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Neville Johnson Sep 2023
I go where she goes
That's where I need to be
By her side all the time
Yeah, that's me
Why? Because I love her
She's better than the best
We have fun, we always do
So lest you be concerned
We're on fire all the time
It's burn baby burn

I go where she goes
It's just her and me
Traveling though the stratosphere
Yes and easily
Two wanderers
Lost in ecstasy

I go where she goes
For sure and always
Incandescent is our love
So beautiful these days
Neville Johnson Sep 2023
There's a sale on me
First time on the block
You can have me forever
If that is what you want

All you have to do is love me
As I will do for you
You can be my one and only
Exclusivity assured

I've been down and lonely
I had one who went away
This broken heart is on the mend
Hence there is this sale

But you must treat me gently
As we frolic in the sun
Make it last forever
Be my only one
Neville Johnson Sep 2023
What happened to us?
Those days that seemed to live forever
Maybe in our minds they do
But not in reality
Days of gracious sunshine
But there came another day
Then another year
Another decade
As we all head towards sand
Those days were once these days
Those days are gone
But they haven't gone away
They're just part of life
The dreams have not died
They're just not around
Just waiting for you and me
To recognize that time
When well-spent
Never goes away
Some days, some times
Live forever in our minds
We are all time travelers
Never left behind
Just pushed, shushed along
What happened to us?
We moved along
Loving the times
The times when we all got along
Yes, we're all still here
Making time
Doing time
Time, our new and old friend
Time as we move along
Neville Johnson Sep 2023
I don’t want these memories
Make them go away
They don’t do me any good
I just want to say
Good riddance, begone
She’s not around here anymore
These memories don’t belong
In my thoughts, let alone my heart
I don’t need to sing a sad song
I’m looking for happiness
New memories to come along
Some wishes don’t come true
Time to say bye-bye
Tomorrow is another day
No more time to cry
If I did my best, that’s all I can do
It’s why I want to say
I don’t want these memories
Make them go away
Neville Johnson Sep 2023
All in all, life’s been good
But there are certain moments that stand out
When time stood still
When it was that outstanding thrall
Of peace in our time of love
Lying in bed
Certain of our future
Holding each other close
These are the moments I remember
Those moments stand out
Neville Johnson Sep 2023
I'm so happy to see you but I always leave sad
For I know I will miss you
Me, your former lad, now just your friend
I still love you now
Just as I did then
That's the way it is
I'm Mr. Now and Then

Ah, those nights of passion
We went soul to soul
Inseparable we were
A love that made us whole
We were each other's best friend
You still bring out the best in me
So says Mr. Now and Then

     I'm a lover without borders
     A lion with no pride
     You wouldn't know it to look at me
     But deep down inside
     I know I really blew it
     That there is nothing I can do
     I can look but cannot touch
     The incomparable you

I know you know I love you
You said you still love me back
But you're with him and so secure
He'll never get the sack
I can wait and wait
Like Robin Hood in the glen
I know I'll never steal your heart
But I will still try every now and then

I know we will never be what we were again
Still I still love to see you every now and then
Neville Johnson Aug 2023
Ice cream memories
Sunday afternoons
Bicycles and swimming pools
No work or school
Friends and neighbors
Just having fun
Those were the days
We sure were cool

That tomboy Diane
Sure could hit the ball
Our club was named The Eagles
We had it all

We had our own tee shirts
With baby blue design
Diane sowed the insignias
Looking mighty fine

We were the best
Then Diane discovered boys
You can guess the rest
Goodbye to those joys

When I have a bite of gelato now
I think of yesterday
Diane is my first love
And though she’s gone away
Her sweetness is
An ice cream memory
Of those happy days

Here’s to Diane
Wherever she may be
My dear playmate
And what used to be

Long live The Eagles
Lucky, lucky me
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