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You want me to say I love you
But I can only say I care
You want me to tell you all of my dreams
But I tell you, I don't dare

You ask me to hold you closer
But this is as close as I can get
You ask me to show you affection
But I'm just not ready yet

You need me to make you happy
But I don't know I can
You need me to say I need you
But I'm not that kind of man

You love me the way you're supposed to
But it's love I can't return
You love me unconditionaly
But it's love I'll never learn

The reason, I've hidden inside my heart
But I guess maybe most of all
No one ever steps into love
And I'm too afraid to fall
They say if you stare into a fire long enough, it'll clear your memory
If only that was so
They say if you try to forget something, that with time it will work
That's something I don't know
I've been replaying that night over and over in my mind
Trying to believe it was worth it, but my thoughts haven't been so kind
I was mesmerized by that fire, by that bird going up in flames
That a tear had escaped my grasp, and nothing would ever be the same
That was the summer, I fell in love with morning.
the way your tired eyes would find mine,
the way you would tell me it was time for the day to being, with your light morning kisses
the way you reluctantly got out of bed, turned off your alarm
and came back to me, all wrapped up in your sheets.
Each morning held a promise of excitement and laughter.
That was the summer, I fell in love with the morning.

That was the summer, I fell in love with the night.
the way your lips found mine for the first time
softly, easily, and patiently
the way the stars always seemed to shine brighter for us
and the way each evening consisting of wine and goodnight kisses
flowed gracefully into morning.
That was the summer, when I fell in love with the night.

That was the summer, when I fell completely in love.
every morning felt like Sunday
and every night felt like a cozy summer rain.
each day merged with the next
and time seemed as if would go on forever.
That was the summer,
where I fell completely  in love
with you.
I wonder if there's a graveyard
For the love that didn't last
A place to bury our hopes and dreams
A tomb of forgotten past

A place where broken promises lay
After they become a lie
A place to bury relationships
After they give up and die

A place we can bury tomorrows
To put the future in its grave
A place to bury our wasted kisses
And all the trust we gave

A place to bury our commitment
That we gave away in vain
A place to bury our heartaches
That caused us so much pain

A place we can bury betrayal
That we too often denied
A place to bury the broken smiles
And the river of tears we've cried

A place to bury all these things
That I've been speaking of
A place to bury our dead desires
A graveyard of broken love
you were curling my hair around your fingers and laughing at the shape of them
  or maybe you were just laughing at me,
         I’m not sure.
and then I told you I loved you and you smiled—
                  ok that didn’t happen—
what happened was you pulled at the curls you just made in your own hands
until they weren’t attached to my head anymore.
     it didn’t hurt, I think.
    and then you put them in your pocket and ran away
                                  and then you fell and she picked you up and put you in her pocket and ran away too.
then you came back and said whoops, sorry but you still didn’t give me them back
         I don’t know if I even want them back.
on the way to the place with the people and the things in the car you winked at me
or maybe you had something in your eye,
but I smiled and you said that’s fine so I cried for a little and then it was just us
but I was still scared she was going to put you in her pocket and run away again
     but you told me not to worry.
and then we were swimming in the pool
but then I looked down and it wasn’t a chlorine-colored blue
  it was red like the sun at sunset but it wasn’t sunset and there was no sun;
      I felt ok but you didn’t and you pulled a knife out from under the pillow—
               the one in your room—
and that’s when I finally realized you were going to be the one to **** me
and I also realized I was ok with it
because better you to **** me than some other shmuck,
you know?
      the only problem was I wasn’t the first one you killed,
or it should have been a problem,
or rather they all said it was a problem;
but it wasn’t.
and then we were rolling around in the grass,
and I lost an earring and you said whoops, sorry and I kissed you anyway
               but you didn’t kiss me back
but you pretended to and that was alright so I went with it
      but then you didn’t want to go all the way and I was ****** but pretended I wasn’t
and then you said shhhhhh and then you grew wings and flew away
and left me there for the birds to eat
while she grew wings to be with you so you weren’t alone.
and then we were sitting on your porch swing and it was swinging slowly
and you looked straight into my eyes for hours while I talked about nothing
but then you started to talk about something
and then I got really happy
and then we started swinging so fast that we were in the sky,
         but we weren’t, really.
and then she stopped the swing and picked you up and put you in her pocket and ran away again.
     this time you didn’t come back.
then I turned into ***** and told you I was ok with it.
                   and then I cried.
               and then I woke up.
Rose petals inevitably fall
A branch eventually snaps
Monuments one day collapse
Even the continents sprawl

So do not fret each day
Live every moment, merely dance
Leaving nothing to chance
Laugh the sorrow away, I say!

Even the darkest of times
Can be a distant thought
Just brush them off, they are naught!
Even alone life can be sublime

*Just love yourself
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