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- Dec 2013
Sweep me off my feet
Make me feel complete
Damage me not
Begging you please

Don't get bored
Don't leave me floored
Don't leave me glued to you
Unless you stay with me, boo

Shower me with affection
Prove to me your passion
Or leave before I die
Of bittersweet infatuation

You are stronger
Than any drug
I have ever taken
But I can't live on
This addiction
For a lifetime

Sometime I'll reclaim myself
Get back to sparkling health
Forget that I ever got lost
In the wonderland of love
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
People are like knives,
cutting into me,
with their every word.
They know where it really hurts.

They stab where I easily bleed,
I feel like I maybe will relapse,
but I'm trying to see beyond,
beyond the words and the abuse,
but death is always my daily muse.

Even when I'm here, I feel dead inside,
but I'm trying to make it through,
because I love the people in my life,
but the pain, it makes a mark on my little heart,
I'm trying so hard to make it all work,
but people like taking stones and throwing hard,
until they strike me and others applaud.

I feel sick to the very core of it all,
how can you hurt such a fragile girl?
who could never even **** a fly,
you know it hurts and I'm scarred for life,
but still, you wanna destroy me,
and I really don't know why.

Triggered is a small word,
but ****, I wanna cut deep,
I really have an urge to bleed,
but I'm trying to write myself to sleep.

You might hide behind a computer screen,
and hurt me with the words you say,
but you're a coward, I can tell,
and guess who's going to hell?


I'll just protect myself,
and watch your power fade.
You won't **** me, I won't let you,
Karma is a ***** & she'll find you too.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
I was fine, for what seemed like weeks
But today, I lost my cool
I felt so weak
And then you told me...

''Go and die, you don't need to be alive,
have fun on the other side

Do you even realise
How much strength it takes
To not put a blade to my wrist
Or to not put a gun to my head..

Words **** people every day
It doesn't matter if you didn't mean it
The words you said, could have made someone bleed
It could have left a person dead
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
Crazy girls with strange minds
Captivate my eyes
How they shine
Even with no man
Or woman
By their side

Independent and fine
**** with class
Girls like that
Being their own boss
So devine
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013


i f



w o r d s



s t i l l

a go
© Natali Veronica 2013.

I was bored lol
- Jun 2013
Perfect, me?
Must be mistaken identity,
Look at my endless list of flaws,
And tell me I'm still beautiful and all.

Stare at my face,
Imagine seeing my heart,
If you saw the poor quality,
Would I still be yours to keep?
Would you still love me?

If you saw the real person behind the smile,
Would you comfort my soul?
If I gave you every reason to leave,
Would you go, or stay here to redeem the best of me?
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
On such a high right now
And it's not ****
Before anyone
Starts to ask me
Their questions
And things

Such a strange feeling
Not butterflies
In my stomach
But definitely goosebumps
Up and down my arms
Feels like my heart had
A minor love attack
Feels so good though

Happiest I've been in months
Wishing every day and night
Could be like this
So sweet and charming
Soothing and not alarming
And not health damaging
Just a sweet feeling

Can't describe it in just words
So here I am
Writing a poem
Like the poet
I am

Just, so alive right now
Like, wow
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
Fine, hate me
I'll never be sorry
for expressing myself
through MY poetry

I write what I like
and so can you
it's always been that way
please, don't twist the rules

you know how much I adore you
despite all we've been through
that will never change
even if we do
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Always gonna adore u, so..yeah.
- Jan 2014
I love you so much
with every part
of my heart
I can't wait
for the day
that I become
your bride
© Natali Veronica 2014.

My first poem of the year.
Dedicating it to my fiance.
- Jul 2013
I fell for you
Like a girl falls for a romance novel
Like a girl after a bit of alcohol
Fixated on you
Like a girl who finds the perfect shoe
Or like a girl
Who finds the greatest perfume

All I can say is
I fell for you
And my feelings are true*
I love you
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Dec 2013
You're the ***** secret I keep in my head
You're the one I think of when in bed
You're the devil I like sinning for
You make love seem like more

Sinful princess
With her short dress
Eyeliner winged
And sweet curls

Dark lipstick
Red like blood

Dark nailpolish
Poetic black
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
Your name on my heart
It never seemed to fade away
Because it is in pure ink
Like a tattoo that remains
Really missed you
And your words
Of affection
Really missed your smile
It makes me happy
Did I mention?
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
when in need of a pick-me-up
kiss me til the sun fades
hold me til the night appears
love me til my heart stops
I promise I'll never stop
seeking your remedy
you are my medicine
baby, you heal me
love is a bad habit
but it's also sweet
it is tragic but
I will always
want to have it
I will always
want to have you
you are my world
and I am yours to keep
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
You* make me *sick
To my stomach
I hope you know that
© Natali Veronica 2013.

— The End —