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Brooding, intense, with furrowed brow
Jeremy surveys his audience
Forty years on, still belting out the songs
That made him famous
With a touch of resignation he goes on
The first is up-tempo
He’s there to do a job
Conjuring memories
He gives them what they want
Throws in some new ones
To keep himself interested
There’s always an encore
Then he’s off

It’s his annual tour
Work he must
Given the royalties that diminish
Thank God he’s still got the stuff
That voice so powerful, so recognizable
The fans are stalwart
They keep him alive
He sings for their pleasure
He’s a pro who does strive
To give them a thrill
He’s still got the drive

It’s his life
His mission
His raison d’etre
An artist he is
Doing his best
Thanks, Babe, for loving me
For your comfort when I’m down
For you wisdom
For the kindness I see
I thank you, Babe, for loving me

I know I’m complicated
Sometimes I let you down
But you always forgive me
With you I’ve found
Joy, indeed rapture
It’s the truth
You helped me believe in myself
That’s the news

Lying beside me on this trip through life and love
I admire your beauty
As I think of all there is to reminisce
We’re again making memories
With kisses and bliss

And I thank you, Babe, for loving me
Thank you my dear for saving me
Thank you, I thank you
Thank  you for all we have done
Thank you, for what is to come
It was a great time to be young
Especially if you were
And I was
I’d like to think I still am
Young enough to be in love
Old enough to know
My city is in ruins
Flames have taken it down
But that doesn’t mean we are over and out
We shall come together
With determination
In unity
For we are survivors
Bound to succeed
Love and friendship are the foundation
It will take time
As we overcome frustration
But we’ve got each other
We’ll make it right
Someday we’ll look back at this
Give thanks we made it through
By hard work will come bliss
We’ll do it together
It will be all right
Hope and courage are here
It’s worth the fight
Neville Johnson Dec 2024
Poncho, there’s a commotion outside
What’s going on?
Come pronto
It’s a demonstration
Almost a party
People are shouting
They’re happy
Seems it’s about peace
That it’s come to be
Smiles instead of placards
It’s a jubilee
A celebration of life
Come and see
Let’s join the march
You and me
Neville Johnson Dec 2024
Paris in the rain
Paris sous la pluie
I prefer it that way
It drowns my sorrow
That lingers from yesterday
When the sun shined
When nothing was in our way
I sit in solace
With this tasty cappuccino and crème brûlée
But sugar is no sweet substitute
No way
For those delicious memories
Which shall never go away

Mais je suis si triste
I am so sad
L'amour est parti
Love has gone away
Ne laissant que moi
Leaving me alone
C’est seulement moi
It’s only me
Avec une richesse d’antan
With a wealth of yesterdays
Paris in the rain
Paris sous la pluie
Beauty despite the gloom
Le beaute malgre la tristesse
What shall I do?
Que dois-je faire?
Je ne sais plus
I don't know
Neville Johnson Dec 2024
Geri Atric and everyone’s friend, Amy Able go for a drink with Rose Wine. The bartenders, **** Tator and Gus To introduce them to the scary Mort Ality, who in turn invites over Nick Name, Hope Chest, and Nan O’Second as they would like each other, so he thinks.
     Jack Russell doggedly observes from a distance, pretending to be in  an intense conversation with Deb Enture, which annoys the other participants, Sue Ffle and Ty Rade, who figure out what he is up to.
     Off to himself, for obvious reasons sits Dan Druff, ignored by ***** Nilly, Stanley Cup, and the lazy Mo Mentum. Then the haughty Ruth Less arrives, with her entourage Miss Ann Thorpe, Heidi **, and Dee Pendant.
     The weirdest trio at this holiday party has to be Sven Gali, Sig Alert and Grant Writer. Go figure.
     The chef is none other Herb Dressing, the maître D is Nick O’Time,
     Ed U. Cated stupidly calls out and nearly punches Will Power but is restrained by Charlie Horse, Arthur Itis, and the much-needed Ben Gay.
     Hal Ibut orders a meat dish, with Al Falfa going veggie. Penny Less says, “This is rich,” when she hears about the near altercation, while Luke Warm nods wanly.
     Tom Boy gets a kick out of Jack Boots as the couple, Miss and Cal Ulated, try to overhear the conversation but are thwarted by Al Cove, who intentionally loudly speaks over them. Of all people, Tommy Gun shushes them, for he wants to overhear what Buck Aneer and **** Tation say to each other.
     Justin Case argues with Mel Rose, while he hits on Rose Mary, who in turn is trying to avoid Des Titute. Cord Uroy is shunned by Cosmo Politan who hangs with the greedy Ali Mony.
     Mary Land is in an agitated state thanks to Mark Exhibit  who makes it evident Claus Traphobia is closing in on him.
Rich People engages with Cass Anova, while Penny Rate chats up Will Power. Honey Moon, recently married to Gene Splitting, gets an earful from Conrad Warning.
     Needing attention, Molly Coddling coos to Art Forgery, who ambles over with Herb Tea, who is interested Penny Arcade.
     Confused by all the people, there is Frank Ness, who can’t avoid the truth that Benedict Canyon and General Mills just don’t like him, leaving him with the boring Sue Veneer, who is not interested in him either.
     ***** Nilly, flustered, drinks coffee with Maxwell House, gamely sipping along with Three Card Monte. Nick Knacks hasn’t much to contribute to the occasion, then is accosted by Jack Hammer, who nails him in conversation and accuses him of plagiarizing Stan Za.
     Joshua Tree woodenly tries to put up with Tom Foolery, doing so with no help from Tim Id. Tired of the night, Gerry Atric disappears with Jay Walk. Ty Rant annoys Will Call, and is admonished to cool it by Buzz Saw.
     Patty Cakes avoids Phil Istine, who doesn’t care as he follows Perry Patetic around the event.
    Roc Anteur buttonholes Phil Osophy, who is more interested in Bo Dacious. Corporal Punishment consoles himself with Miss Fortune,
     You had to be there.
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