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This poem was only written to
Create a meter and a rhyme
There is no deeper meaning here,
So if you don't like wasting time
On mindless drivel, here's your hat
Because this poem is just that!

No wellsprings of emotion flow
Nor subtle allegories preach
Within these empty, patterned words -
I have no wish to moan or teach
Go somewhere else for love or fear
Because you will not find it here.

Now to apply some filler words
Like catnip, ice cream, roller rink,
Because I have no words to speak
And do not wish to feel or think.
I told you you were wasting time
Upon tetrameter and rhyme.
I love you
is only a darkened whisper
between two souls intertwined,
until one leaves.
In the end, it’s
Just a false alarm.

I’m pregnant
is the resounding silence of a
shattered relationship where
commitment was only a curfew.
Turns out to be
Just another false alarm.

I do
is the pristine moment when the world
dissolves around two hearts alone.
Yet, doubt was on the guest list.
Now what? It was
Just another false alarm.

It’s going to be okay
is the mantra of this generation where
hedonistic lives thrive under bridges,
in the bushes, on the tram, behind the door.
So really, it’s all
Just another false alarm.

I’m ready to die*
is the cry not of children, but of the aged,
whose tokens have been spent on the lottery
life advertises at bingo games.
Despite their withered wisdom, in the end, it’s
Just another false alarm.
edited 2/15/14
so that when you’re young
so that the sky is falling
so that you tell the moon goodnight
so that a moose can have a muffin
so that the giving tree
so that the hungry caterpillar can eat all the leaves and turn into a beautiful butterfly
so that brown bear, brown bear
so that the sidewalk ends
so that, will there be enough room? Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!
so that Corduroy can have a home
so that the little engine could
so that Harold could draw with the purple crayon
so that you can give a pig a pancake
so that wishbone
so that the rainbow fish learns to share
so that the cow jumps over the moon
so that you can go where the wild things are
so that your imagination soars
so that when you’re young
you read for your soul’s pleasure.
How juicy your words taste
sliding down my tongue to my thirsty throat;
tasting of freshly picked apples
squeezed into sunny warm cider-
seeping into my blood stream
and bringing me back to the fall where
the sunset leaves fall across my skin
and your voice sings with the crunch of the leaves.

I float in a sea of your words
thrashing against my skin
but I embrace every single
whispered black letter and
swallow the bitter ink,
so my lungs become too bloated
for me to hover in the foam so that I
sink and I find your cheek to kiss.

Come dance with me between the seaweed,
with sand wedged between our toes
I’ll hook on to your Cs intertwine
with Ls, slip behind Bs and lay in
the Ys when the dance is done--
you would have kissed the lids
of my eyes, slipped into my soul
and transformed me to you
your words are my thoughts and dreams
of autumn leaves and breezy waves.
Here I go again
Causing trouble everywhere I go
She wants to kiss me
She even told me so

I don't know what it is
The way she smiles lights my heart
I'll walk around searching each isle
Because she works at Walmart

I'll go just to say hi
Because its so worth her hugs
The elephant she stole for me
I use it to **** bugs

In a weird way she protects me
From all the scary things
Her way of accepting me
Confidence it brings

I have this feeling
That we could be really great
But I still have these doubts
I have a fear in fate

But then again I think
Why not try and have fun
See where it goes
But she does have a son

That worries me a little
Because he probably won't like me
I'm different than all the others
So it would be harder times three (x3)

I'd say that I'm okay with kids
Because I act like one still
I'm really easy to play with
Because I might have some skill

Name any sport
And I'll play you a game
I will make it fun
So don't worry about shame

That's all it's about
Having a good time
Leave the tempers out
That's what makes it prime

Let me get back on track here
I kinda lost my mind
Oh yea! she's really great
But please let me rewind

The first time I saw her
I wasn't sure at all
But now I'm sure
And I can't help but fall

I'm not sure where I'm falling
Or if its me she's aiming to catch
Hopefully I won't hit the ground
Cause that'll leave an ugly scratch

So I'm preparing myself for either way
I'm debating whether I'll end up on top
She seems really into me
But there's always that chance her heart will drop

It's not like I'm the only one trying
And I'm not one for competing
It's either you want me or not
But It's your heart that needs completing

It's all up to you
And I hope you wisely choose
If that choice is me
Then I'll instantly be enthused
I wrote this a while ago. I found it in my notes
Hot, steamy
Coveted by many
Treasured by few
Life trickles down,
leaving no part of my body untouched.
Magical, I am renewed.
Where epiphanies erupt
And fallacies falter.
Reason hides within these 3 walls,
Kept restrained by a playful curtain.
A safe haven for unspeakable words,
unthinkable thoughts.
My treasure chest.
I roll my eyes as my mother yells,
“Get out the shower!”
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