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Neville Johnson Jan 2024
The mystery I shall never solve
Is how this came to be
I can’t believe she is in my arms
That I am so lucky
I don’t know what I did
Or why it happened
I just know I’m in love
And in free fall into her arms
Endlessly, perfectly

Life is amazing
Even more so is love
Neville Johnson Jan 2024
It only makes me sad
Loves I have lost
Their echoes return
And linger with frequency
When I have down time
It really is downtime
What good is it to reminisce?
I used to be the moonlight king
Kissing was a specialty of mine
Those days are gone
Am I at the end of the line?
Consider the embers of sorrow
Ever there, reminding me
Chasing me even
I can’t reason with them
They just taunt me
Ergo I weep alone
Jagged, frustrated weeping
For there is no going back
The past collides with my psyche
As I attempt, wearily, self-help
There has got to be a way out of here
Neville Johnson Jan 2024
Hope Less says to Merri Way that Frank Ly has been on her mind ever since Dana Point hooked up with Tim Id. Bea Serious, overhearing this, scoffs noting that Hy Perbole has been dissuaded from this notion.
          Enter Cliff Hanger, Adam Ant and Murray Hill who were hiding from Colin Oscocopy and Ty Lenol also following the same rumor, but they are shushed by Roman A. Clef who says he knows the real story.
          This occurs at the church social organized by Dawn Patrol. Bill Collector and Donny Brook watch from the periphery. Then comes the shouting: April Fools, Chuck Wagon, Moe Mentum and Ruth Less get into politics: it is a no-win situation. Fortunately, Benedict Ion, with the cunning Bob Cat is able to calm the situation.
          Di Alysis, new to town, chats up Peg Leg and Al Gorhythym, laughing about the antics of ***** Nilly and 2 Dollar Bill but Luke Warm is iffy about what he views.
         Rock Bottom, that sad sack, tries his luck with Miss Matched, getting nowhere and is unhappy to see Ray O’Sunshine barge into the conversation as he orders Mart Ini to join in with Lazy Susan.
         Uh oh, here comes ****** Mary with Mel N. Choley who has the nerve to tell Pete Moss he smells.
         Terri Yaki sits with Will Power who, dieting, will not eat. They sit at the same table as Rich N Glamorous, Patty Melt and Miss Quoted.
         Here’s where it gets weird --- Ben E Fit cannot get away from Polly Amorous who pursues him relentlessly while he tries to put moves on the audacious Bo Dacious.
         Hugh Tensils and the aptly named Nick Named joyously interact with Deb It and Dad Nabit, narrowly escaping a falling chandelier which is prevented from harming anyone by Nick O’Time, who is always in the right place at the right time.
         Ty ****, known for being parsimonious hangs with Corporal Punishment, an unwelcome party crasher
          Ray Gun seeks out Phil Anderer to ask about the latest concoction of his pal Al Chemy, learning that he been experimenting with Joy Ride, Long John and Phil Istine.
          Justice Delayed and Justice Denied sit at separate tables refusing to interact with each other.
Neville Johnson Jan 2024
The perfect stranger she thinks
With just one good look at him
He finds her tantalizing
A match it is with a spark
With a fire that starts

He buys her a drink
That gets her talking
Gives him time to think
She’s about as perfect as perfect gets
She’s already entranced
There is heaven in his scent
It’s mutual attraction that lasts into the night
They can’t stop talking to each other
It’s seems so very right

One thing leads to another
They share a perfect kiss
Love has got got them covered
This is really it
At this moment they are planning
How their lives will intertwine
Togetherness it will be
Until the end of time
Neville Johnson Dec 2023
We share sweet memories of the good times
When we were young
And free
Full of brio and confidence
Daring and delighted to be alive
Memories of love and laughter
Of our belief in each other
Of being close and trusting and hopeful
But we broke up leaving these memories
Such treasures that bring warmth and joy
They are ours alone to share forever
Neville Johnson Dec 2023
It’s a crazy gamble
But you should teach me to love
A diligent student I shall be
Give me a chance, you’ll see

I’m easy to teach
Bound to please
Reliable, relatable
It’s undeniable that we should be
Engaged in a common goal
Of unity
Take a chance
Take a chance on me
Let us live in love
Neville Johnson Dec 2023
I’m safe with you
Completely secure
You are my home
Wherever you are
I am in love with you
I’m not letting go
Your affectionate soldier
As you well know

You are ever with me
In my thoughts and heart
Ever forever and that’s just the start
My life began the day I met you
I have faith, I believe in you
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