you been?
I hope you’re not annoyed
It’s your job to comfort
Take me in
Tell me everything will be all right
Please begin
Neville Johnson Oct 2024
The prisoner of love
Marches in the rain
Melody is so far away
Insane is his pain
He’s been abandoned
Separated by fate
If they could only reunite
Wouldn’t that be great?

But it’s not gonna happen
No how, no way
His train left the station
The boat sailed away
Tim is down in the dumps
As blue fades to gray

This is how it must go
She for sure is gone
But their love still burns
It heats up their nights
Despite the twists and turns
They will dote on sweet memories
Yes, and longing desire
An invisible flame forever bright
For a love that has taken flight
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